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Any recommendations for "positive" science debunking sites or creators?
  • I never stated I don't personally agree with the premise

    caused some controversy from what I’ve seen

    If you look up "Capitalism is good Sabine" on Youtube you'll see all the videos I was referring to. I was actually giving the original video the "benefit of the doubt" versus how many counter videos were out there.

  • Any recommendations for "positive" science debunking sites or creators?
  • While all of that is true, I don't feel like that's a stance I wish to take. How do you bridge that gap so that other's can come out of that space? Berating a child for their beliefs does little in the long run if they have an echo chamber they can retreat to. I completely understand if that's not your concern and you would rather not waste the time with science deniers, it can be dangerous and frustrating as you've stated.

  • Any recommendations for "positive" science debunking sites or creators?
  • Very true, any recommendations that you enjoy? For the most part as I stated it's useful for certain topics that come up when someone's discussing some woowoo, it's hard for them to sit down and go through a whole course when the context of what they're discussing doesn't come up. There's also the problem of being slightly educated in a topic but then falling down a rabbit hole thinking it's all legit (quantum subject matter seems to be particularly susceptible).

  • Any recommendations for "positive" science debunking sites or creators?
  • I've watched that channel in the past, been meaning to check out that latest "capitalism is good" video that's hit my feed and caused some controversy from what I've seen. I'm hoping there's just context that's being missed and the video is actually decent.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I've been suspecting this is one of those "do 200% horrible damages but increases revenue (or at least make the company seem more profitable)" then have a "management change" that comes in as the savoir but they only roll back 10% of the changes to show they've fixed things.

  • Any recommendations for "positive" science debunking sites or creators?

    Looking for resources that avoid berating people and just simply lay out the data with it's context from professionals in the field.

    I don't know if I'm changing or the format of constantly pointing out how stupid someone is just gets more views, but it's getting to be hard to digest. I'm all for learning new things and possible deceptions on claims being made, just without all the sarcasm and personal attacks.

    I used to enjoy Thunderf00t, and while his content is probably the same from the beginning I just can't do that condescending speech for 30mins anymore. My brain just starts to tune it out but I want the information. Professor Dave Explains, is probably borderline for me, Adam Something used to be less energetic with sarcasm in his past videos. Basically anyone that seems to have a personal vendetta with the people involved.

    I believe I've ran across more positive debunking lately which might be why I want to shift my focus. Some notable mentions: Kyle Hill - Youtube's Science Scam Crisis (more humorous presentation), acollierastro - harvard & aliens & crackpots: a disambiguation of Avi Loeb (spends most of the time actually talking about history versus attacking Avi Loeb), Fraser Cain - A Big Problem with Modern Science Communication (just an all around kind presenter).

    I'm open to any field or subject matter, just wanting creators that aren't raising their blood pressure while having to use an extremely incredulous negative tone to get their point across. I love to share the more positive videos with others when a conversation comes up and they've been sucked into a scam video that's twisted the narrative. I know if it's hard for me to watch, then they aren't going to get more than 2 minutes into a video with that type of approach.

    Edit: Thank you everyone for all the awesome recommendations! I've added a lot of subscriptions and will make a master-list of all the sources to upload for anyone else looking.

    BREAKING NEWS: GOP Leaders Accuse Biden Of 'Biggest Corruption Scandal' In US History | Impeachment [Sep 13,'23]
  • It might be anecdotal but this honestly just seems like a Republican Establishment thing. I peruse conservative talking spheres both online and off because of my location and extended family, for the most part everyone just agrees that if someone committed a crime they should be punished regardless of the side of the aisle.

    That being said, it doesn't invalidate any statements made here about the possible motivations for this newest publicity stunt. I think the majority of people are just tired of hearing about "this side bad" and just want the government to get their shit together and actually legislate to help the working class.

  • Ubisoft has quietly pulled Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag from Steam
  • Had to look it up for curiosity's sake.

    In order to get fully set up, you will need to pay a $100.00 fee for each product you wish to distribute on Steam (the "Steam Direct Fee").... This fee is not refundable, but will be recoupable in the payment made after your product has at least $1,000.00 Adjusted Gross Revenue for Steam Store and in-app purchases. Steamworks Partner Program

    While not free, seems to be no overhead for the length of stay on Steam that I can see. Another site includes some more description which might add to the cost though

    The cost to put a game on Steam depends on the type of game, the development budget [1], and the business model. To get a game onto Steam, developers need to pay a one-time registration fee of $100. After that, they will need to pay a 30% royalty fee. Additionally, developers may need to pay for marketing and other costs associated with the release of their game. source

    Regardless, it's just another unfortunate case of physical copies/backups>subscriptions or "licensing/rent" deals.

