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US-Mexico border migrants claim sexual assault by detention center staff US-Mexico border migrants claim sexual assault by detention center staff

The claim is the latest in a string of allegations of abuse and neglect at the Otay Mesa Detention Center in California.

US-Mexico border migrants claim sexual assault by detention center staff

> The claim is the latest in a string of allegations of abuse and neglect at the Otay Mesa Detention Center in California.

United States | News & Politics --Cincinnatus--
Joe Biden and the Democratic Party Are Amoral - The American Spectator | USA News and PoliticsThe American Spectator | USA News and Politics
Biden orders Secret Service protection for RFK Jr. following Trump assassination attempt
  • Should've had secret service protection long before now. The guys had to relatives assassinated.

  • Judge tosses Trump documents case, ruling prosecutor was unlawfully appointed
  • If they wouldn't have violated the constitution, it might not have gotten dismissed, at least not on those grounds. There was also the fbi tampering with evidence

  • Judge tosses Trump documents case, ruling prosecutor was unlawfully appointed
  • Jack Smith wasn't appointed by the President and wasn't confirmed by the Senate. That's the reason for the dismissal. It was obviously just a partisan hit job

  • RFK Jr. to receive Secret Service protection after Trump assassination attempt
  • Just because it's someone you don't agree with doesn't mean he shouldn't get secret service protection

  • RFK Jr. to receive Secret Service protection after Trump assassination attempt
  • Something he should've had all along but was denied by Moyorkas.

  • Locked Removed
    Aileen Cannon dismisses Donald Trump classified document case
  • Good luck with it

  • Locked Removed
    Aileen Cannon dismisses Donald Trump classified document case
  • Smith was never appointed by the President & wasn't confirmed by the Senate.

  • Locked Removed
    Aileen Cannon dismisses Donald Trump classified document case
  • Looks like their scam trial got dismissed. That's what happens when you go against the constitution. It's a Good day for America

  • Trump shooter was a registered republican
  • 2022? So he's never voted in a presidential election? Something seems fishy about this whole thing now

  • Trump shooter was a registered republican
  • Still, doesn't add up in my book. Supposedly he was a Republican gun enthusiast? Trumps for the 2nd amendment and endorsed by NRA. The fbi may just be trying to prevent a war from happening or something. The fbi definitely doesn't have the best reputation when it comes to honesty.

  • Trump shooter was a registered republican
  • A republican? But donates to Democrats?

  • Attempted assasination on President Trump
  • There was someone shot other than Trump

  • Attempted assasination on President Trump
  • He was shot by a sniper from a rooftop. Not staged

  • Attempted assasination on President Trump
  • Not true at all. I've got several Democrat family member that own lots of guns

  • United States | News & Politics --Cincinnatus--
    Attempted assasination on President Trump
    Why Democrats can't stop talking about Project 2025 - Washington Examiner

    > Under pressure from his party to drop out of the race, President Joe Biden even brought up defending against Project 2025 as reason to keep him in power.

    Americans were worried about Biden's age long before the debate
  • It's been covered by all of the Conservative/Republican news networks, and it was entered into evidence in Hunters gun trial. They used it to help convict him. He did try passing legislation on the border but it was legislation that would have just increased the traffic coming across. The purpose of that bill was to help process them faster. It didn't do anything to secure the border and stop the flow. Republicans passes a bill long before that one that would have actually secured it and shut it down but Dems stopped it in the Senate.

  • Americans were worried about Biden's age long before the debate
  • He lies about everything, as recently as yesterday saying inflation is down when it's not. It just increased at a slower pace but still went up. He says inflation was 9% when he took office. Again, not true. It was 1.4%. He said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. Here's just a few other things Fabricated tale of getting arrested for trying to see Nelson Mandela: Biden has been accused of lying about being arrested in the 1970s for trying to visit Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned in South Africa. In reality, Biden has admitted that he never met Mandela or was arrested for trying to visit him. Claim about being at Ground Zero the day after 9/11: Biden has been accused of lying about being at Ground Zero on September 11, 2001, the day after the 9/11 attacks. In reality, Biden did not visit Ground Zero until nine days after the attacks. False claim about his family’s background: Biden has been accused of lying about his family’s background, specifically claiming that he was the first in his family to attend college. In reality, his maternal grandfather attended Santa Clara University, and his own father spent a year at Johns Hopkins University. Lies about the economy and inflation: Biden has been accused of lying about the state of the economy and inflation, claiming that prices are not rising and that the economy is strong. In reality, inflation has been rising, and many Americans are struggling to make ends meet. False claims about Israel and Hamas: Biden has been accused of lying about Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, claiming that Israel was engaging in “indiscriminate bombing” when in reality, Israel was responding to Hamas rocket attacks. Lies about his own record and accomplishments: Biden has been accused of lying about his own record and accomplishments, including his time as Vice President and his presidency. False claims about the border surge and immigration: Biden has been accused of lying about the border surge and immigration, claiming that the surge is “seasonal” and that his administration is doing everything it can to address the issue. Lies about his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings: Biden has been accused of lying about his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings, including his involvement with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

  • Americans were worried about Biden's age long before the debate
  • I wouldn't care if he was 90, but I do care that he can't function. He constantly lies as well