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smoothest brain
  • Fun fact, I work with rats in a lab, and they have smooth brains. Human brains weird me the fuck out

  • Nikki Haley writes ‘Finish Them!’ on Israeli bomb bound for Gaza
  • For me it’s a thing of severity and of possibility of getting the wrong guy. War crimes so often there’s no question of if or who, it’s a matter of public record, they wrote it down and had it published.

  • The better writer you are...
  • Really? Huh. I always just copy the entire job description and most of my resume and it usually gets like 90% of what I need and I just change a few specifics

  • germany needs new divisions
  • Stalin shouldn’t have stopped at Berlin

  • People who take photos of homeless people deserve to fucking die
  • This is what I always read self crit as and it always makes me chuckle

  • People who take photos of homeless people deserve to fucking die
  • Ultimately I only believe you can reasonably ban any behavior in public with a guarantee of housing. You need to have free housing provided to everyone as well as free short term emergency housing (free hotels basically).

  • "You WON't bE miSSed WheN TRumP dEpoRtS YoU!!!"
  • If 2020 wasn't under Trump but instead Hilary, there isn't a chance in hell default libs would have been anywhere near as pro-BLM.

    I also genuinely think covid protections would’ve been even worse if Hillary had been in office. Instead of Trump giving us tepid protections with the grumbling support of both the democrats and republicans, Hillary would’ve tried to give us the exact same tepid protections but with the republicans screaming it’s communism and the rotating villains of the democrats joining them to make sure literally no protections passed.

    Fuck, on a basic level, Trump gave us COVID protections, Biden removed them. Would Trump have removed them on the same timeframe? Maybe, but he also would’ve had the Dems actually opposing him, whereas Biden had full support for taking those away.

  • Made fun of Western European players who were trying to decide whether to be racist to all Russians or not when I pointed out EU is worthless against American Imperialism; they got the big mad
  • They think Americans are more racist. Incorrect.

    100%, and if you point this out to Europeans th EU just prove they have no comprehension of what racism is.

    A European will tell you America is so much more racist than their country, then you ask them how they feel about Roma people and suddenly you’re talking to a grand wizard of the KKK.

    Europe is “less racist” in one specific way, less events of open hatred towards Black people, solely because there are less Black people around to be openly hateful towards. When they do come around though, oh brother. Italians will literally throw bananas at you, that’s some fucking 1800s ass racism, a fucking Klan member couldn’t do that.

  • The better writer you are...
  • This is why ChatGPT wrote 95% of every cover letter I use

  • Comrade Trump, welcome to the revolution
  • I mean yeah but call’s coming from inside the house my man

  • Homeless sent out of Edinburgh to make room for Taylor Swift fans
  • Plus her aryan vibes

    No for real she looks like a Nazi propaganda poster

  • Homeless sent out of Edinburgh to make room for Taylor Swift fans
  • And it’s not even a “we just need to spend the money” thing either, because housing homeless people costs less than letting them live on the streets. This is something that any level of government can solve if they just choose to. The federal government could do it by just using the money printer but also any broke local government can solve homelessness as a cost cutting measure.

  • One in 40 alerts so far this year has been a false positive.
  • Fuck I’m gonna be thinking about this one for a while

    Can this be a new site tagline

  • One in 40 alerts so far this year has been a false positive.
  • This is the kind of thing where I want a single failure to mean a ban on that company ever doing anything similar again

    Oh, you got one person’s face wrong one single time? Sucks to suck. No more facial recognition for you. In fact, no more security cameras at all, no loss prevention staff, you’re literally not allowed to take any steps to prevent theft anymore because you’ve proven you can’t be trusted with that power.

  • Greasing the gears of capital with the viscera of children
  • I disagree. Even working within a capitalist framework it is possible to impose penalties for particular behaviors that make the potential cost of those behaviors high enough to not be worth doing.

    We always say that fines are the price of doing business, but that means if you make the fine high enough the business goes bankrupt. If you make the cost of being caught high enough, and personal enough, it will change behavior.

    Would you be willing to hire a 14 year old if you know that if the inspector who comes by every 2 weeks hears a whisper about a 14 year old working you’ll go to prison? Would you pressure your underling to hire 14 year olds if you knew that situation would mean you, your boss, and the CEO also go to prison?

    It’s not like corporations will just always disregard the law by their nature. They try to make the most money possible, so if you make the risk of doing bad things high enough, they will avoid doing those things.

  • Anyone here play WoW?

    My partner and I recently started playing again and are looking for a guild or just a smaller group to play with who don’t suck

    Mobile Game Suggestion Thread

    Give me suggestions for mobile games that don’t suck ass

    Currently the only games on my phone are

    Reigns: Her Majesty - Card based roguelike, you’re the Queen pick between decisions to balance the favor of different groups, progressing through a larger story over multiple lives. Sequel to Reigns which is also great.

    Baba is You - Puzzle game, push words and objects around to change the rules of the world the puzzle is in to complete the puzzle.

    Polytopia - What if Civ was so simple it wasn’t very fun

    Pokémon GO - !hillgasm

    Do you drink coffee daily? If so how do you make it?

    Was making coffee and considering throwing out my K-cup coffee maker because I almost exclusively use a French press now, and got curious what other people did


    Looking through my friend’s stuff at her parents’ and found this from her terrible college bookstore



    There was a matching George Washington one. The best time to raze Washington and Lee University to the ground was 1865, the second best time is now.

    Don’t home school your kids

    This started as a comment in the megathread but got long so I decided to make it it’s own post. Obviously covid makes this different, but for general purposes, I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it till I die, please don’t homeschool your kids

    I was homeschooled from early in elementary school until halfway through my sophomore year of high school. The reason I joined high school is because I was so depressed and lonely I wanted to die, and I knew my education had been neglected for years, so I begged my parents to put me in public school. Basically the only thing my parents kept up with was math and that’s only because they had me in online math classes.

    And of the homeschooling parents I knew, mine were some of the best ones as far as actually educating their children go. Mild neglect with some basic math and science from atheist parents is worlds better than the psycho Christian “education” some people I knew got.

    But even with all that the education was the smaller problem. Turns out math is the only thing that actually builds on itself over time in the American education system, everything else just restarts but slightly more complicated when you get to high school.

    The bigger problem was how alone I was and how stunted it made my social skills, something I’m still dealing with now and I’m in fucking grad school. Kids and teenagers need to be around people their own age. I straight up did not learn how to function properly in social situations. I almost got the shit beat out of me in my first week in high school for calling a football player a dumbass. If adults said things to me that were mildly accusatory I’d cry, but also I had no concept of not saying shit so I’d call out adults for any minor system issue or other problem completely out of their control which most people just found annoying. I had so much trouble understanding fairly basic social interactions.

    My younger brother was homeschooled from after kindergarten all the way until his senior year of high school, which he then dropped out of. He was more stunted both socially and educationally than I was, and started smoking weed nearly every day when he was around 15 to cope. It also definitely didn’t help that my whole family is chock full of mental illness. I think he did just start at community college though, which I’m super proud of.

    So yeah. Rant over. Don’t home school your kids. It’s shitty.

    ClimateChangeAnxiety ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]

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