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4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?
  • I was 29 when I bought mine last year, but was only able to do so because of my Veteran's benefits.

    My biggest regret was not buying a house while I was still in, in the area I was stationed, because since then (2017), houses have jumped in price and I much preferred living there then my home state. But... Life is just funny like that, I suppose.

  • Dutch woman, 29, granted euthanasia approval on grounds of mental suffering
  • I'm with you 100%. No one consents to being born, and it should be every human's right to decide when they've had enough and consent to checking out of life.

    We put down animals because they're suffering, it's seen as a mercy, yet when it comes to humans? Oh no, go through your fifth round of chemo, take two shots of morphine every day, exist in nothing but physical pain because wanting to die is somehow... Wrong?

    I've suffered from depression the majority of my life, and I've even asked my therapist: what is so wrong, so bad, about wanting to die? We live in a society where the majority of wealth is held by very few, we're watching governments across the world fall to fascism, people's rights are being stripped away left and right, and yet the majority of the population believes "Well, you have XYZ, so you should be grateful! You have so much to live for!"

    This is not a pro-suicide comment, either, to be clear. If you are suffering, please reach out to friends/family, or even better, a mental health professional if that is an option for you. Death is a permanent solution to what can be a temporary problem. But if an individual of sound mind and body wants to consent, for whatever reason, to no longer wanting to play this torture we call life, I believe they should 100% have the right to do so, and we should be glad we as a society have come so far as to extend the same mercy to human beings that we provide to pets.

  • Screw Uber!
  • I was in an uber with a friend in some Baltimore traffic when the driver almost rear-ended the car in front of us. She was distracted talking to us, I think, was telling us about her life or something.

    Immediately after she slammed on the brakes, she admitted to us she was high as a kite, and then went into explaining how she hides it from her rides (uses the ozium stuff to make the smell disappear, leaving a window of time between pickups to ensure the car aired out, etc). Vaping wasn't as commonplace back then, as I think Colorado and only one other state had legalised it at that point.

    But, like, damn lady... Why are you telling your two passengers this right after you almost got into a nasty wreck? We just wanted to get to the bar 😂

  • Alright let's settle this once and for all: Emojis in a sentence are placed before a period 🤔? Or should they be placed after?🤔
  • Abraham Lincoln supposedly used an emoticon in one of his speeches from 1862 (though there is debate about whether it was an accident or added by the typesetter), and the guy who is credited with officially inventing the emoticon was a Carnegie Mellon Comp Sci professor. In introducing it, he explained that it could help clarify sarcasm versus serious comments in digital communications.

    Tone isn't conveyed easily through the written word, sometimes an emoji helps to clarify how something is being said. 👍

  • What is a command you accidentally taught your pet?
  • My doggo will normally follow verbal commands for sit/down/shake without much issue. But sometimes he gets too excited or obstinate and doesn't want to do it even if I've said so a few times. At some point, I inadvertently taught him that me putting my hand(s) on my hip(s) is the "Ok, we're not moving on until you listen" gesture.

    I make him sit before he eats, and if he isn't sitting, I'll just put my hand on my hip and he immediately plants his ass against the floor, tail wagging. He also knows the question, "Are you begging?" if he's too close to someone eating, and he'll put his head down and slowly skulk away for 5 minutes before sneakily returning to his previous position, hoping for scraps. 😆

  • NSFW Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I watched a family of three walk from the store to the literal last, furthest parking spot that they chose to park in (the lot had plenty of parking much closer) with their cart. They unloaded it into their Tesla, and then put it on the grass mound next to their spot, also next to the road, and drove away.

    I get that some employees like being able to kill time getting the far, stray carts, but... Hooooo-ly shit I could smell the entitlement wafting off them when they walked by.

  • ‘Sovereign citizen’ shot, killed during exchange with Harris County deputies
  • This sounds like "if you don't like capitalism, why do you have a cell phone and BUY food ?"

