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This is Fine.
  • What does that mean?

  • Update: The hottest 21 days ever recorded were the last 3 weeks
  • I dunno if I'd say humanity is suicidal. I'd say we're more like those morbidly obese people on My 600 Life who are eating themselves to death. We are slowly killing ourselves with our behaviours and choices but not with the intent to do so. We are either too lazy, unmotivated, depressed, hopeless, selfish, or apathetic to care or make changes, so humanity will just keep "eating" ourselves to death with our polluting and consumerism etc (killing the planet and ourselves in the process).

  • As Twitter destroys its brand by renaming itself X, Mastodon user numbers are again soaring | TechCrunch
  • I remember when you'd get ripped apart and down voted to hell for daring to use an emoji on Reddit when commenting. People hated it. Then one day it was fine to do it, no one cared anymore. I guess that's around when Reddit became mainstream, maybe.

  • The first strip showing Hobbes as a toy.
  • Neat! I don't think I have the book this one is in so I've never seen it.

  • tbh I think this style should catch on
  • I don't get what your point is. Some people like their toes played with or sucked on.. most would not consider toes sexual.

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