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Anon thinks about Google
  • As an Android dev of many years: this is not true. AOSP is superior in terms of privacy to users, but Google Android (as in: Android that runs Google Play Services and all the bundled apps) is subpar in privacy compared to iOS. 99% of Android devices runs Google Android. It’s visible in things like advertisement device id, permission handling, etc.

  • Drones trespassing in my property
  • That’s incorrect. At least as a generalization. For example: In The Netherlands, you do not own the airspace above your property. The EU laws for drones do state that you can’t just film people without permission, though. Operators of camera drones also need to register and get an operator id.

  • EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones
  • The scanning is done on your device. You could theoretically only overload the CSAM reporting feature if such a thing will exist.

  • Campaigns Can Now See What You Watch on TV.
  • Do you have sources to back up the claim that TVs are generally sold at a loss? I doubt that is true for Samsung/LG/Sony. edit: Or did you just phrase it incorrectly with “costing the company money” and actually meant “they have less profit”? Either way, it’s not a customer problem. It’s a greedy company problem.

  • The EU are voting on Chat Control this Wednesday 19th June
  • If a messaging service is non-compliant, the government could theoretically take action with court orders against domain owners, server owners or pursue anyone hosting a node in case of a distributed setup. In a worse case scenario, they might instruct ISPs via court orders to block these services (e.g. The Pirate Bay in some countries)

  • The EU are voting on Chat Control this Wednesday 19th June
  • It’s literally in the article: They want to use client-side scanning. The client already has the data decrypted. This is much like what Apple wanted to introduce with CSAM scanning a while back. It’s a backdoor in each client and it’s a matter of time until it will be abused by malicious entities.

  • Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Have an upvote. I’d pay double what Affinity is currently asking to have their products on Linux. Gimp is the opposite of intuitive.

  • Why don’t you like Apple?
  • Regarding gaslighting: See Apple’s response on the CSAM backdoor shit show. All the critics were wrong, including the various advocacy groups.

  • YouTube is experimenting with server-side ads
  • Users can mark videos and submit that content. Users can vote on other users’ marking of content. It won’t work if YT streams the ads in if they randomly change the timestamp at which the ad(s) start.

  • everything actually important is already metric
  • Not all of it though. Like JST plugs, barrel connectors, breadboard pin spacing, etc.

  • I don't know who Wayland is
  • If a driver doesn't behave properly, the things that are built on top of it won't work properly either. When that misbehaving driver is not open source, you're at the mercy of the vendor.. It's common knowledge for over a decade that nVidia drivers are problematic with Linux - especially on laptops. Bad drivers are entirely nVidia's fault.

    I've been running Wayland with Intel graphics on my laptop and my desktop runs a Radeon. I've had 0 Wayland issues in the past years.

  • Eclipse
  • A trigger warning on this post for Android devs would’ve been nice.

  • [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on you Deck? - April 2024
  • I think it’s roughly 2 hours at 60fps, but I don’t know for sure because I have mainly been playing with power connected.

  • [Discussion] New month, new games. What are you playing on you Deck? - April 2024
  • “Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor” has been a blast so far. I’m about 12 hours in.

  • PS5 controller use with Steamdeck
  • I’m running DualSense on Arch without issues. It even uses the touch pad for mouse movements when not in-game (Steam).

    Make sure to check the docs if you aren’t using Gnome:

    My only complaint is the atrocious battery life, but that’s not a Linux issue.

  • Indeed
  • The existence of ArchWiki and the Arch User Respository (AUR). And rolling releases, if that’s your thing.

  • Finally deleted my LinkedIn account!
  • In the early days they would quietly take all your contact info on your phone and send emails in your name that made it seem like you were reaching out to those contacts. Something like “(your name) is trying to reach you on LinkedIn”.

    Back then, Android didn’t have app permissions like it does now where you have to ask the user explicit permission for access to certain data. It would only show up on the very first app install and only if you’d be looking for that.

    I cancelled my account back then and never looked back.

  • Flipper Zero — Portable Multi-tool Device for Geeks
  • Speaking of which: I’m cooking up an app platform for this purpose on ESP32:

  • Why does Sega want to manufacture their own graphics cards and processors when they can just use modern ones like from Nvidia and AMD?
  • On the other hand, now they have to deal with patents in jurisdictions all over the world.

  • Friends don't let friends buy HiDPI displays
  • No issues here with Gnome via Arch on a Framework 13. At 150% scaled if recall correctly.

  • ByteWelder ByteWelder
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