  • Governor Whitmer Pushes for Paid Leave as Senate Bill 332 is introduced
  • That's, an interesting website. The name was a red flag for me, the article format is excellent though and I wish more websites would adopt this style of presenting information. I've gone through about 10 articles from what seems to be the main active author (David Demos), very neutral and non-descriptive language being used throughout. The premise of the site is using fertility and population reproductive stats coupled with policies to distinguish social-economical standings and impactful progressive legislature. It's definitely a niche view and I believe leaves out nuances that are important for determining "quality" of a society, but I agree that better child/elder care services, paid leave, eliminating gender pay gap, reproductive assistance, etc can be good indicators of economical advancements.

    I just keep wondering though if there is a dog whistle I'm missing out on. They're very careful with not defining "family unit" (from what I've seen), as some conservatives and religious organizations don't recognize all the various types. If I'm not mistaken, a lot of the policies they're advocating as positive includes all family types including non-child ones (such as prolonging lifespan, elder care like mentioned before, etc). It would be fascinating to see an exit poll style survey from different demographics and what they personally interpret from the articles though. I guess "bravo"? would be in order for the site, these types of subject matter can boil down to polarization in a heart beat but they're walking the tight rope well.

    As for the article itself, it's refreshing to see Michigan using policies from a fellow state that has proven and verified net positives they can correctly point towards when bad actors try to claim "whataboutism". If you haven't checked out the article I would highly suggest it as it's basically already a TL;DR and anything else I can say about it is probably more condensed in the actual writing than what I could spell out here.

  • Upvoting a factually incorrect comment because it sounds nice, and downvoting a factually correct comment because it sounds bad.
  • Be still my heart, apparently it matters because you've lost all words and have gone the typical route of insults. I hope that's how you learn and are happy, to think you actually had any factual knowledge to have a conversation with is my fault. This replies screams of something you're dying to tell yourself in a mirror, you're not even pointing out what I need to admit to so I'm assuming it's a message to yourself. Have fun crying in your shed and make sure to clean your basin often, you can think of me next time you're out there.

  • Upvoting a factually incorrect comment because it sounds nice, and downvoting a factually correct comment because it sounds bad.
  • You're really latching onto that sometimes bit hard aren't you?

    the context of this post is about upvoting incorrect information, and downvoting correct information.

    ....information about..... come on.... you almost got it. I'm glad you learned about catch basins, unfortunate that you believe it negates any water run-off. You do have an outlet from the basin right? Is this a magical abyss of a basin that catches all the run off from your 3k sq ft structures and you think it'll never fill up?

    I see you're already engaging with the OP and admitted to having horrible reading comprehension since you couldn't discern the original intent of the post. But then you continue on with the SoMEtIMEs!! rhetoric. As you've stated, you're a niche land owner who is ACTIVELY adding on to an already oversized shed, your land wasn't originally developed that way nor is that a practice that's done without an active home owner who has stated those needs to the builders. No one is going around developing 60%, sOmETiMeS! people add on as is their right after purchasing. Love your use of picking and choosing through the argument, truly impressive.

  • Upvoting a factually incorrect comment because it sounds nice, and downvoting a factually correct comment because it sounds bad.
  • Nice to see you showing your ass on a pedantic post like this.

    outside of niche hobbyists or being used for work related activities/storage is nonsense

    oh look, you fit the exact description I referred to! The context of this conversation is about a mass land development, try to fucking think about it.

    No, not adding a shed, extending my garage/shop... perfect concrete with a drain.

    perfect concrete?... you do know a drain has to lead somewhere right? Into the surrounding area which if it was all developed like you've done would cause problems. "Slapping" refers to adding on or new but I see I hit a nerve talking about your "bestest shed". Would be interesting to see the videos but I try not to support creators who are assholes and your descriptive reply does nothing for the conversation. Again, you're helping prove the point that a few anecdotal observations isn't the norm or recommended but seems to get upvotes. Continue arguing on though, love to see the hot gas pouring out of more than a hawt dog furnace.

  • Upvoting a factually incorrect comment because it sounds nice, and downvoting a factually correct comment because it sounds bad.
  • unless you don’t consider steel frame buildings and pole sheds, but why wouldn’t you?