    Well, why do they? The cell phone uses private and public infrastructure to be transported and operated, which they don't contribute to, and these sovcits are gung-ho on private rights and all that, so why should a private company like Verizon have to allow them to use their wireless or internet networks?

    And unless they walk across the air to get to the store to buy food, all of that was transported via public infrastructure (roads, trains, ships, etc), of which they would also need to utilize to get their food. Again, none of which they want to contribute to.

    Some people it seems would orefer if there were nine if that. That it is an intolerable imposition on them to be forced to support all that with no real say in the matter and no possibility of escape.

    No one is stopping them from checking out of society and living in the woods or whatever. Again, you don't get the benefits of the social contract and then decide you're special and none of the obligations are applicable to you, personally.

    Life's not fair and it sucks, get over it.

    I feel it boils down to "if you don't like it, go live on Mars"

    No, again, they're welcome to live in the woods or wherever. There's no magic combination of words or make believe forms that gets you out of taxes or alimony or to get a house for free or whatever other nonsense these sovcits are coming up with.

    It's pure entitlement on their part, that they're somehow more specialer than the rest of humanity who also didn't choose to be here and also had no say in the capitalist hellscape we all get to live in.

  • 10-year-old boy confesses to fatally shooting a man in his sleep 2 years ago, Texas authorities say
  • Gramps definitely knew what happened, and I'd be surprised if prosecutors didn't go after him too for at least tampering with evidence or whatever.

    However, depending on local laws, a glovebox can be considered safe storage for a firearm, so long as the glovebox locks. Not saying that is right or wrong, but my Blue state views it that way.

  • Smooth brained tick taster
  • Well that may explain an interaction between a possum and my sisters dog a few years ago. When I lived with my sister I'd take their mastiff out on her leash and walk her around their property while I had a smoke. We'd do this all times of day and night.

    I'd drop the leash if we were in the backyard since it was fenced on two sides and only one gate to get into the front, which I could keep an eye on while she explored. One night, it had to have been about midnight, she was obsessed with this one spot in the tall grass, like, would not leave this spot. So after about five minutes I went to grab her, and she's fighting me, nose buried in this spot. I finally turn my flashlight on and walk over, and there's a possum curled up in the tall grass. And she's licking it...

    I pull her away, since, I'm sure dogs shouldn't be licking wild animals, especially ones that are dead, right? Like, only a dead possum would let another animal lick it, right? Wrong. As I'm looking at it to make sure she didn't lick up any maggots or was eating any rotten meat, it turned it's head towards me, eyes squinting, like, "Do you mind? I was having the most wonderful dream of a bath." It wasn't playing possum, I've seen them do that, it was literally just curled up in grass, sleeping, while a dog 6X its size was licking it head to toe.

  • Breaking the law for real
  • Explain to me, under what circumstances, you need to go more than 10 mph over the speed limit. Don't pull "my wife is in labor" or "I severed my hand" or some nonsense, if a car is coming up and making it obvious they're in distress, fine, that's one thing.

    But literally no other justification exists other than "hur dur I want go fast vroom vroom." You're endangering the lives of everyone around you because you feel everyone should make way for you. It's entitlement, and it's reckless driving.

  • Breaking the law for real
  • Your whole comment is entitlement. If the vehicle in the passing lane is going the speed limit, or matching the speed of cars traveling in the other lane, then sure, you have an argument.

    But if traffic in the center lane is moving at 70 mph, and the car in front of you is traveling at 75 mph in the passing lane, but you're doing 80+, guess what?!

    You can flash your lights and use every blinker in your car that you want, you're reckless driving, traveling at speeds that are unsafe, and the cop that pulls you over isn't gonna give a flying fuck that you were in the passing lane.

    And y'know how I can tell you view the passing lane as a personal camping lane? Because you never indicated that you, or the people flashing their lights/blinkers/horns/whatever, ever move back over. The left lane is not for camping, it's for passing and then merging back over.

