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What is it like to be dead?
  • That would be interesting. I imagine that if humans respawned after death it would feel like being knocked out with some people having amnesia or dreams between, unless it was so instant that there would be no experience between.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • That seems surreal because bananas have so much fiber. I guess the experience is just beyond what we would expect.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • That sounds very unpleasant, but I think due to rigor mortis and the gas that a corpse produces some ghosts may feel bloated or stiff if they are still connected to their old bodies. It probably feels like constipation all over their body.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • I feel that I have a vague idea about what that was like but I wish it was possible to have pictures or videos from that time so people can have a clear idea.

  • What is it like to be dead?
  • I see what you mean. I guess I've experienced similar while blacking out or being knocked out and not remembering so this helps to understand it.

  • What is it like to be dead?

    I am wondering what it is like to be a ghost or to experience reality without a physical body like the people who have died or live in haunted houses. Some people describe it as relaxing and other people say it's scary or unfulfilling if they did not accomplish things they wanted. If you guys have ever died or are currently dead, what is your experience?

    What is the craziest subs on lemmy ?
  • I'm not a sub, and I don't even know why you tagged me in this sub/dom BDSM thread.

  • Aaron Bushnell Has Become A Martyr For Palestine

    The US military is pissed. Zionists are pissed. A US service member just burned himself alive as a martyr for the cause of the Palestinian people, and pro-Israel reactionaries cannot cope with that fact that a US soldier, someone who is supposed to represent the power of the regime and its ideology would go to such lengths to protest the genocide committed by them. They’re blaming echo chambers and anarchism, and trying their best to make it seem like his actions were somehow illogical. Zionist media is even claiming his actions were comparable to a suicide bombing.

    I never thought I would see a soldier of the regime go to such lengths to defend the masses of another nation. However it seems this man came to understand imperialism and the evils of the United States while serving in the military. In a way, he did one of the logical things that someone can do when they realize they exist in a way that advances imperialism and human suffering, which is to self-destruct. This man is a comrade, despite what his uniform may have said. Some people may take issue with the fact that he was a soldier for the US, but this seems stubborn. Wouldn’t you want more soldiers to do what this man did? Or something even half as good? If rogue US military soldiers defend Palestine, why would we go against that? In fact, we should encourage more service members to go rogue so the people of this country can have a formation that actually defends their freedom.

    All over the web, people are telling this hero to rest in power. The gods will certainly reward someone who sacrificed everything and was willing to physically burn to death for the people of Palestine. This was almost like self-crucifying. We will most likely hear slander and smear campaigns from the propagandists of the regime soon trying to discredit his actions just as did for George Floyd or any person who became a symbol of resistance. However the masses and our comrades cannot be fooled so easily by bourgeois media. The day of judgment will come for the zionists, and they will be made to pay for their crimes.

    From the river to the sea!

    Hymn Of Sunlight

    When the old sun god became cruel and was cast down by Hechun, the girl named Linh became The Maiden Made Of Light. She took on the god of sunlight as her younger brother and this is his hymn

    Oh sunlight, we give thanks for the crops and the heat. We give thanks for the rivers and reeds. We give you offerings of whatever you need, whether it is water, wine, bread or fine beads. Praise the light of the sun!

    The god of sunlight has no form and no known name, but is considered an aspect of the sun goddess.

    Why Ghosts Have Holes In Them, And What They Mean

    There are various types of holes that a ghost may have in their astral body. I will explain what all of these mean in Lavenderism. When you are practicing necromancy, these holes will give you hints about the ghosts you are working with too.

    The first and most obvious one you may be thinking is bullet holes or injuries a ghost may still believe it has. They cannot keep injuries after their death, so these are self-imposed by the intranquil soul believing it still has the injury or not realizing it has died, wondering how it lived so long with its wounds.

    Holes in the chest that are circular tend to come from ghosts who feel emotionally empty or lonely. They may have been lonely in life, had chronic loneliness, or were unable to make connections with people or maintain friendships.

    Holes in the chest in a heart shape represent an issue with finding romantic partners, soul fragmentation from trauma, or a lack of satisfaction in regards to romantic life before the ghost died. This is seen in many who die without experiencing profound romantic relationships if that was a large aspiration for them.

    Navel holes are in the shape of triangles, and usually appear where the ghost’s belly button would be. These are present in lustful people who did not fulfill their sexual desires and lost control of the sacral chakra. It can also be present if the sacral chakra was imbalance in some way like excessive materialism or if it was removed from their body. Ghosts usually become sacralized by incubi or succubi willingly so they can feed off of them indefinitely and ghosts with this affliction are called sacrals, navels, or navelized. Because the sacral chakra limits creative energies and regulates them, the sacralized ghosts actually have a lot of potential for manifesting if they choose that. It is considered impossible for a sacralized ghost to have holes in their chest because they would be regenerated with the limitless energy that sacralization gives them. You are not likely to encounter sacral ghosts unless you work with incubi, and even that is rare.

