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Linus Tech Tips apology video - BEST PARTS
  • It's a little bit worse than that. They kinda trashed Billet Labs and then went ahead and put the prototype water block on auction at their expo they did a couple weeks ago, LTX. So not only did they lose the graphics card that Billet sent them, they used it on a wrong card and then instead of returning the prototype, they put it up for sale possibly to a competitor. Complete idiocy or insanely scummy move.

    There have also been some serious workplace toxicity and harassment allegations publicly aired by a former employee, Madison.

  • Russia court sentences Alexey Navalny, jailed opposition leader and Putin critic, to 19 more years in prison
  • Dumbest fucking thing I've read all week. Thank you for the lol.

  • Major 'Sound of Freedom' Financier Arrested And Charged With Child Kidnapping
  • There's a great episode of QAnon Anonymous that covers why Sound of Freedom is unhinged fantasy right wing bullshit.

    Worth checking out if you're at all curious about what all the hubbub is about. Spoiler alert, the people that made the movie are fucking liars.

  • Vietnam bans Barbie film over disputed map of China’s South China Sea claims
  • Their decision recast Margot Robinson in place of Danny DeVito was truly an insane decision. I get that she has mass appeal, but the man's sex charisma and ability to relate to the common man and woman would have been a sight to behold.

  • Gfycat is shutting down September 1st
  • which most people can't really afford

    That ain't it.

  • Any change today?
  • Do you also ask your friends how the girlfriend you just broke up with is doing without you?

    Just forget about Reddit and move on, who gives a shit?

  • Pornhub Tells Users to Take Action Before Politicians Take Their Porn Away
  • But also, most importantly, concurrently empowering the most physically and mentally harmful institution to children, The Church.

  • Call to action - renewed protests starting on July 1st
  • Sunk cost is a motherfucker.

  • What are the best cooking hacks you've learned over the years?
  • Clean as you go, don't just leave it all for the end. Onions are sauteing and you're done chopping everything? Good, wash your cutting board and knife and clean up any messes before the next step. Sausage is done browning and you're dumping it in with the onions for a minute with the garlic and some herbs? Great, wash that pan and spoon and set it down to dry and wipe up all the oil splashes.

    Just makes clean up so much easier after you've eaten and you're much more efficiently using your time.