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Should we just stop oil? Well, let’s look at what happens if we do!
  • so oilbrained that you included "no fuel to run the oiltankers" as a downside to not producing oil

  • Populus (1998) & "god games"
  • As far as I can tell it was never popular.


    It came out in 1989 and was ported to every game system and microcomputer that was released in america and Japan for like the next 3 generations of hardware. It sold over 4 million copies. Its the game that gave peter molyneux a blank check to make whatever game he wanted for like three decades.

    All these games will be lost in time... Like tears in rain...

  • Books that are worse than the film (which was already bad?)
  • i read rainbow six because i played the game, and while i enjoyed it, even me as a 13 year old boy was kind of disturbed by how 20% of the book is lurid descriptions of the beauty and efficiency of our weapons. long descriptions of how the troopers are super competent, long descriptions of the precision and mastery of the snipers, how the guns are well oiled and wonderful tools, etc. real psycho stuff. also the bad guys are environmentalists planning to kill everyone on the planet with a engineered virus lol

  • Books that are worse than the film (which was already bad?)
  • essentially they first hired baldwin, who was not a leading man but had already done some big movies, and it was going to be more of a traditional vehicle for baldwin.

    then they hired sean connery, a genuine movie star, and he wanted them to expand on his character and make the soviets more interesting and human as a result. they had too or wanted to take advantage of connery's star power and the result is a much better story.

  • land shrimp
  • plz help, my cicadas keep dying before the several hours are up

  • Israel may have started a forever war in Gaza
  • i'm told it's already been going on thousands of years

  • Is it Ok to make an alt account or no
  • more accounts are better, for opsec.

    personally i dropped my alt and returned to my main because i was embarrassed by a post that people didn't like

  • I think it's time for me to break up with my boyfriend
  • as a total fucking deadbeat who is absurdly lucky to have a partner of ten years, this guy sounds like a dud.

  • She will never go away. She is eternal. She is light itself. She is...
  • whatever in creation brunches without my knowledge brunches without my consent

  • so true king
  • dog day afternoon is great tho, its a pretty inspiring film, even if it's a lie

  • a reddit post made me mad and i don't have a reddit account so i cant yell at them
  • by the way, a "traditional" caprese salad is tomato, basil, bocconcini, olive oil, and SALT. sure balsalmic vinegar tastes good with that stuff, it's common to add it, but it's like adding ketchup to unsalted french fries except worse. everyone like "UH IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE "SIMPLE" AND "DELICATE"" when they left out one of the five ingredients. AAAAA

  • a reddit post made me mad and i don't have a reddit account so i cant yell at them

    SALT you fucking idiots! it's so crazy that everybody is mad about the suggestion that it needs spices when they left out fucking SALT. have you had slices of grocery store tomato without salt??? have you had bocconcini or fresh mozzarella or similar kind of cheese without salt??? like i PUT pepper and i PUT olive oil on it, what more do these people want?

    maybe dont completely fuck up the dish by leaving out SALT and you won't have people being like "this sucks, why doesn't it taste like anything" like sure adding cumin isn't a good solution but at least they recognize that there's no flavour.

    instead its used as an opportunity to be defensive about being white on reddit

    FUCK you

    FUCK these people

    Hate when that happens
  • "even for senator" you mean even for A senator. Chinese misinformation!

  • The TRUE political compass
  • this is one of those outrageously bad cooking videos designed for hate watchers to engage, but at least those videos make money for the people who make them

  • [CW: Alcohol] How to covertly drink while watching a theatre performance?
  • just fyi it would be super rude and draw tons of attention to you to leave the theatre even once during the performance to go to the bathroom lol

    like obviously if you really have to piss it's fine to get up and go but everyone is gonna notice. it's possible that the ushers will ask you to wait for a scene change or even an act break to let you back to your seat. if you left the performance more than once the actors and the patrons will remember you.

  • does anyone have a link or image to the israeli official stating that at least hitler didn't pursue his antisemetic agenda as thoroughly as hamas or islam?

    please im so upset that i don't have it, i need it to show one of my best friends ever who is jewish and inclined to believe israel that they aren't on his side.


    saw this on an LGR video about a christmas themed windows 3.1 t-shirt design program

    if you are white, live in a western country, and haven't picked up on how entrenched white supremacy is, you're a dullard

    male presenting anglo canadian here, every interaction i have ever had is in some way tinged with white supremacy and male privilege. i've been treated better and assumed by default to be more competent than non-whites pretty much every day.

    also like have you ever talked to another white person? if a white person or man talks to someone they assume shares their values they say the worst shit. i thought it was funny when libs were condemning trumps "locker room talk" defense like it's so unbelievable to them that men would discuss sexual assault like that in a male space. "i've never heard anything like that in a locker room." you are lying. most white men are thinking and saying the worst possible things at any given moment.

    non-white people can tell by the way they are treated by white people and western society that white supremacy is the thread that binds the western world together. but if you look like them, they will just tell you straight up their terrible ideas assuming you will agree. if you cant figure it out when you actively benefit from it daily, if you cant notice that you're being held to a different standard by other white people daily, if you cant figure it out when they LOOK FOR EXCUSES TO TELL YOU, than i dunno how much self-crit is gonna help. at that point it seems like an empathy problem

    if you identify as an anarchist or a communist and also identify with your whiteness, you missed something, probably a lot of things, along the way. try to be more perceptive geez.

    love to my comrades of every skin colour and gender identity, death to the first world and any framework including race used to justify it


    i read that thread on lemmy.word or w/e with the person posting about how they got banned from here for supporting trans people "in the wrong way" and then i read the bit about how they were lamenting about "trans issues" are the reason why we have culture war and shouldn't focus on them.

    i couldn't post there because im not making an account for so please just imagine i posted a good pigpoopballs in there.


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