    No one needs to move more quickly because you feel the need for speed, or are late for who fucking cares. You wanna drive fast? Take your shitbox to a track and drive like an asshole to your hearts content.

    So unless those lights you're flashing are red and blue with a siren, you can kiss my sweet, 5 mph-over-the-speed-limit driving ass.

  • Gaza war protesters shut down Golden Gate Bridge, block traffic in other cities
  • MLK Jr. literally wrote about this exact same thing in his Letter from Birmingham jail.

    that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ ”

  • A wonderful day begins
  • Yeah, but even if they're arrested and the charges are dropped, they still have an arrest on their record, which many/most colleges ask about on their applications.

    Watch the John Oliver episode about School Resource Officers, you'll see one girl arrested and charged (I believe they dropped it though) with a felony/bomb charge for popping her water bottle cap like we used to do in school (y'know, twist the bottle, and then unscrew the cap and it pops off).

    Another kid, special needs, was arrested and manhandled because he lightly carved "[Name] was here" into a concrete wall, which his mother had him come back and clean off. John put the kids name on his wall so that everyone would know "a legend was here," which is the reason the kid gave for why he did it in the first place.

    Schools don't need cops, they need social workers, counselors, and proper funding. Not a chode with a gun and an authority fetish. Our school officer used to make friends with all the kids dealing drugs/getting in fights, while our principals/vice principals would scream at kids to take their hoodies off. And they wonder why kids think school is a joke.

  • Seems appropriate today...
  • Just file for an extension, it'll give you until October (?) to complete your taxes with the proper paperwork.

    Few years ago, I estimated my pay/taxes because a former employer never mailed me my W2 since they just sucked. I'm foggy on all of the specifics, but I remember getting a letter saying they couldn't verify the info from that W2, and that I wouldn't get my refund until it was verified.

    Got the company to send me my actual W2, filed a revised return, and ended up owning like $1700, even though it had told me before the letter I'd get a refund of like $3k. Annoying as fuck, but ultimately my fault, I should've just waited for the W2 and filed for an extension in the meantime.

    Following year, I got a letter from the IRS saying they owed me $1300 that was never released due to my tax shenanigans the previous year.

    Moral of the story: just file for the extension, save yourself the anxiety and headache.

  • Would hickory be good for making handles for files?

    My cousin's girlfriend (they're both trades workers) recently brought up that she'd like if I (a woodworker) could make her some handles for her work files, as they're currently bare metal. At the time, I mentioned I'd probably use maple to make them, since maple tends to be more figured and visually appealing.

    However, I picked up three pieces of hickory today for a figurative steal (I got them for $1 each). I know hickory is the gold standard for axe and hammer handles, but would they be a good choice for file handles? I imagine they would hold up better than maple since hickory is harder, and could potentially help with vibrations while using the tools, but if it's basically a moot point with such a small handle, I'll just got with what she'd find more aesthetically pleasing.

    Home Improvement BlitzoTheOisSilent
    What to do with an old cellar bulkhead are?

    Hello all,

    I bought a house a few months ago and am planning out improvements and such. When I had the house inspected, we discovered that this mysterious door in the basement was actually the entrance to a former bulkhead that was renovated over (a laundry room and small mudroom were built over it).

    It's basically concrete walls/foundation with some exposed studs and beams along the top, some loose insulation and such, and then a set of concrete stairs connecting to the foundation/walls. My realtor suggested turning it into a wine cellar kind of thing, but I would prefer to use it as a lumber storage area for a side business I'm trying to build. To do so, however, I would need to remove the concrete stairs.

    Can I just remove them (with power tools) without any damage to the foundation or structural integrity? Should I have someone come check it out first and make sure it's safe? It's wasted space currently, and I'd prefer to be able to use more of the space if possible.

    Thank you for any advice/tips/etc!

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