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Economic damage from climate change six times worse than thought
  • Congrats rich fucks. You earned a first class ticket to the longest period of suffering. Us poors will die much sooner than you and won't be around to feel the very worst of it, but you will. You earned every painful second of it. Enjoy your money while you can. Make sure you eat well and exercise. I want you fucks fit to live long enough in your bunkers to face the unstoppable hell you created. Too bad no one will be around to spit on your sun blasted corpse.

  • The rightwing plan to take over ‘sanctuary’ cities – and rebuild them Maga-style
  • This just cements my opinion that all these people are short sighted idiots. They think they're foxes fucking up the henhouse, but they're just other chickens pecking the fuck out of their neighbors while the henhouse burns around them. Fucking. Stupid.

  • Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search
  • I once had a Christmas day post blow up and become top of the day from a stupid pic I uploaded. I wonder if some of those comments or a weird version of that pic will pop up. Anyone that had similar things happen should keep their eye out. Anything that blew up probably gets a bit more weight.

    Oh God, cumbox! All of cumbox is in there. I wonder what kind of unrelated search could summon up that bit of fuzzy fun?

  • Kyle Rittenhouse Tells Native Americans They Can ‘Leave’ If They Hate America
  • No, my thoughts come from a person who has no power to deliver proper punishment. From what I've read, it seems he's viewed as a petulant, perpetually angry prick. People like that are never happy, even when they get what they want, they just look for something else to hate. He's too uneducated and self centered to ever have proper introspection and growth. He's fucking stuck like that. Barring actual justice, at least he's trapped in that small mind.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse Tells Native Americans They Can ‘Leave’ If They Hate America
  • Infamous stupid hick says hateful, willfully ignorant rage bait. Middle school was too much for this fucking mental invalid. He may never see prison for what he's done, but he's trapped in that idiot mind and will never know greater awareness, just like he deserves.

  • I'm getting tired of grabbing buckets
  • The food is going to be among the first things to fall. The climate will make growing large amounts of crops increasingly difficult, regardless of money thrown at the problem. Once food becomes globally insecure, the rich will be worldwide targets. The rich are not escaping the hell that's coming. Their wealth will help them suffer it a little longer than the rest of us though. No one is getting out of this. Money can't buy off extinction.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • You failed to mention that a good chunk of that discourse is fake. There are absolutely people not pleased with Bidens stance, and I'm glad to see him calling for a ceasefire and supporting protester rights; but the truth is no matter what, fake outrage will attack him relentlessly regardless of what he does. That's a simple truth of modern media and it must be factored into any discussion about political discourse.

    You never actually let go of the appeal to emotion. You just tried to wrap it up nicer. You even went for a last sentence stinger which doesn't land as well as you think. The simple fact is that one party openly wants to go full fascist dictator. Openly wants to be more cruel, more vengeful, more lethal, and more pro genocide to an insane degree. It is extremely naive to think those people are at all playing fair. We must pull out all the stops to slam the door on them. It's the only logical choice because it leaves us with a government that can be shifted instead of a far right fascist kleptocracy.

    Want to get mad? Get fucking mad at the Republicans who consistently force this kind of choice. They're super pro genocide so I would assume you would want to do absolutely anything you could to stop them getting more power, right?

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Defend your pont using what was already said in this discussion. No appeal to emotion. Use current polling to help show that third parties stand any chance in hell. Essentially, prove you aren't one of the many many disinfo bots/agents.

    I'll be carefully paying attention to any sources so sticking to generally trusted would be best

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • Third party candidates are not viable this election. Every poll that can be trusted to any degree is proof of this. Trumps base is going to vote for trump and the Republican party at large will very likely follow. Nearly the entire Republican party is openly fascist at this point and admitting that they plan to disassemble the government to suit their wants. They are open about allowing Israel to finish their genocide.

    It is also well known at this point that disinformation campaigns really lean on trying to get any non Republican vote to either not vote at all, or vote third party. You have no logical arguments, no game theory, and no deeper understanding of everything on the table in this election. You mostly just use the appeal to emotion fallacy as if it's some magic gotcha. It is not, it is instead a signpost that you are not arguing in good faith.

    Liars screamed "vote third party" last election too. Trump still lost, and we're working to ensure that stupid fuck loses again. Not only am I totally unswayed by your bs, I've ensured others will be voting straight blue as well. Youll maybe whine about it, but it won't change a thing.

  • It's okay, tankies love fascism, so they're not put out by the result
  • I'm a disabled single father. I have a daughter. We are an atheist household. I know game theory. I also know about the massive disinfo campaign to try and stop as many democrat votes as possible. To republicans, I'm a satanic enemy of humanity.

    I'm voting a straight blue ticket, I have convinced a dozen others to do the same. I am doing the thing I need to do to stop your little hypothetical. What would it take? Democrats would have to act as openly fascist, cruel, and hateful as the Republican party. They do not. They aren't fucking perfect because such a thing will never exist, but they are far from republican filth. A straight blue ticket is the best chance at an admin that will be open to change. Anything else helps republicans win and you know that pretty goddamn well. It's why you're here with that bullshit line of yours.

  • What American Fascism Would Look Like
  • Extremely cruel, short sighted stupidity that kills many as well as so much corruption and infighting that the US government collapses. Of course, climate change is also going to make everything start to collapse soon anyway. At least the fascist savages will burn right along with everyone else.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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