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Kamala Harris Accepted Trump’s Racist Lie That Immigration Is Bad
  • They won't push back on the racist lies because of that ratchet effect. And as they keep transitioning further and further to the right, those lies will become bigger and bigger.

  • Kamala Harris Accepted Trump’s Racist Lie That Immigration Is Bad
  • She's got to keep luring in that right wing vote somehow.

  • Jill Stein delivers scathing response to Harris-Trump debate and urges Green alternative
  • No one owes you an explanation for anything, You're demanding an explanation for someone else's actions the same way that Democrats demand votes from everyone. They're not entitled and you were not entitled.

  • Jill Stein delivers scathing response to Harris-Trump debate and urges Green alternative
  • You mean those same women and minorities that are currently under threat by the duopoly? The marginalized are still kept marginalized by Democrat as much as they would be a Republican. 50 years of Democrat inaction on women's rights led them to lose their reproductive rights.

  • Jill Stein delivers scathing response to Harris-Trump debate and urges Green alternative
  • abandon the side you’d normally vote for

    That's part of the liberal delusion we would not vote for a democrat or Republican, because we are not Democrats or Republicans. They do not represent the needs of the marginalized, the working class, They only represent the needs and the wants of the donor class. They only listen to the donor class While our needs get ignored.

  • Taylor Swift Drove Nearly 338K People to With Kamala Harris Endorsement Post
  • Imagine the impact she could have had if she had the balls to actually denounce genocide in Gaza. Art is supposed to shape society, not the other way around.

  • Kamala Harris’ Donors Privately Urge Firing of FTC’s Khan, SEC’s Gensler
  • And she will, the needs and the wants of the donor class always come first.

  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoes bill aimed at helping undocumented immigrants buy homes in the state
  • This is the kind of bullshit you get by voting blue no matter who.

  • Removed
    Biden Admits Inflation Reduction Act Was Wrongly Named
  • It should have been called the Capitalist Government Welfare Bill

  • Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • If Biden stayed in the race those very same people that criticized him would have still voted for him. Meaning that criticism was performative.

  • Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Where in that quote did I reference you or where you are located?

    Until the donor class said no more money Biden was insisting he was staying in the race. Money speaks, and we don't have it.

  • Tucker Carlson accused of airing ‘pro-Nazi propaganda’ on show
  • No ones denying the Holocaust, I'm pointing out that Hitler is viewed as the bigger villain because he was killing white people. Society in general does not give a flying fuck if brown people are killed. Churchill was basically given a pass and essentially viewed as a hero despite his history.

  • Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Criticizing is irrelevant when they won't hold them accountable. For all intents Biden could have said 'I could kill 30,000 Palestinian children and not lose a single voter.'

  • Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Speaking about wanting change and then still voting for them when the time came makes that speech irrelevant. If they never hold their politicians accountable things will never get better.

  • Tucker Carlson accused of airing ‘pro-Nazi propaganda’ on show
  • Expanding colonialism is always malice

  • Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Biden dropped out because the DONOR class demanded it with threats of withholding money if he didn't. The average voter had zero impact on that decision.

  • Trump's rambling is getting worse | His speech is becoming harder and harder to understand.
  • Democrats defended him tooth and nail. They spit out venomous accusations at anyone critical of him. They buried their head in the sand over the last several years about his cognitive decline by demanding it was a speech impediment, which was NEVER present in any of his speeches prior to 2008

  • Tucker Carlson accused of airing ‘pro-Nazi propaganda’ on show
  • Churchill was the villain his entire life, he's been hailed a hero despite his history. Hitler was evil too but the number of deaths directly attributed around the world to Churchill makes Hitler look like an amateur. The only difference is Hitlers victims were mostly white, Churchill's were mostly brown and history always placed a different significance to brown and black deaths

  • ClassStruggle ClassStruggle
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