    You do not, in fact, count those buildings towards your houses square footage. Doing so would open yourself up to all sorts of liability.

    Covered, enclosed porches can only be included if heated and using the same system as the rest of the house. Garages, pool houses, guest houses, or any rooms that require you to leave the finished area of the main house to gain access are not counted in the square footage of a house. source

    The only common situations in which the exact size of a home may be legally important would be:

    1. For tax appraisal purposes
    2. For qualifying for a certain mortgage or home equity loan
    3. If a buyer has already bought, or at least has signed a contract on a home, and now claims that fraud was committed because the home is not as large as advertised. source

    For further considerations of those that are interested (ANSI Draft, figure 1, page 6, outside source as the real ansi website is just atrocious to navigate and I'm not gonna dox myself by loading up local code.)

    As shown, the upper-level plan has an open foyer and a protruding window that does not extend to the floor; neither area contributes to the square footage of the upper level. The calculated finished square footage of the entry level does not include the protruding fireplace, covered patio, garage, or unfinished laundry. The finished area of the basement is counted toward the below- grade finished square footage in its entirety, including the area under the stairs that descend from the entry level. The area of the unfinished utility room is calculated by using the method prescribed in the standard but is not included in the below-grade finished square footage.

    All that aside, you're slapping a 25'x52' shed onto your 1/4 acre property? That's almost 20% of your land use not including lot encroachment setback, drainage, and basic driveway/building infrastructure. It's your property so definitely do as you wish, but to think this is a common practice or a desirable thing outside of niche hobbyists or being used for work related activities/storage is nonsense. Neighborhood flooding, no natural green spaces for habitats, it all sounds like a horrible dystopia on your mini-compound.

  • What are some video games that made you a better gamer?
  • The 3 that stand out the most for me thinking back on it

    Typer Shark and Mud's (typing skills)

    Really helped me get down my typing skills which translates to a lot of pc based games (even just chat). Mud's were some of my favorite fast paced games (multi-user dungeons). Godwar's was my shtick and as a Drow character you had a lot of powers you had to get out before an opponent could notice and respond to your presence.

    MechWarrior: Sega Genesis (team work skills)

    This was a crazy one I would play with family. There was a co-op mode that allowed one person to control the bottom half while the other person controlled the top half of your mech. You really had to cooperate and work together so it didn't turn into an actual physical brawl because of the frustrations.

    Call of Duty: Zombies (game mechanics)

    This was probably my first game that I really got into game/enemy mechanics. To survive to higher rounds you had to adapt and know what the zombies were gonna do. Later iterations kinda destroyed that feature with zombies stumbling and etc but I get they were trying to stay innovative and fresh, still killed the genre for me though.

    Honorable mentions are the great RTS's that were everywhere in the 90's. Starcraft for sure but even blizzards previous Warcraft's and then of course C&C and even Dune (another sega game but solid RTS for it's time). Really though the skills for RTS's don't translate as direct to other games anymore (just got me better at the RTS's that I love) as more and more they become hero focused like what they did with WC3.

    edit: grammar

  • Is the fairphone really worth it?
  • From the tear downs I've seen with wireless charging it's actually a pretty sizable and complicated addition to just slap into a phone that's already had it's space optimized. I'm sure there's work arounds, but with so many various models and configurations I doubt you could create a one-size-fits all mod that would be popular/easy to implement.

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    Sanders hits at Cornel West over criticism of Biden
  • Could you provide me with some sources for context on the statements you have made?

    the red wave didn’t happen because a bunch of Republicans died from COVID and youth voters mobilized in big numbers

    Biden has made some moves to help progressive causes, and there has been a lot of success on local and state levels

    the old guard is shuffling off slowly but surely

    I am not disputing your claims, I purely wish to be able to absorb the information you have presented with fact checked sources to confirm the viewpoint so that I can better my stance on the current state of politics.

  • Removed
    Sanders hits at Cornel West over criticism of Biden
    1. those of us paying attention, and have a basic grasp on history, know
    2. incredibly ignorant and short-sighted
    3. isn’t a fucking game, and it’s not a joke
    4. throwing away votes on Cornell fucking West
    5. get with reality
    6. take responsibility for ushering in the end of our Republic

    These are the types of conversations that are non-productive and show you have nothing meaningful to add without belittling or insulting others with opposing opinions (which I will not engage with for my own sanity if the same rhetoric is used in a reply). If you wish to converse about actual policies or facts with references/sources, then I'm here for that. I will address the only two points you made in your 150+ word reply from this point on.