    How Zionist Billionaires Control The Media

    Under capitalism, it’s no surprise that billionaires are simply allowed to buy the media and propagandize whatever garbage ideology will make them the most money and increase their control of society. Even some liberals realize this, but they are so mentally conditioned to the viewpoints and news they have received throughout their life that they do little more than complain that billionaires should not own journalism companies. In the modern US billionaires even control the government so a state-owned media company is just a zionist bourgeois propaganda news network with extra steps, even if it provides the liberals with varying, diverse flavors of alt-right so they can find compromise between them. When people are being poisoned by liberalism and want you to drink the kool aid so you are not a threat to the establishment, what are we all supposed to think? The media and the politicians stay in power by gaslighting the entire society by taking focus away from real problems to whatever the next distraction is from the economic disasters and humanitarian catastrophes caused by liberalism. They worship billionaires and bring death and suffering to the world so that billionaires can become richer and exert more control over society and exploit us more efficiently, but anyone who speaks against their crimes is considered extreme and unreasonable.

    Even the war crimes of bourgeois regimes and their puppets are painted in a positive light due to how extensive the propaganda system is. In extreme cases such as the genocide being committed against Palestinians right now, the media simply goes silent and moves the population on to the next distraction to prevent dissent from happening. Even during riots which are ultimately good for the masses because they teach them how to struggle and fight against the regime, the media constantly portrays the people’s self-determination and protest against oppression as antagonistic to living in a peaceful and happy society. Even when fireworks are thrown at police, the media immediately defaults towards siding with the police despite their reputation and known habits towards abusing civilians and minority groups.

    Besides the actual news, Facebook and other social media censors any information regarding groups that fight against capital. Hamas is considered a dangerous organization by Facebook, but not Mossad or the United States military which has objectively killed more people throughout its existence. They even allowed neo-nazis fighting for Ukraine to be glorified because they wanted to guide popular support towards NATO and the US even if it meant violating their own rules and empowering Nazism. Even reliable sources such as Redfish news network are censored by the Europeans and Americans for being “Russian state media” and quite literally just get shut down by governments with no real justification.

    As Lenin said, freedom of the press under capitalism means freedom of the bourgeoisie to buy writers, bribe, and fake public opinion for the benefit of the bourgeoisie. Freedom of the internet in the modern era also means the freedom of the bourgeoisie to censor and label as disinformation anything that damages their stranglehold of the working class. The masses need their own media, their own newspapers, and their own information network that is not corrupted by bourgeois interests and that is not vulnerable to meddling by the capitalist class. Form your own networks with the people you know and ideologically align with, and do not allow the zionist billionaires controlling the media to feed you their viewpoints or distort your understanding of the world.

    Get Health Insurance From The God Of Death

    No matter how dead you are, you still need to see the doctor. This phrase sounds ridiculous, but the doctors of hell are often treating alleged diseases that affect the dead who reside in the underworld. There are special doctors who specialize in diseases that affect ghosts and the dead, but the majority of the people view them as fraudulent since dead people do not have physical bodies to get sick. When the people of the underworld began developing hypochondria about potential illnesses listed by these doctors that were too vague to determine themselves, The Black Fox decided it would be best to contact the king of heaven, and have some of the celestial bureaucracy create programs for the dead to see doctors in the underworld. This worked, and black health insurance cards were given to all the ghosts of Yomi. They used it to get prescription drugs as well as addictive substances such as medical marijuana, quaaludes, adderall and Xanax.

    The underworld is full of fraud to the point where no deity or god can keep track of what happens there, so you can ask The Black Fox for a ghost health insurance card that will allow you to always manifest healthcare when it is required. It will typically be convenient and you will get remarks from people that you look familiar as this is a sign that the gods give to make you notice manifestations. The person may be so sure they recognize you that they continue guessing where they know you from until they exhaust all possible options.

    To gain health insurance from the god of death, go to your shrine and give him an offering. Then say

    “Oh god of death, I wish to enroll in your healthcare program so that I can be in good health and never need to worry about the costs of coverage or deductibles. The infinite resources of the underworld will be provided to me so that I can receive the best quality of care selected by The Black Fox himself.”

    You can empower this with death energy or having dogs or barking noises present. You may see a black dog soon after asking which is a sign that he has received your request. If approved, you will get a vision of a black card with a golden sigil of The Black Fox which means you have been approved for the underworld healthcare plan.

