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what the rule is this
  • Most things.. but surely you could never forget ZANE_ROCKS_14 or Chowder Man

    I know it was a blatant Linkin Park parody, but goddammit, I actually really vibe with Seepage

  • This rule is protected by:
  • Woah! I had no idea they were making a sequel!!

  • Humanity making progress like it always does
  • Do you need medical attention…?

  • what the rule is this
  • Oh boy

    What I wouldn’t give to experience this game for the first time again

  • I'm driving I get to control the radio!
  • The rules are simple.

    You sit in my car, you listen to Linkin Park. There will be demos.

  • It's a choice
  • Okay. It’s pretty obvious you’re just arguing in bad faith and using mindless semantics to debate the non existence of a fake thing. I’m done engaging with nonsense.

    Enjoy your wishful thinking.

  • It's a choice
  • So you’re basically saying that anything you don’t understand is magic… That’s the same irrational thinking as people who explain things by simply saying “god did it”.

    Money is very much real, either as gold/silver/etc, fiat, or ones and zeroes on a bank account or crypto wallet. Gender is not “real”, but it is a very real social construct. The state is a very real entity and its laws are very real rules set in place and enforced.

    You’re correct in saying that alchemy, transmutation of lead to gold, astrology and horoscopes are not real. Yes, they are magic. The one thing they all have in common is that they do not exist in any form other than fiction, and neither does magic.

  • It's a choice
  • But we don’t live in a world of dragons, elves, etc. There are no wizards or potions or magic. There are no spells or incantations any more than there are midichlorians or the force. If those were real, then yes, you could say magic is real. But there are no supernatural forces, only natural phenomena which can be explained by science.

    it isn’t necessarily meaningless, as the nonexistence of magic or the supernatural further reinforces the fact that everything can be explained by the very real laws of physics, whether or not we have the current ability to do so.

    Our ancestors would’ve thought electricity is magic, but it’s not. They would’ve thought machines are magic, but they’re not.

    Your statement about this being a pointless linguistic game is true. You are trying to argue that things which are not magic can be called magic, but you are wrong. By its very definition, magic is a supernatural force. You can’t call something supernatural when it isn’t, that’s just blatantly false.

    You’re free to use the word however you please, but don’t act surprised when people call you out for being objectively wrong.

  • It's a choice
  • Because I use logic and rationality to observe and define the world around me as opposed to unfounded delusional thought. I didn’t “choose” to define magic as unreal, it simply is.

    It’s not that I “don’t want to live in a world of whimsy and wonder”, I just don’t believe in the supernatural, and am not going to waste my time convincing myself of something that doesn’t exist. Same reason I don’t believe in a god.

  • Be honest: Who would win?
  • Watched this movie for the first time a couple weeks ago, and loved it

  • When did you get hit by "the tetris effect" AKA playing a video game so much that you get the urge to do moves/actions from the video game in real life?
  • Fallout 4 had me noticing a lot of scrap for a bit. Seeing a roll of duct tape was like looking at a bar of gold.

  • The world we live in. I'm sure we will see someone bragging on the dark web
  • One of those “Did you just assume my gender???” ‘jokes’ that are soooo original and funny

  • The world we live in. I'm sure we will see someone bragging on the dark web
  • I bet you think you’re real clever…

  • Removed
    Convenient rule
  • Completely sane and rational behavior

  • Meet my new puppy: Ass!
  • Udon

  • Make the financially responsible decision
  • That’s the joke

  • Two can play at that game
  • I was waiting for “Saruman the BITCH!!!”, but sadly, it never came

  • You wake up from a coma that started back in 2004. What music artist/band/group are you most surprised (good or bad,) by the direction they took musically over the last twenty years?
  • Would definitely recommend listening to A Thousand Suns in its entirety. Absolutely their magnum opus. Also should check out the 20th anniversary editions of Hybrid Theory and Meteora. They’re both filled with insane amounts of demos and unreleased songs. Lost, Fighting Myself, QWERTY, and And One are some of the best demos that should have made it to albums

  • You wake up from a coma that started back in 2004. What music artist/band/group are you most surprised (good or bad,) by the direction they took musically over the last twenty years?
  • My only tattoo is a memoriam to Chester.. Dude was my idol, and biggest inspiration.

    Mf had an insane voice. Never gonna see anyone quite like him again.

    Just hope that wherever he may be, if anywhere, he’s found some peace. He deserves it.

  • What's the best headset to use for both PC and console right now?

    So, I currently have a HyperX Cloud Orbit S headset that I’ve been using for both my PC and my PS4. It’s served me pretty well for a few years, but over the past few months the band has snapped and been superglued/reglued 5-6 times. It still works fine, but I’m getting tired of repairing it over and over, and feel it’s finally time to just get a new headset.

    So, I need some recommendations

    Ideally, I’d like a headset that has similar features to my current one but is wireless - at least on PC. The 3D audio feature is really neat, but I could live without it. Also, my current headset only works on my PS4 in 2-channel mode, as opposed to 7.1 surround on my PC, which is odd because the PS4 has 7.1 support. I want one that will work with surround sound on both platforms.

    Mic isn’t really of any concern, as I use a separate mic on my PC and mostly just use my PS4 for single-player games

    I’m not trying to break the bank, but I don’t necessarily have a set price point either

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Transition anxiety

    So I’m seemingly stuck wanting to medically transition, but perpetually fearful of doing so. I have the misfortune of living in Texas, as I have for most of my life, with no feasible way to leave any time soon, as well as having mostly unsupportive family - my parents especially…

    As it currently stands, I can pass as cis with little to no effort. I fucking hate doing so, but I fear for my safety and treatment otherwise. This is the same reason - aside from money - that I have yet to pursue any HRT. I’m simply terrified of losing my ability to “blend in” and being targeted.

    Has anyone else dealt with this, and if so, how have you managed/overcome it?

    BluJay320 BluJay320
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