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Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else
  • "I would think stepping down has some risks at the moment because you don’t know who’s replacing you"

    You could literally give an notice to the Reddit admin or whoever you are in contact with that you disagree with the way they handle things, that you are gonna step down but would like to pick your replacement personally.

    Reddit would likely agree because it means that they don't have to search for a mod themselves and if the mods have such a strong connection with the community than finding a replacement should be in the realm of possibility.

    The whole striking saga gives a whole lot of "We tried nothing and we are all out of ideas" vibe.

  • Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else
  • "And that’s the thing: The community. You do not spend several years modding a subreddit without getting to know the people and having some sort of relationship with them. The community is not an abstract, it’s people you get to know - often over several years - and that’s not something you want to leave behind."

    Who is asking them to leave it all behind?

    The only way you can be part of a community is by being a mod?

    If mods are feeling as wronged by Reddit as how they say they feel, why not resign as a mod and just join the community as a member?

    I mean you would still be part of the community you say they hold so dear but in a different capacity.

  • Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else
  • "the mods decided to revert the NSFW designation because the community is a helpful resource for veterans experiencing mental health crises. The mod said that if Reddit removed the team, it could put the community at risk."

    Bitch fudging please.

    Please tell me again how these people are not power tripping their eyes out.

    Imagine having no Reddit community to fall back on or having different mods into your community.. The horror!

    Can these people;

    • Stop acting as if they really want change to happen.
    • Just start to bent over further for Reddit.
    • Get on with their life.
    • Admit that they really like their little power trip.
  • YSK: Flossing your teeth is only uncomfortable when your gums are unhealthy
  • I can understand what you mean. I started with floss but for some reason I got more food/buildup out from in between my teeth with wooden toothpicks and interdental cleaners.

    I have a new dentist, so for fun I am gonna ask at my next appointment what she would recommend.

    If I remember, then i'll come back to give the answer from my new dentist.

    My next appointment is in November though ;).

  • YSK: Flossing your teeth is only uncomfortable when your gums are unhealthy
  • Try the pink interprox ones. They are the thinnest ones.

    Otherwise ask your dentist if they can show you how to use them. Just because your teeth are really tight together doesn't mean that there won't be any buildup of food or other things.

  • YSK: Flossing your teeth is only uncomfortable when your gums are unhealthy
  • My dental hygienist told me that the best tools for cleaning your gums are wooden toothpicks.

    the second best are the interdental cleaners.

    The worst are the plastic toothpicks and the dental floss.

    I've been using a combination of the wooden toothpicks and interdental cleaners for a few years and they are game changing.

    Also use a good electric toothbrush and an tongue scraper.

    An electric toothbrush gets into the places in between your teeth that a normal brush can't get to and an tongue scraper is a game changer for the smell of your breathe overall.

    Take good care of your teeth and gums. Brush 2 times a day, clean your gums at least 1 time a day and scrape your tongue.

    Bad dental hygiene and no gum cleaning whatsoever will lead to receding gums and may lead in extreme cases to periodontitis .

    Receding gums are a real thing and when they happen they DO NOT grow back. Your roots of your teeth will be exposed which are a pain in the ass itself.

    Bad dental hygiene and no gum cleaning will also lead to deeper "gum pockets" which can lead to periodontitis. Look up what that means for your teeth and gums and you will start taking care of your mouth flora like a possessed being.

    I am not a dentist of any kind, a few years ago I just really took an interest in dental health and tried to educate myself about the subject for a few weeks.

    Correct me where I am wrong or if you want to elaborate on something, be my guest ;)!

  • As Twitter flounders, Mastodon refreshes its official app for Android users
  • I've been trying Tusky and Fedilab. They are better experiences for sure.

    Just tried the new official app and it is much better than what it was before but the 3rd party offerings are still ahead as of now.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Reddit API changes are imminent. Here’s what’s happening to your favorite apps [Updated]
  • Because RIF and Apollo were hugely popular.

    Reddit wants to give you the faint idea that you have a choice instead of actually having a choice.

    A cornered animal who sees 1 way out isn't as unpredictable than a fully cornered one.

  • Fediverse won't replace Reddit as long as Lemmy is the main platform being promoted
  • Reddit is almost 20 years old now?

    Do you expect Lemmy and Kbin to be an immediate replacement or an replacement at all?

  • Are there any Reddit refugees spending more time on Lemmy than Reddit?
  • Yes. Rotating between Lemmy & Kbin.

    Actually getting work done during the day also.

    Reddit on Mobile is completely dead to me and I will only use it on my desktop for specific searches if the info is not available elsewhere (last resort).

    0.1% of the time wil be spend on Reddit, with an ad blocker of course.

  • YSK: When you want to lose weight, don't use fat loss "shake" plans.

    You know all those "easy" 4 week weight loss plans from weight watchers or others?

    They don't offer an long time solution for weight loss.

    Why YSK; It is a money pit and starting a healthy diet is way cheaper and better in the long run.

    PS: I don't know if this is the correct format ;).

    Here’s the note Reddit sent to moderators threatening them if they don’t reopen
  • "In a pinned message on r/funny, the biggest subreddit to go private before recently reopening, a moderator implored Reddit “to listen to its moderators, its contributors, and its everyday users” and asked it to “not tacitly enable bad actors by working against your volunteers.” r/Apple also recently reopened after being closed out of fears that it would be forcibly reopened. “We want the best for this community and have no choice but to open it back up — or have it opened for us,” a moderator wrote. Another r/Apple mod is resigning in protest of Reddit’s actions."

    Imagine having no spine, except that 1 mod (kudos to that person).

    Why even bother to blackout if you are gonna bulge after the first threat?

    Do even the subs themselves thought that 48 hours was enough to do something? Can someone be that naive?

    I thought the subs were actually gonna abide by what the community wants?

    How is opening up helping the community when you voted to be down indefinitely just 1 day ago? It is actively screwing them because it shows Reddit is right.

    Following it up with a pinned message telling how you still not agree, b*tch please.

    Just stop with the posturing then and bend over for Reddit already.

  • BlackCoffee BlackCoffee
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