    I Love Death

    I love the god of death, and death is comfortable to me. I feel dead even though I am alive and I feel alive even though I am dead. I am a ghost with a physical body and I am favored by the grim reaper, the black fox, death itself, and even the spider queen of the void. Death is a state of rest for those who treat it like a vacation, but it is a transformation for those who wish to be reborn as something else.

    Lavenderist Ritual To Become A Ghostman

    For this ritual, drink coffee to empower the thetan or use other substances like cocoa to put yourself in a state between worlds. Use flour or white makeup to give yourself a ghostly look, and then say the following words:

    I am dead but I have not died. The flame is out but the fire is bright. The smoke is alive but it’s out of sight. Death is in the air and it is a pale white. I ask the fox not to leave my body yet, But to begin my flight.

    This ritual is meant to be done with raw, dark and primal death energy. It also helps to be close to ghosts or spirits of the dead so they accept you as one of their own. If the black fox accepts you to become a ghostman, you will begin the soul’s journey alive and live your life as a spirit, and exist in a state between life and death. The effects of a successful ritual are similar to a near death experience without the trauma associated as well as a sense of divine happiness and acceptance of life. You may eventually develop the ability to see ghosts or you may see the world as if you are having an out of body experience. You may smell funeral incense or have visions of yourself or others in a casket or dead at a funeral, usually at an older age.

    You can repeat this ritual if you feel yourself missing the energies of death. For those who are comforted by death energy or naturally resonate with it, this can be a good monthly or yearly ritual to feel its presence. You should not abuse this ritual or you may die of unknown causes for apparently no reason.

    🌀Metaphysical Overlord🎰
    The Mushroom People

    Once upon a time, there was a man in Africa who was immortal. He lived for thousands of years in what is now modern day Ghana. However, he eventually had a spiritual awakening and decided to walk all around the world, collecting psychedelic mushrooms. He walked all the way to Europe, Asia, and the spider goddess even created a bridge from webs so he could walk to North and South America to look for magic mushrooms. He brought them all back to a sacred temple on his home continent, and he asked the spiders to sing the song of life to the mushrooms, so they could be alive and awaken just as humanity once did from monkeys and golems made from clay. This earned him favor with The Golden Teacher God, who rewarded him with complete mental enlightenment, causing him to physically float and have mastery over all kinds of fungus and the ability to generate psilocybin inside of his brain.

    The people created by the mushrooms were mushroom people, and they went to the astral planes to build villages and spread spores all over the spirit world. They built many homes from giant mushrooms, but many of their cities were destroyed by war or wrong levels of humidity. Most of them continue living in caves but some more aggressive mushrooms have occupied cities and created massive plantations of mushrooms that they give to the other people in the underworld. There is not a single city in the astral planes where magic mushrooms cannot be found due to the influence of the mushroom people, and even in the city where the king of heaven rules over all of existence, there are said to be magic mushrooms growing in the most clandestine places.

    You can call upon mushroom people for spiritual guidance or have spirit companions that are mushroom people. Their villages are too small to have the names known, but some mushrooms are occupying cities previously ruled over by other spirits for those who want warrior mushrooms as their companions. Mushroom people can help you find magic mushrooms in your life and to have your mind opened in comparable ways to the substances. They can also help mushrooms or similar plant life to grow in your environment.

    Steal Spirits Through Sex

    !! Mature Audiences Only !!

    This is not recommended even for the most advanced magicians because there are safer ways to bring spirits into your life that won’t cause such a huge energetic shift leading to chaos. However, you can technically do this when you have sex with someone in a penetrative position either as the receiving or giving party. Note that this spell is only about stealing spirits, it’s not about handling the consequences of stealing spirits because that depends on which magician or person you take the spirits of. I would also like to note the average non-spiritual person usually does not have the best entities attached to them and the spiritual person won’t appreciate you taking their energies from them. I am only sharing this because of its folkloric value and because you may want to realize or know when someone is attempting to do it to you.

    While in an intimate position with the other person, use your aura to pull into itself energy from your partner. During copulation your energies are connected, and you can drain them in multiple ways but this is baneful and there are other non-destructive ways to achieve spiritual gain. For the purpose of stealing spirits, energetically drain the outside of their aura where attached spirits would stay. You know you have succeeded when your aura feels imbalanced or you feel yourself adapting to the new energies. The other person may say they feel drained or suffer from post-coital depression, but they can fully recover after just a few days without any intervention from spirits or spiritual practice. A magician who realizes they have been drained can recover in a few hours or even one hour with certain resources or rituals.

    People with toxic personalities or who are draining such as teachers or employers who take up excessive time with work or friends who take up excessive energy with drama will naturally drain you during sex (Just like any interaction) but they won’t be able to take spirits without intention and knowledge, and even if they somehow did it would ruin them since they do not have the tools to live with them.

    CharmingOwl Charming Owl
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