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How heterosexual couples met in the US
  • Tinder launched in 2012. eHarmony and were pretty fringe sites but Tinder commodified and gamified the mechanics. That made online dating “fun”. Also we saw a huge growth in smart phones in 2010 to 2012

  • Europeans, do you take the train to travel to other countries?
  • Did change trains in Geneva. So I was there for 14 minutes 🙂

    Visited Geneva for a longer time in 2018.

    I wanted to get into Italy but it didn’t quite work for our schedule. Hopefully next time

  • Europeans, do you take the train to travel to other countries?
  • Just got back from a two week train trip across Europe. Overall, found it very easy and accessible to move around.

    Here’s the general itinerary:

    1. London to Brussels
    2. Brussels to Prague (night train)
    3. Prague to Vienna
    4. Vienna to Zurich (night train)
    5. Zurich to Bern
    6. Bern to Lyon
    7. Lyon to Nîmes
    8. Nîmes to Barcelona

    The only train problem on the trip was our night train to Prague. The carriage was 28-30° C and very uncomfortable. Especially for a 16 hour trip.

    The inconsistency of scheduling, signage and trip information was a challenge. Especially when you add in the language barriers.

    My ranking of the train systems:

    1. Switzerland (obviously)
    2. Austria
    3. France
    4. Spain
    5. Czechia
  • Does anyone know any Hard Sci Fi books about humans surviving without any hospitable worlds?
  • Surprised no one has mentioned The Expanse series. A ton of world building in very different kinds of environments. Space stations, small ships, big ships, generation ships, asteroids, moons, planets.

    The environments are well thought out in how the residents would need to adapt

  • Has anyone used MLA format outside of high school ?
  • There are a ton of style guides beyond APA. In addition to APA, I’ve used MLA, Chicago and Turabian through my academic career (BA, MS, MBA).

    The likelihood of using any style guide outside of academia is low. However, in some non-academic research situations, you might use a style guide. Think about research done at a tech company where you need to document your work and distribute it for review, dissemination or presentation. Or maybe a policy institute or think tank who want to effect change at a state or federal level.

    That said, teaching high school students about APA or MLA is more about helping them understand how research happens and is documented. You need to understand how to A) read what other people think about a topic and B) share your thoughts in a way that builds upon the extant literature.

    This process of learning research methods also teaches you to be a critical thinker. Did the Author of Study A say something that you don’t agree with? Can you find Study B that refutes that point, or does the entire community agree with it?

    Apply that concept to something like the news. You might hear a Fact like 5,000 immigrants cross the southern border every day. Is that a lot? Is that good or bad?

    Now you can go read some analysis.

    • A conservative author might say that all immigration is bad because they deprive jobs from citizens. We need to block all border crossings.
    • A progressive author might say that immigrants create jobs or provide a net benefit to the economy. We need to permit more legal immigration.

    Which opinion is correct? How would you gather more information to understand the situation? How would you build upon those two ideas to form your own opinion?

  • VPN and server on same machine? (VPN makes server inaccessible to public)
  • Are you using services running on the OS, Docker or VMs?

    With Docker you can set the Network and have some containers traffic egress on the vpn while others have no WAN or direct access. You can have a container join multiple networks to have the best of both worlds.

    With VMs, you can set the network interface

    With the OS, you might be able to set network interface for each service, but I don’t know how

  • Albuquerque NM vs Columbus OH.
  • Columbus is a great little city in a not so great state. The local politics are quite progressive and the food and bar scene is quite nice. There was a decently sized queer community when I lived there a decade ago, and I’d expect it to continue to flourish as long as a major university is nearby.

    Winters are cold. Summers are hot. The weather is what it is 🤷🏻‍♀️

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