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Should I switch to Wayland?

Hey Community,

Since I just read a post about the X11 vs. Wayland situation I'm questioning if I should stay on X11, or switch to Wayland. Regarding this decision, I'm asking you for your opinions plus please answer me a few questions. I will put further information about my systems at the bottom.

  • What are the advantages of Wayland? What are the disadvantages?
  • I do mostly music production, programming, browsing, etc, but occasionally I'm back into gaming (on the desktop). How's performance there? Anything that might break?
  • what would be the best way to migrate?
  • why have/haven't you made the switch?

Desktop: Ryzen 3100, 16 Gig Ram, Rx 570 Arch Linux with KDE 144 hz Freesync Monitor and 60hz shitty monitor

laptop: Thinkpad L540 (iirc), i3 4100, 8 GB Ram intel uhd630 gfx (iirc) Arch Linux with heavily customized i3-gaps

How do I install a .tar.gz (or .tar.bz2) file
  • That's a archive. If it was advertised as something to install, then there might be something inside which can be installed, but there are different scenarios. It might be the source of a program, bundled with scripts to configure, compile and install it. It might be the compiled program with our without scripts to copy all the individual files to the right dirs. Maybe it contains just a script which fetches all the files online and installs them. It might contain a virtual enviroment and the program, it might contain another archive...

  • Hello, I’m going to be getting a new computer soon and have thought about linux. Questions inside
  • Linux Mint is great for beginners. Have you ever installed windows? Installing Linux Mint is as easy as that. The day to day use is not much different compared to windows. Don't be afraid to try it out, you can always go back to windows if it does not work out for you

  • Finde jede Bahn-Direktverbindung, europaweit.
  • Ich habe schon öfters überlegt mit der Bahm in den Urlaub zu fahren, trotz der leider viel zu hohen Preise. Herauszufinden, wohin ich/ wir direkt kommen würde(n) war immer eine Qual, weil ich dazu nirgends was gefunden hab. Bei jedem Flughafen kannste ganz schnell herausfinden, wohin die Flüge von dort gehen, aber bei Bahnhöfen war das irgendwie schwierig. Hab da dann immer entnervt aufgegeben und dann wurde es doch Auto oder Flugzeug.

  • Fragen zum deutschen Winter
  • Der deutsche Winter kann schon kalt werden. "Sehr hart" würde ich nicht sagen. Kommt aber auch darauf an, was deine Vorerfahrungen mit Winter sind.

    Eine Schneehose (Jacke für die Beine) tragen hier die wenigsten. Würde eher ein paar lange Unterhosen für richtig kalte Tage kaufen, das ist wahrscheinlich billiger.

    Handschuhe (und eine Mütze, falls deine Jacke keibe gefütterte Kaputze hat) würde ich schon kaufen, wenn du viel draußen unterwegs sein wirst.

  • Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • He surely impacted the lives of those who died January 6. Or the woman who was shot in Calofornia yesterday over a pride flag. Your country is at the tipping point. Look at DeSantis in Florida talking Propaganda like Goebbels, allowing PragerU-videos in schools, preparing the hunt on trans-people. Look how Trumps prosecutors are attacked by Senators. Look how straightforward democracy and law enforcement ist labeled as "radically left". Look how they're calling to imprison Biden. This is serious 1932 Germany like shit.

  • Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left
  • Well, i haven't nearly payed as much taxes as I received stuff for free from the community. I am from a lower class family, low income, psychological illness, etc. I got free healthcare my whole life, including about two month hospital time in total, 52 session of behavioral psychotherapy, all the vaccines, all the checkups, some MRT-scans, a fair amount of medication (some with a small fee). Then, i got free primary and secondary education. Then, I got 5 years at university for about 3000€ (but i got a ticket with which i could take any public transportation, which is good here). Additionally, because I'm from a poor family, the community payed me for studying. I got around 700€ a month, 350 as a gift, 350 as a 0% loan. Yes 0%. And then I had kids. While I was studying. My partner was also studying and getting free money because poor parents, and because we had small kids we got an extra 800€ every months just because we were students with small children. And 200€ for each child. Have i mentioned that I got 200€ for just being a my parents children from 18 til i was done with university? A few months on unemployment also.

    So until now I've only payed back a fraction of what the community gave me in taxes. Regarding that these taxes also pay police, roads, parts of the punlic transportation, cultural stuff, and all the other shit a good country does. Only a fraction. Soon, i will have to start paying back the 0% student loan. But now I'm earning loads of money (in fact, we earn loads of money), our children can live free of financial fear in a fairly sizeable house in a nice neighbourhood woth lots of diverse and friendly people. When they want to go to university, they're parents aren't poor though, so we'll have to support them (we're even legally obliged, which is a good thing)

    Probably i will pay back all the community did for me since I have to pay a fair amount of taxes. But what they leave me is enough for a luxorious lifestyle or a buying a house. Maybe even both.

    We do have our problems here and there. But compared to the dystopia you have going on, I'm really really happy to not have to fuck with that.

  • How in the fudge to use mouse as joystick?
  • I found two other things that might do the trick:

    this looks like highly sophisticated gamepad emulation. IDK if you can map mouse and keys to your virtual gamepads easily, but the readme suggest that you definitly can. Looks like some work though.

    this one is a fairly simple python script. I don't know if you're into programming, if it works you only need to change it so it registers mouse input and map that to the virtual controllers stick

  • ladders


    Picture of wrongly constructed ladders


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