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I'm not voting for Biden
  • Decline of US will have the fascists in power inevitably, do you really think people of US are so revolutionary that they can resist fascism. I don't think so. You people are ingrained with decades of propaganda. After this Ukraine situation and not a single strong anti war movement I don't believe that western countries can become socialist anywhere near future.

  • FVD, far right Dutch party, just made their party programme public
  • I strongly doubt you come from a global South country and even it is... It had nothing to do with any credible left wing movement. Scratch a LBGT critique.. Oh sorry am I suppose to cheer for LGBT banners with long live Azov and all that shit or queer right wingers . It's pretty hilarious I haven't said anything offensive to LGBT people and from a few lines you got the idea that I am a "reactionary". Queer culture in global South is very different from place to place. It's not always rosy and it was not always rosy. Don't just assume you speak for global South or anything close to it. You know nothing, not even a bit of people in global South. You are entitled to your own convincing. It's not that I am eager to convince you of something. But yeah I am also convinced people like you can never ever build a proper movement or a communist party for that matter. Just go on be in your bubble, who cares what you think.

    Note : I know some "muslims ".. there it is... I know some muslims then majority muslims in my country will be pro LGBT. Seriously what kind of bubble do you live in? Haha

  • FVD, far right Dutch party, just made their party programme public
  • Aaaah sorry i am not from an anglophone country like you and English isn't my first language and i dont care what you western anglo "leftists" have to say about me. If that's your attitude towards other comrades then you should quit blabbering about Marxism and get ready to annihilated by the 3rd worldies. I have never seen Muslims speaking positively about western LGBT movement and believe me I have met enough common Muslims in my country. But for you it doesn't matter I guess... You live in your own bubble

  • FVD, far right Dutch party, just made their party programme public
  • LGBT program with neoliberalism is always a failure , your cannot NGOize LGBT agenda then support neo liberalism in Eastern E./W.Europe . That's EU left is all about. Obviously pro LGBT is good but hey why in Moldova the older and middle aged population are pro Russia and pro USSR and are against LGBT thing. It is not simply they hate LGBT (obviously older people do) but they associate LGBT with pro neoliberal parties that's the problem .

  • I'm not voting for Biden
  • what ? there is no difference between Trump and Biden . Trump is just too honest for Pentagon , he blabbers all their secrets thats why they went for Russiagate and what not

  • India : A case of neoliberalism, fascism and genocide
  • As long as India tow the anti China line all is fair and good . Nearly all political parties of India except (DMK of Tamil Nadu , CPIM and CPI ) hate China. also , this article is from an independent Indian media organization .

  • FVD, far right Dutch party, just made their party programme public
  • Western "left" Has no hope left. They have gone too far with identity politics and have purged anti imperialist Marxist people long time back. According to them LGBT politics is the litmus test for morally right or wrong. I didn't see a single European commie party to condemn the action of NATO and Ukrainian government shelling of Donbass, maybe KKE did but it's their usual trope to conflate Nazism with Russia government or "both side imperialists " . They should pack up from politics because they have become irrelevant. Meanwhile European right got all the major talking points, atleast for the sake of election they will say they are anti NATO or anti EU , nowadays AFD of Germany is also saying that they want to do business with China 🇨🇳. I think most NATO left and pro EU parties will be dead within 2 years with large recession incoming and with energy shortage

  • India : A case of neoliberalism, fascism and genocide

    ! !

    China demands Ukraine explain 'low intellectual potential' slur
  • DD is an absolute Assad lover but unfortunately her team got into duginism and what not, I think it is mostly to placate the right wingers from US, also her videos showing deaths of UAF is just inhumane

  • Heck they do...

    Poroshenko was caught with something

    Zoya is unknown to the West. I wish more people knew her

    1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ years ago, on September 13, 1923, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was born: partisan, saboteur, and the first woman awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) during the Great Patriotic War.

    When the war broke out, Zoya had just finished the ninth grade of a Moscow secondary school. In October 1941, at the height of the Battle of Moscow, she was, at her own initiative, enlisted as a private in reconnaissance and sabotage military unit No. 9903.

    In November 1941, Zoya’s group operated near Volokolamsk: it participated in mining roads and destroying enemy wire lines. While performing a combat mission in the village of Petrishchevo, the girl was captured by the Nazis.

    Despite being tortured and bullied by the Germans, the girl did not betray any of her comrades, nor did she give up any information that constituted a military secret. Desperate to get any information, the angry Nazis decided to hang her in front of the residents of a village occupied by the Nazis.

    💬 Zoya’s last words were: “You’ll hang me now, but I’m not alone. There are two hundred million of us. You cannot hang everyone. I will be avenged.” The girl’s body hung in the square for about a month, and the Germans mocked it. She was only 18 years old when she died...

    🎖 On February 16, 1942, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Her heroic deed was remembered many times in literature and music while dozens of streets, a mountain peak and an asteroid were named after her.

    Her example inspired hundreds of thousands of other young people to resist the enemy. In particular, Zoya’s younger brother, Alexander Kosmodemyansky went to the front at the age of 17 after his sister died. The future Hero of the Soviet Union wrote the inscription, “For Zoya” on his tank.


    2023 will be the last winter for Zelensky I bet

    A good article on Xinjiang Wenn es nach Peking geht, sollen sich die Verhältnisse in Xinjiang normalisieren

    Aus der Region Xinjiang in China dringen nur selten Nachrichten in die Welt. Aus Angst vor Terror und Abspaltung hält Peking die uigurische Bevölkerung mittels Repression im Zaum. Eine Reise in Chinas fernen Westen jedoch deutet an, dass die Dinge sich zum Besseren wenden.

    Wenn es nach Peking geht, sollen sich die Verhältnisse in Xinjiang normalisieren
    India is not a Democracy Anymore - Arundhuti Roy

    Comrade Felix Dzerzhinsky returned home . We missed you...

    SVR chief Sergei Naryshkin praised Dzerzhinsky as a "symbol of his time" and a "standard of crystal honesty" during the unveiling ceremony on Monday.

    "He remained true to his ideals to the end -- the ideals of goodness and justice," Naryshkin said

    Damm Eastern Europeans and their fascist genes

    Joe my love...

    Imagine what a soviet man felt living under his rule.

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