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Texas Cheese Fries
  • Pitiful rubbery bacon, greasy unmelted shredded “cheese”, and whatever that white shit on the jalapeños is. I might have smashed that container face down on the counter if someone handed me that.

    10/10 post

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Hey thanks, I appreciate you. What you’re saying is all probably true, but I can’t shake this horrible feeling that I failed him. I like my dog more than I like most people I meet, and he was with me all day every day. I hope this feeling lessens with time.

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • I’m sick to my stomach. My healthy labrador died suddenly on Saturday. He was fine Friday afternoon, got nauseous Friday night, and I was waiting for the vet to open at 8am Saturday to get him in there. He got unresponsive and barely breathing around 6am and I rushed him to the vet ER, and he didn’t make it. The vet said he had a “torsioned spleen” or something like that.

    I’ve got an absolutely soul crushing amount of guilt that I didn’t get him to the ER on Friday night. My dog trusted me to protect him and take care of him, and I completely betrayed that trust. I’m in such a place of deep sorrow that it’s impossible to explain with words. Every time I start to fall asleep, I’m suddenly wide awake trying to figure out why I decided not to act sooner.

    Not sure why I’m sharing this, I guess I just had to get it off my chest.

  • Switching from beef to chicken isn’t as much of a sustainability flex as you might think | Chicken vs. beef is a false binary
  • However, calling yourself mostly vegan is as accurate as calling yourself mostly muslim.

    This is the dumbest fucking take ever, and you’re the reason people shit all over vegans. Everything you said after “however” is just nonsense.

    Do everyone a favor and just applaud the person for eating less meat. Not everyone can eat like a rabbit overnight. It usually takes steps and time. Stop gatekeeping, it’s a bad look.

  • Bad news for coders: The US is past peak software developer
  • I was in endpoint management and security until last year. I got my A+ and sec+, and couldn’t find a job. I did actually find a job, but these fucks wanted to pay me less than I’m making in business ops now. So anything bad these companies have coming to them, they absolutely deserve it.

  • A cool guide to sushi etiquette
  • Nobody mixes wasabi with soy sauce. They mix horseradish paste that’s dyed green with soy sauce, because real wasabi is prohibitively expensive and most people have never actually had it, myself included.

  • Dell said return to the office or else—nearly half of workers chose “or else”
  • I don’t think it’s illegal (at least in the US), but it’s a great way to have your best talent split for greener pastures while the mediocre and lesser talented employees hang around forever.

    I work in the same industry as Dell and turned down a job there for a reseller who will let me work remotely in perpetuity.

  • More people turning away from news, report says
  • Care to expound on this thought? I’d argue that not watching news hardly makes someone uninformed. For example, Sinclair communications owns something like 200 local tv stations in the US, and they all parrot the exact same right wing BS on the local market nightly news. Nexstar is another example - they write a BS diatribe and every news station they own repeats nonsense disguised as news.

    I’d argue that being able to distinguish propaganda from “news” is an important part of critical thought, more important than being informed by local “news”.

  • 'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement
  • Can you trust whatever AI you use, implicitly? I already know the answer, but I really want to hear people say it. These AI hype men are seriously promising us capabilities that may appear down the road, without actually demonstrating use cases that are relevant today. “Some day it may do this, or that”. Enough already, it’s bullshit.

  • Microsoft's Recall Feature Is Even More Hackable Than You Thought
  • recall taking screenshots periodically

    Seriously, you didn’t get through the first paragraph?

    the notion of a tool that silently takes a screenshot of your desktop every five seconds”

    Saying “periodically” is a pretty trivial way of putting it.

    Microsoft and Adobe fighting each other over who gets enshittification of the decade award. Sam Altman is probably crafting a victory speech about what chatGPT 12 might possibly be able to do, someday. The sooner all this snake oil hype crashes and burns, the better off we’ll all be.

  • Build a PC BurningRiver
    Will I need a new PSU for a GPU upgrade?

    So currently I’m running a 5800x and a regular 2060. I’ve got a 650w gold PSU that’s about 4 years old, no problems with it at all. I’m thinking about upgrading to a RX 7800 XT because GeForce prices are perpetually absurd. It seems like it would be enough power, but the few things I’ve read say that I need at least a 750w if I go with the AMD (because they’re power hungry?), but 650w would be fine for a 4070ti. If I have to buy a new PSU, I feel like it would wipe out any savings I might get by buying AMD over Nvidia. How can I definitively know if I need more power?

    Full disclosure, I understand the concept of undervolting, but I’m not nearly confident enough to mess with the settings.

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