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How can I fix this rotation issue?
  • From Archwiki > xrandr:

    Tip: Both GDM and SDDM have startup scripts that are executed when X is initiated. For GDM, these are in /etc/gdm/, while for SDDM this is done at /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup. This method requires root access and mucking around in system configuration files, but will take effect earlier in the startup process than using xprofile.

  • FOSS apps for a trip
  • Cirrus for weather, Currencies for, well, currency conversion, LavSeeker for searching public toilets.

    All are available on F-Droid.

  • What programming language ruby, python og javascript?
  • Maybe you should consider a server & client architecture to use the right tool for the right job on each platform.

  • Can anyone help me with a problem with Photoshop on Linux (Lutris)
  • Try disabling hardware acceleration

  • Use volcanic ash to reverse global warming
  • But the aerosols would also amplify the green house effect right?

  • Troubles setting up Plex in fresh Linux Mint install.
  • Mount the drive with the user or group as plex. See mount options uid and gid. You can also set precise permissions on the mount point (using options at mount time) to let plex access a subdirectory.

  • (android) Any good board game tutorial you could recommend?
  • I think the command pattern would be useful. The user requests to perform a command. The command implementation can define preconditions and actions that mutate your game state.

  • (android) Any good board game tutorial you could recommend?
  • You could start with a multiplayer server that handles the game logic, and a command line client that that can interact with it, create a game room and invite someone to it. You can handle realtime communication with Once you have the client and some game rules, you can implement the client on a frontend using a canvas or game engine. You could then add the bot opponents using simple random number generation and some basic strategies.

  • Added Bugs to Keep my job
  • Refactor package structure

  • Do you encrypt your data drives?
  • Files could be decrypted by the end user. The OS itself could remain unencrypted.

  • Removed
    Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Ministry
  • You could try organic maps.

  • What's your favorite profound quote?
  • We growing wiser, or are we just growing tall?

    • Damian Marley
  • What's your favorite profound quote?
    • Gnorv
  • Install Nextcloud with reverse Proxy
  • Nginx is pretty easy to set up. Look up "nginx virtual hosts". You might want to use certbot/acme if you don't have SSL certificates for your domain names. You need either a wildcard certificate (*, a certificate with SAN (Subject Alternative Name) containing the second subdomain, or two certificates (one for each subdomain). Note that subdomains can be found more easily than path based websites, if you allow connections from the whole WAN.

  • small script help, action each file in a folder
  • Try this:

    for file in ./*
        echo "$file"

    To do some substitution operation om the filename you can use Bash Parameter Expansion.

  • For those who aren't burdened with chronic or intermittent depression, how does that feel?
  • Rumors say there are some platforms selling grow-kits including everything needed to get started. In Europe, people recommend some platform starting with Zam and ending with nesia, which supposedly provide a variety of kits.

    You can also find plenty of resources online to start from scratch. The easiest seems to be the uncle bens method.

  • Both Whataboutism and the accusation of it are used for Burying.
  • If i understand correctly, whataboutism is used to burry a statement without any solid counter-argument. The accusation of it burries the whataboutism's argument, which could be valid nonetheless.

  • ClemaX ClemaX

    Software developer interested into security and sustainability.

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