    What about Florida means I should remove my free will of choice to protect my free will of choice? Because a southern conservative state is passing conservative policies? What is the next presidential run of Biden going to do about the Florida microcosm in which you have evoked as reasoning? Here are some references in which I see the battle inside of Florida to continue at the state and local level,

    I think we view the microcosm of Florida differently, one of fear and one of hopefulness.

    "Republicans surpass Democrats in terms of their voter registration numbers recently for the first time in state history...Democrats sort of gave up on Florida this cycle and chose to spend their money elsewhere. And, you know, you can argue whether or not that was a correct strategy, but they did obviously have victories elsewhere. But their margins in Florida were just - the losses are so gigantic, in part because the Democratic candidates there received very little support from national donors and really faced a massive fundraising disadvantage. So they weren't really able to get their message out there." (npr-2022)

    So a state that the democratic party purposefully didn't fight to support is now our fear to continue supporting the democratic party?

    “Republicans focused on the ultimate goal,” said Fernand Amandi, a Miami-based Democratic pollster who helped former President Barack Obama win the state in 2008 and 2012. “They thought things out in 10-year cycles. They built a permanent campaign apparatus. They started recruiting candidates to run for local office and springboarding them into higher office. They registered voters and managed the margins.” (the hill)

    Please explain to me how I'm suppose to "get" Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). Do you know of it's history and/or any legislation brought forth by the one party we are allowed to vote for? We're coming up on near 200 years after the civil war, how many states have RCV currently in main elections and how was that achieved? 2, only 2 states both with ballot initiatives from other sources and not introduced by the Democratic party. One from Alaska which was heavily funded by outside the state (source) and another in Maine which the Democratic Governor refused to sign,

    On September 6, 2019, Governor Janet Mills allowed the bill to become law without her signature, which delayed it from taking effect until after the 2020 presidential primaries in March (source). A "people's veto" in 2018, approved by voters, rejected parts of the new law that sought to delay RCV's implementation until 2022. (source).

    RCV has been pushed in spite of the democratic parties antics, but their the only way to achieve this option? Have you noticed that all of this discourse has nothing to do with Cornel West in which you've already used profanity with his name as a means to disenfranchise with no true reasoning? You're being strangled and are asking them to please continue while begging them to save you.

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    Sanders hits at Cornel West over criticism of Biden
  • Sanders said he agrees it “certainly is not” the best economy the U.S. could create, he called on progressives to coalesce around Biden..... I think we’ve got to bring the entire progressive community to defeat Trump or whoever the Republican nominee will be, [and] support Biden

    (bold by me)

    This is just kinda sad and heart breaking. I just don't get it, with this rhetoric there is never an end and it's for a candidate who's not even that great of a choice for the people. Now it's not even "Trump" that's the reasoning, just....anyone who's the republican nominee?

    “Where I disagree with my good friend, Cornel West, is I think in these really very difficult times, where there is a real question whether democracy is going to remain in the United States of America.

    This is a guy who fought in the civil rights era, he above anyone else should know Democracy will always be threatened.

    Democracy is a system of government and form of liberalism in which state power is vested in the people, or the general population of a state based on principles of liberty and free will. source

    How is true Democracy being upheld if you're voting under duress with fear mongering threatening to take the very thing that's being stolen when told this is the only path forward? The republican party is a shit show right now. The red wave scare that never happened in 2022, the front-runner nominee indicted under multiple charges, the completely abysmal performance of the republican debate, in-fighting between their zealous factions, on and on we must not look at the reality of what's happening before us. We must simply check-mark the D box without looking into anything and all will be saved.

  • What is your "inexpensive" hobby that turned out to be expensive/ you gradually invested lots of money into?
  • Can you recommend any good soldering gear for an intermediate level? I've done plenty of soldering over the years but have always used crappy low end products. It's always been a struggle to properly do a clean-true solder (not just heating the solder like I see everywhere) even though I try to meticulously maintain my equipment. I'm hoping that it's just the equipment I use and a higher end one will make things a breeze like I see the professional's use.

    It's really a pain in my ass. On top of maintaining the equipment I have whole setups I've constructed to hold wires and equipment snugly so I can properly apply heat. I purchased a high temp kit but it's cheap as well and still sometimes run into the same problem, with the smaller components and projects though I'm afraid to use it and overheat something that can't handle it.

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