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Disaster with the floating garden
  • I didn't look very close at the growing medium, so the "spill" looked like deer poops and I imagined a deer was tricked onto water and literally all the shit was scared out of 'em when they fell in

    Happy to see your garden was salvaged and improved, but a little sad that my deer theory wasn't accurate

  • Boomer Rule
  • Honestly, there's plenty of reasons to make fun of boomers/millennial/genZ but the reality is each generation has Republican and Democrat voters.

    I'm not gonna suggest that Democrats always have the best interests of working class people in mind - but their camp does contain progressives, which is something that Republicans lack entirely.

    At the end of the day, all our problems can be traced to income inequality that is largely pushed by Republicans (and a huge dose of "trusted media" espousing outright lies).

    You can absolutely have a business oriented economy whose government protects it's people from abusive and predatory businesses practices while providing great education and healthcare for free.

    It's something we'd all benefit from (even the wealthy, but it'd be less profitable) but something we'll never have because every generation has Republican voters who show up 100% of the time - and Democrat voters who barely show up, can't agree on anything, and require emotional inspiration to even begin to participate in politics.

    In fact, now that we're literally watching Nazis take over the Republican party - anyone from any generation who votes Republican now is far worse than anyone who voted R in the past before the middle class was destroyed.

    The Republican party is evolving into its final form of purest facisim, something that was plausibly deniable 10 years ago.

    Bottom line is we're at a point in society where feelings and opinions are the only reality for a lot of people. It will be the death of democracy, and they'll go to their graves in chains they put on themselves believing they made the right choice, because why would anyone ever choose to feel regret or acknowledge the consequences of their own actions?

  • TIL that dish soap and water can be put in a spray bottle to kill wasps and other insects from a distance without getting stung
  • I've heard rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle works great for killing most bugs, but I've never tried it on a hive so they might get big mad before they're immobilized/die

    Adding one or two drops of dish soap to a large spray bottle of rubbing alcohol can make it stick to bugs better, making it more effective. Far safer than poison based pest control too!

  • GOP tries to 'correct the narrative' on use of mailed ballots after years of conflicting messages
  • How dare you! They are not hypocrites!! Democrats are always wrong about everything, so who cares if you have to abandon logic, reality, and consistency in order for the world to make sense?!

    Being objectively wrong is an insignificant price to pay when it still feels like you're right!


  • Small, well-built Chinese EV called the Seagull poses a big threat to the US auto industry
  • Oh no!

    If only capitalism could have predicted the types of electric vehicles people wanted were affordable, small, reliable vehicles to cheaply get around town in!

    Thank goodness business and industry don't actually have to worry about that pesky competition part of capitalism, that's just for workers and small businesses who are the only ones actually competing with each other to the benefit of businesses and industry, instead of the other way around

  • NSFW Removed
    [NSFL] Russian soldier is demobilized and ends his tour.
  • Honestly, in a good chunk of the videos the Russian soldiers injured by UAV will pop grenades on themselves rather than bleed out or experience Russian hospitality

    I've seen a fair bit of soldiers getting hit by UAVs, but they usually came out of damaged vehicles or are embedded in trenches and therefore participating in combat. But it totally makes sense to eliminate threats when Ukrainian troops are moving into that territory.

    It seems wasteful to kill a dieing soldier if no Ukrainians are entering the area anytime soon, especially if there are other healthy soldiers in the area to decommission

    Obviously this video has Ukrainian military actively in the war zone, and it totally makes sense to eliminate any threat with UAV instead of people.

    Not saying you're wrong, but I can only comment on what I've seen

  • Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch.
  • I totally understand why women would pick bear, as bear society doesn't bend over backwards to victimize women.

    Most power structures cater to the people who abuse power. Police, church, courts, military, etc all tend to go crazy easy on men who abuse women.

    Republicans want to take away women's rights/independence, limit/eliminate divorce, force birth for rape/incest. Police who assault women are protected and don't face consequences, and most religions literally view women as a subspecies that serve men.

    Maybe the average man is totally normal and helpful, but the history of violence between men and women is like 98% men killing women with heaps of Rape, confinement, physical/mental abuse etc.

    The worst any Bear could do is kill someone in 1-2 minutes, maybe longer.

    It's also an incredibly loaded situation in that being alone in the woods with a bear is "natural" and being alone in the woods with a strange man already sounds like a horror movie plot/murder news story.

    There's also the constant "stranger danger" fear women will pretty much always experience because men can consistently and easily overpower most women. All women I have met seem to know at least one or more women who have been sexually assaulted, had their drink spiked etc, so it's not some obsession with crime shows or scary movies driving this fear. It's actual rapists prevalent in society and emboldened enough by lack of consequences to act.

