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What are your favorite leftist news sources?
  • Similar to the likes of Owen Jones. They focus on the easy issues which they do a really good job with. But as soon as something comes along that threatens to disrupt the status quo then, by their deeds shall you know them.

  • What are your favorite leftist news sources?
  • Novara has publicly disgraced itself on multiple occasions. You can find plenty of dunkings of their credentials.

    Ash friends with Zionists, Bastini heavily involved in the Corbyn character assassination.

    Even from today.

  • What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Spread the good word. Everyone I tell is blown away and comes back to me later to thank me.

    It's just really handy for correcting autocorrect typos.

  • What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Swipe left and right on your phone's spacebar to move the cursor.

  • BREAKING: Biden Administration to Accuse Russia of 2024 Election Interference
  • I thought they'd go with the Chinese this time.

  • Israeli air force official: Without U.S. aid, Israel couldn't fight Gaza beyond few months
  • Why Ukraine? Russia has all the ammo they need to finish off the fascists.

  • Israeli Troops Expel Palestinians in Jenin as Bloody West Bank Assault Enters Sixth Day
  • This is just incredible. The world looks on.

    All the October 7th bullshit is laid bare now. There's no hostages or Khghamas in the West Bank. It was always just an excuse for the genocide.

  • IDF Attacks Gazans Buying Bread as Netanyahu Tanks Cease-Fire Hopes
  • And the media who lied throughout.

  • Why are politicians doing nothing for first time home buyers?
  • Quotes from a hundred years ago still apply perfectly well today.

  • Brat summer officially over, declares Charli XCX
  • Like the Khive

    The what now? Oh.... another one.

  • Brat summer officially over, declares Charli XCX
  • I keep hearing about this meme from normie boomer media, but I've never actually seen it in the wild. I'm starting to think it was a failed astroturfed fellow kids meme.

  • Under cover of war, extremists are seizing Palestinian land – they hope permanently - BBC News
  • Same with calling it a "war". It's just open propaganda.

  • US completes 500th air delivery of weapons to Israel since 7 Oct
  • "What would the value of this be if it were spent on humanitarian aid instead?"

  • Last elephant at South African zoo freed after 40 years
  • The idea of a zoo in Africa is odd to me. Virtually all zoo animals are from there.

  • Help remembering a song.

    Inspired by this.

    I've been trying to remember a song for months now. It had a really well made animated video, probably sort of in the style of Cuphead. I seem to recall a cartoon wolf in it. The theme of the song was about this unspecified thing that was "gonna to make you go boom!" and stuff like that.

    The video was the really memorable part, the song itself not so much, which makes it all the harder to google for. I think it was French.

    "It's gonna make you... do x y z"... sorry I don't have much more.

    U.S. Deploys Large Force - Eyes On Syria

    Some speculation on the USA's intentions with its overly large force deployed to the ME.

    tl;dr It's too big to be just for Hamas. Lebanon is too difficult, Hezbollah would demolish Israel. Iran too awkward...

    But with Israeli bombing attacks on the airports of Aleppo and Damascus and its pre-war like warnings to its settlers, there seems to be good indications that Syria is again the target.

    >The neo-conservative lunatics in the White House may well think that they now have a chance to eliminate Russia's presence in the Middle East.

    >They will think of this as a revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine. They also believe that it will prevent, or compensate for, their geopolitical defeat in Gaza.

    US Sees Highest Ever Increase in Poverty US Sees Highest Ever Increase in Poverty

    Natalia Marques responds to a property developer's recent call for more "pain" in the U.S. economy by highlighting what happened after pandemic-era aid ended. By Natalia Marques Peoples Dispatch Millionaire real estate company head Tim Gurner went viral  (not for the first time) for hi...

    US Sees Highest Ever Increase in Poverty
    Zelensky Threatens To Terrorise Europe

    Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.

    Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles

    Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): During an appearance on ABC’s This Week with Jonathan Karl, Secretary of State Tony Blinken explicitly said that the US would not oppose Ukraine using US-supplied longer-range missiles to attack deep inside Russian territory, a move that Mo...

    Blinken: US Does Not Oppose Ukrainian Attacks Inside Russia With US-Supplied Missiles
    Did you know that Zelensky is a BILLIONAIRE? This was revealed years ago by the Pandora Papers. Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections

    Volodymyr Zelenskiy has railed against politicians hiding wealth offshore but failed to disclose links to BVI firm

    Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections

    Zelensky was a low-income actor who overnight began buying property in London, Tel Aviv and Switzerland, and running offshore accounts. How is this possible?

    Africa ☭ Blursty ☭
    France has the 4th largest gold reserves in the world, thanks to Mali's gold mines.
    Lemmy Support ☭ Blursty ☭
    "Show Context" not working for anyone else?

    When I click show context on a reply, I’d like to see the comment that they replied to, so I can remember what the fuck I was saying, but nothing happens, the page just refreshes. Is this a new bug? Maybe related to OP’s?

    Blursty ☭ Blursty ☭
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