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May the 4th be with rule
  • Storm Troopers and Vader's coming,

    We're finally on our own

  • Major Tom by Peter Schilling, snippet
  • We know Major Tom's a junkie, strung out in heaven's high... Hitting an all-time low...

  • What're some of the dumbest things you've done to yourself in Linux?
  • Yup, I did that last year. I wrote a Linux ISO to my hard drive instead of a flash drive. It was interesting watching my desktop slowly fail. Thankfully I was preparing a switch to a different distro, so I had backed up what I needed.

  • What are some "you should have kept your mouth shut" Streisand effect occurrences?
  • Beyonce requesting that this image be removed from the internet. this

  • AMA
  • What are the advantages of pacman?

  • I HATE that this is real and not doctored
  • Yeah, the air has greenhouse gasses and what do they make? Anti AIR missiles! Kablammo greenhouse gasses!

  • Donald Trump blocked from Maine presidential ballot in 2024
  • Maine can also split it's electoral votes. The state has four, but Maine is one of two states where all electoral votes don't have to go to the same candidate (Nebraska being the other state that can split the electoral votes.)

  • Kermit finally hits Rock Bottom after the breakup.
  • Hello, Kermit the Frog here, and welcome to Sensimilla Street. I'd like to tell you what today's letter is but I am really ffffucked up!

  • Chef special
  • I read this in Maurice LaMarche's voice

  • Tribes 3: Rivals Hands-On – Can This Old-School FPS Reinvent Itself?
  • I wonder if Hi-Rez learned anything from Ascend... I'm cautiously optimistic

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Boys Axe was in the DLC that introduced the Caverns and Giant

  • Feeling old yet?
  • Is still around? Time for a history lesson

  • What are some strange and interesting websites you have found?
  • Somewhat related; I still sometimes joke that I got the high score on

  • Hitler
  • How much Hitler could a Hitler hit if a Hitler could hit Hitler?

  • This needs to be a well-defined psychological principle. I do stuff like this all the time
  • My cats did the same thing when they found a mouse. They would stand guard where they first saw it for over a month afterwards.

  • Has anyone had any luck with Dodi repacks on Linux ?
  • I've had no issues using Lutris. When I add a game, I go through the Lutris menu and choose the Windows installer exe option (not at my computer, I can't remember the exact name.) I know I've done Fitgirl repacks, I think I've done a Dodi one.

  • circruleatory
  • Watchmen

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  • "Oh, that music is the work of the new court wizard, Zakariah. You can hear it in any room here. He calls it Muzak."

  • Bhaelfur Bhaelfur
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