    Even in cases where it seems obvious Rape happened, it's a brutal gauntlet of gas lighting, victim blaming, "can't ruin their life for a mistake", etc that stop a huge amount of reporting and convictions.

    Going back to the question itself, answer ratios would probably change depending on the area, would women be less inclined to pick bear if they were in a library instead of the woods because it's unnatural for a bear to be in that environment?

    People need to relax, and focus on the real story. Women have an incredibly long and valid list of reasons to be afraid of men and society needs to do better to make women feel safe

  • NSFW Removed
    [NSFL] Russian soldier is demobilized and ends his tour.
  • I doubt Russia cares, but it's usually 'better' to have the injured return behind enemy lines

    Takes more manpower/resource to care for injured

    Other soldiers see what's waiting for them, which is demoralizing

    Other soldiers may notice a lack of care for the wounded which is demoralizing

    People at home seeing large amounts of the population return without limbs, bringing the horrors of war to the population

    Injured person may not be so loyal to Russia anymore

    Obviously there are soldiers who have unique training/skills/knowledge that are hard to replace where their death is more beneficial for war. But for foot soldiers any injury that stops them from participating pays dividends.

  • What plot holes could be adequately explained away with a single shot or line of dialogue?
  • The Martian when the main airlock blows up.

    He ends up taping a plastic sheet over the hole with what I assume is super strong space tape and plastic and then continues to live in the station for 550 more days.

    We spend the first half of the movie learning how unforgiving the environment is, and how delicate his ecosystem for life is, but you can also blow half the place up and just tape some plastic over the hole.

    They did a much better job of explaining it in the book, but the movie literally went "just tape that bitch up with plastic, then we'll throw a wind storm at it to prove it's good forever"

  • Locked Removed
    Bird flu: 'Strong evidence' suggests virus has passed from mammals to humans for first time
  • I wonder if his symptoms were mild (pink eye) because of a small exposure, because it entered through the eye which is a hostile entry point, or because the cow changed the virus enough to be less/non lethal to humans?

    I know this is a massive oversimplification, and that modern vaccines would likely work far better. But seeing as how we're living in the horse dewormer timeline, I wonder if people who refuse vaccines would prefer to get 'naturally sick' from an infected cow

    Cow pox helped us against smallpox

    Will cow flu help us against bird flu?

  • The Biggest Box Office Bombs of 2023
  • Watching movies at home is infinitely superior. You can talk, pause, rewatch a scene, go to the bathroom, have your own snacks, better seats, home TV's are pretty great these days, and sound bars/headphones are also close enough(better?) than theaters.

    I'd prefer not to torrent as I already have streaming services, but if companies are going to put out content that is generally mediocre, with lowest common denominator formulas and then make it hard to watch? then yeah, I'll Torrent.

    I don't mind owning physical copies of media I really like, but that is also becoming less and less common.

    That being said, Dial of Destiny was actually pretty enjoyable! Better than the average movie I'd say, and I watched it on a plane, so not exactly the best viewing environment

  • Once I achieve I lose motivation
  • I totally feel this.

    So many videogames I enjoyed just ended before last boss

    Decent job with lots of down time, and I desperately want to want to learn more things and give myself potential for career advancement and some job flexibility. Like I really want to be able to do it, but I just can't bring myself to start because I don't need to, even though I like learning new things.

    Even when I complete a home project, or accomplish a life goal, it's just kind of.... Meh? Well that's done I guess?

    There's also a constant battle of feeling anxious in most social settings, but feeling guilty/lonely without them. Almost like juggling two things you don't particularly like, trying to find the balance where you're least mentally uncomfortable.

    It's great having videogames, but you can only do something so much before everything starts to feel formulaic and unfulfilling.

    There is always a feeling or sensation that I should/could be doing something else unless I'm hyper fixated on something

  • NSFW
    I made a porn scroller, AMA.
  • Been using this often since you originally posted it!

    Love gif style porn and this is one of the best ways to mow through them.

    I'm pretty much a monkey who's too distracted by tits but is there any features/tips for using it I may have missed in pre-nut fog?

  • Martin Myers tried and failed to steal a cigarette. Why has he spent 18 years in prison for it?
  • I can almost understand the idea when applied to extremely dangerous individuals. There should absolutely be some kind of separate system for people who are too dangerous to be able to reintegrate into society.

    A one size fits all justice system is a terrible way to run a society

  • Shitposting ChocoboRocket
    lemmy>reddit Drake Hotline Bling

    A Drake Hotline Bling meme. Caption your own images or memes with our Meme Generator.

    Drake Hotline Bling


    I'm not really sure what I'm doing, too drunk on beans to care

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