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  • We keep the front mowed for the HOA.

    The backyard can grow until we worry about snakes affecting our pups.

    We have a front garden that gets no care outside HOA recommendations. It came with the house.

    Can't wait until I can OWN a house, but the market (with all the influences upon it) isn't there.

    I'm saving, and considering moving to another state, if that helps all the pedantic monsters our there.

  • NVIDIA To Launch More Powerful GeForce RTX 4080 Ti GPU In Early 2024 At Same Price As RTX 4080
  • 2080TI, running Starfield at max settings with 4k texture mods, reporting in.

    I want a top of the line GPU, I just can't find a good enough reason to shell out the money. It keeps plugging away, runs smooth as butter with a slight overclock, and I have no complaints. I heard lots of complaints about the 4*** series cards though.

    I've saved up for a top of the line GPU twice now, and I'd rather spend it spoiling my wife and doing the nice things we can't usually afford.

  • Dad level: 100
  • That and I doubt he wants to be shooting ready in an antman costume to walk around the neighborhood with his daughter.

    His costume, other than the wig, is comfy as fuck. He can transition into whatever the night reasonably holds without have to have costumers remove the stuff and strip him of makeup, etc.

    Besides, its probably in his contract to NOT portray his marvel character OUTSIDE of the movies, simply to retain proper branding. If he tried to put on his own antman getup, it would pale in comparison to a pound of makeup backed up by CGI artists.

  • Shitsoft Teams doesn't work on firefox
  • I thought teams sucked as a user experience... my last job, well my last job I was IT. If it involved a computer I was involved.

    Anyways, administrating teams is a fucking god awful nightmare, honestly a lot of Microsoft's eco system is awful as a sysadmin. But teams and sharepoint take the cake for being fucked.

  • Does cyber-bullying work ?
  • Nah, been a minute since I dug that laptop out of a bag.

    The gashes I gather all come from a lab network I set up at home.

    Just practice, studying towards changing to a security role from more general IT roles.

    Edit: gashes = hashes, leave per request lol.

  • Does cyber-bullying work ?
  • I having a gaming laptop. 13 inch Razer blase stealth.

    I bought it for the GPU and its compact size.

    Let's me do some hash cracking while at work, though if its some serious work I'll boot into Linux on my gaming rig and do it there, but I don't like to tie it down when I could be playing games.

    As I get older and older I have less and leas free time.

  • America's nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion
  • Agreed.

    I have met good people who are Christian. They usually don't cowl all their behavior behind god.

    There you're friends dad, who barely knows you, who helps you get your car running so his kid and friends can make it to a metal show. He didn't like metal, but he kept it to himself other than saying it wasn't his genre, which is a fair statement.

    Why did he devote an afternoon and a couple trips to auto zone? Because all in all we were good kids. He wanted us to have fun, but to arrive (and ultimately) come home safe.

  • Cyberpunk's storytelling makes Starfield seem ancient - Opinion
  • Unless things change drastically for their RPG division, I'll repeat what I've said since oblivion. Bethesda makes great modding platforms, the content within the game is a loose theme that modders can play with.

    Yes the new Fallouts are just TES in the Apocalypse.

    Yes starfield is little more than TES in space.

    I buy Bethesda games for mod potential.

    If they said no mods to all future games I wouldn't buy another one. I don't play ESO and I have never touched fallout 76 for this reason.

  • What's the most surprising facts about a game you've gleaned by reading a game's achievement/trophy acquisition percentage?
  • PC, I couldn't get it past 800x600 resolution.

    Now is it possible that was an option? Sure, I couldn't see much the way it tried to render on a 4k monitor.

    The point is, I couldn't access their remake on modern (for the time) hardware.

    One of the few returns I've made on steam.

  • the FDA is considering a ban on menthol cigarette sales
  • Don't forget a lot of the cost of a pack of smokes is often more due to taxation than the cost of the product, even if you include things likes all the overhead for marketing and legal and shit.

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