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(cw: racism) UK needs censorship
  • I'm against the US orchestrated wars, sanctions, and economic vampirism which creates mass involuntary immigration.

  • NSFW
    (cw: racism) UK needs censorship
  • Rise of the racist right is useful to the liberal establishment

  • [CW: Nazis, anti-semitism] "the Holocaust was justified, actually"
  • You indoctrinated tankies will never understand until we throw you into gas chambers like last time.

  • [CW: Nazis, anti-semitism] "the Holocaust was justified, actually"
  • It's not so simple. The world is not so black and white. It's more nuanced, more complicated than 1 side good the other bad.

    Foreign backed coups can be democratic.
    Nazis can be freedom-fighters.
    And the genocidal colonial empires can magically become protectors of freedom and human rights.