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The history of LibreOffice
  • OpenOffice is a zombie at this point.

  • Removed
    Russia Outproduces West in Drones & Artillery Shells as Ukraine Goes on the Defensive
  • The same dude:

    Russia is DESTROYING NATO as Putin Rejects Europe for Global South

    tl;dr: Russian mouthpiece says whatever he's paid to say

  • pfsense: Who needs AES-NI?
  • The company behind pfSense is shady as hell:

    Also the complete and utter clusterfuck of an attempt to bring Wireguard into the FreeBSD kernel:

  • Milei appoints former minister with pro-Nazi past as head of state lawyers
  • Milei surely chose him because he is the best in his field. The whole neo-Nazi background is pure coincidence and wasn't the reason why the right-wing lunatic chose him. /s

  • China tells WHO it has no 'unusual or novel diseases' amid spike in illness among children
  • Why would you? You don't have to wipe anymore.

  • Oil and gas are “not the problem” for the climate, but the carbon emissions arising from them are, says UK’s net zero minister
  • Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.

  • Zelensky refuses to hold elections in wartime Ukraine
  • Sounds like an election during war time is a pretty fucking bad idea.

  • Zelensky refuses to hold elections in wartime Ukraine
  • The 14th amendment in the US and the 1864 election happened in war time.

    On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely were civilian areas to be hit by artillery shells and rockets during the civil war?

    Hint: the maximum range of a cannon at that time was barely a mile.

  • GNOME is (Gradually!) Dropping X11
  • Gnomes built-in RDP should work. There's also RustDesk which offers proper Wayland support.

  • FOSS Deep Packet Inspection software?
  • What kind of ISP are you dealing with?

  • How do you debug issues with WireGuard? Things usually go great but every now and then my subsonic server stops streaming (or my client stops getting the music) so his never happens on local network b
  • And maybe PPPoE.

    traceroute --mtu

    Pick the lowest value displayed for F=xxxx like e.g F=1492 and subtract 80.

    For my DSL connection the optimal value is 1412.

  • Good server OS for Jellyfin
  • nonfree drivers accessible right away

    Non-free firmware is included in the Debian installer since Bookworm.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Do you really know how Wireguard works?

    Updating without a reboot only works for wireguard-go. The default implementation runs in the kernel. An update to it would require kernel live patching.

    Wireguard doesn't answer to unsigned packets. Using obscure ports or even port knocking is rather pointless. It's indistinguishable from a closed port.

    I'd rather take Casaos out of the equation and target Ubuntus' Wireguard stack instead.

  • Why was support for TCP Fast Open removed in Firefox 87 ?
  • Protocol ossification is a huge problem. That's one of the reasons why the IETF went with the UDP based QUIC for HTTP/3.

  • Good Game Cloner for android
  • Shelter?

  • CGNAT blocking external access to NAS. Looking to address this plus more.
  • Jellyfin is completely free. I only used it shortly in my LAN environment so I can't give you any numbers. It should roughly be in the same ballpark as plex though.

  • CGNAT blocking external access to NAS. Looking to address this plus more.
  • You can skip fail2ban for SSH. I missed the important bit. Duh...

    Never used Plex but had a good experience with Jellyfin.

  • CGNAT blocking external access to NAS. Looking to address this plus more.
  • Just a few thoughts:

    • don't cheap out. Building your whole stack on top of free or ultra budget providers is going to backfire eventually
    • check the traffic limits if you want to stream 4k content from your NAS
    • if latency and bandwidth is a concern, you need to select a VPS provider with good peering. This fully depends on your ISP.
    • i'd recommend setting things up with split DNS. Your DNS server would answer with local IPs for queries from within your LAN and with the IP of the VPS for external queries.
    • take a look at AdGuard Home
    • you can skip fail2ban if you go straight for ssh keys
    • 100% wireguard
  • What is Shizuku, and what can you do with it on your Android device?
  • Aren't auto updates a solved problem? It's only the official f-droid client that doesn't support this.

  • RustDesk v1.2.0 Release 1.2.0 · rustdesk/rustdesk

    Winget, FDroid, Apple Sillicon, Google Play / App Store update will come soon. x86-64: Windows | Ubuntu | Mac AArch64 (ARM64): Ubuntu | Android More: check below please Changelog Rewritten with...

    Release 1.2.0 · rustdesk/rustdesk
    BitPirate BitPirate
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    Comments 77