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What is the in-setting lore reason for the Constitution-class being retired so early while the Miranda-class was kept around for roughly a century longer?
  • I think looking at the ships' different roles may answer that question. The Miranda-class is a backline support and science platform, only called to the front during extreme circumstances (Wolf-359, Dominion War). They can be efficient at simple taskings like specific missions or supply runs. Like its successor, the California-class, they're also the mass produced, easy to build/repair workhorse type, so a simple, tested design just works over a longer life time.

    Whereas the Constitution-class is a much larger, more complex, and line serving Heavy Cruiser. Presumably being on the frontline of exploration and military intervention, they have a higher need for the bleeding edge tech The Federation can field, especially with the fleet flagship USS Enterprise. Its unique hardware would also make it harder to repair and maintain which probably affected the lifespan of the class as a whole.

    Like others said, it's most likely more sensible to do a full redesign whenever a new frontline or special class is called for instead of relying on retrofitting to keep up with enemy tech advances. Especially with core components like warp core upgrades, computing types (ie Galaxy-class moving to isolinear), or completely new tech like the Intrepid-class' bio-neural circuitry. That could maybe answer the shorter lifespan only lasting 1-2 retrofits before class charge (ie NCC-1701-A/B to the NCC-1701-C to the NCC-1701-D/E)

  • What is the in-setting lore reason for the Constitution-class being retired so early while the Miranda-class was kept around for roughly a century longer?
  • I think looking at the ships' different roles may answer that question. The Miranda-class is a backline support and science platform, only called to the front during extreme circumstances (Wolf-359, Dominion War). They can be efficient at simple taskings like specific missions or supply runs. Like its successor, the California-class, they're also the mass produced, easy to build/repair workhorse type, so a simple, tested design just works over a longer life time.

    Whereas the Constitution-class is a much larger, more complex, and line serving Heavy Cruiser. Presumably being on the frontline of exploration and military intervention, they have a higher need for the bleeding edge tech The Federation can field, especially with the fleet flagship USS Enterprise. Its unique hardware would also make it harder to repair and maintain which probably affected the lifespan of the class as a whole.

    Like others said, it's most likely more sensible to do a full redesign whenever a new frontline or special class is called for instead of relying on retrofitting to keep up with enemy tech advances. Especially with core components like warp core upgrades, computing types (ie Galaxy-class moving to isolinear), or completely new tech like the Intrepid-class' bio-neural circuitry. That could maybe answer the shorter lifespan only lasting 1-2 retrofits before class charge (ie NCC-1701-A/B to the NCC-1701-C to the NCC-1701-D/E)

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  • And a union man, with a smoking hot wife. A war hero who then got assigned the safest job in the fleet before becoming the highest ranking NCO of an alien tech outpost. And don't forget those sexy Irish pipes.

    We should all be so lucky to be Senior Chief Miles O'Brien.

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  • I feel like Lower Decks has the answer to these problems. Like at some point Starfleet had a meeting and was like "ok we really need a fleet of ships that just answer the boring shit"

    Space squids fucking near DS7? Just California-class about it.

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  • Anthony Bourdain: open the walk-in and you'll see the line cook who's about to handle your rokeg blood pie doing lines of spice off the Andorian fryguy's stiff blue dick "as a joke". Still you can't find a better crew outside of Qo'noS, just don't go in the kitchen.

  • InitialsDiceBearā€žInitialsā€ ( by ā€žDiceBearā€, licensed under ā€žCC0 1.0ā€ (
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