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Bystanders, cop shot as NYPD opens fire on alleged fare-beater in Brooklyn subway
  • I always have this link ready to go, because you would be totally reasonable in assuming it’s their main job, but our lovely Supreme Court says otherwise.

    Edit: here’s a non-paywalled link

  • Harris victory seen as most likely election outcome, according to CNBC Fed Survey
  • Pretend she’s going to lose, VOTE, and remind everyone you know to vote. Drive friends to the polls, help them with their mail in ballots (legally, please), and get your absentee ballot ASAP if you need one. Democrats have a massive disadvantage in the electoral college, so every. single. person. has to vote. No excuses.

  • 'The Texas Chain Saw Massacre' 50th Anniversary 4K Collector's Set includes the original classic on VHS!
  • I know that physical releases are having a moment, but a VHS? Really? That’s one format I’m happy to leave in my childhood.

  • Harris refuses to veer off script in her second high-profile interview
  • Thank you. Politico needs to dial it the fuck back with these headlines.

  • Democrats Finally Ask Trump the $10 Million Question on Egypt
  • Yeah, it’s pretty wild.

    records indicate that four men ultimately arrived at the state-run National Bank of Egypt and carried away bags containing nearly $10 million in bundles of $100 bills. The money represented “what was then a sizable share of Egypt’s reserve of U.S. currency.” Source

    Talk about suspicious…

  • Tamale with mole, crème fraîche, and fried egg from Love Apple in Taos, NM
  • Yes please, I’ll have one of those.

  • Bystanders, cop shot as NYPD opens fire on alleged fare-beater in Brooklyn subway
  • That’s a fair point, I appreciate it. Knives are a dangerous weapon, no doubt about it. They just don’t represent the same level of danger as a loaded gun. But your point is well taken.

  • Snapchat Reserves the Right to Use AI-Generated Images of Your Face in Ads
  • Wait, I never used snapchat, so I could be totally off base, but don’t Snapchat messages get automatically deleted? Isn’t that the whole point? Haven’t they already been caught deceiving users into thinking their deleted photos are actually gone? This just seems so gross.

  • Bystanders, cop shot as NYPD opens fire on alleged fare-beater in Brooklyn subway
  • Cops are too quick to use violence. That’s just a sad reality. Violence is not necessarily the correct response to a violent situation. There are ton of techniques to deescalate even the most violent and dangerous situations. Granted, the NYPD isn’t trained in those techniques, so that’s a big problem, but the cops put the public in more danger than the danger the cops faced by this one violent individual. Personally, I would rather the police put public safety above all else, including themselves. I know asking anyone to put themselves at risk to protect another person is a lot to ask, but if cops aren’t willing to do that, then it comes down to us. And in that case, what are the cops for?

  • Bystanders, cop shot as NYPD opens fire on alleged fare-beater in Brooklyn subway
  • I come from an over-policed city, where I am genuinely afraid of every cop I see, because of stories just like this.

    So you don’t think cops should be required to gauge the risk to the public before they gauge the risk to themselves? They chose a dangerous career, and seem unwilling to accept the risks that come along with it. A knife is less dangerous than a loaded gun, I don’t think that’s a controversial thing to say.

  • Bystanders, cop shot as NYPD opens fire on alleged fare-beater in Brooklyn subway
  • Honestly? The guy had a knife, which might have injured one of the cops, maybe. US police are far too afraid for their own safety, and automatically reach for their gun when they think there might be the slightest minor chance that they could be in a little bit of danger.

    If being in dangerous situations makes you open fire in a crowd of random innocent people, then you should not be a cop. Cops need to learn to accept the risks they signed up for, de-escalate, and protect the public before they obsess over protecting themselves. I know protecting the public is not technically their job, but opening fire in a crowded subway is laughably irresponsible, and should be an immediate fireable offense.

  • National Review Editor-in-Chief, Rich Lowry, uses n-word on The Megyn Kelly Show while discussing Haitian migrants eating pets in Springfield, Ohio
  • Yup. Whenever I come across an article with a bunch of blank spaces where tweets are supposed to be, I know the “article” wouldn’t have been worth my time anyway. It’s one of the laziest kinds of journalism.

  • Brush & ink on vellum bristol board
  • Oh yeah, that definitely changes how I see it, but I like it both ways. Very cool piece.

  • Fluerken likes the new Halloween pillow
  • Only by the litter. The whole litter.

  • Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
  • Yeah, that would make any kind of political speech practically impossible. Activism? Nope, out of the question. Creative artistic expression? Better watch out for the thought police.

    We don’t need “best behavior,” that would be so incredibly boring.

    His out of touch suggestion is completely incompatible with democracy.

  • Marker on photo paper
  • Ooh I really like the color combos on this one. That blue pops. Nice work.

  • A research consortium plans to revive geoengineering trials of the controversial iron fertilization technique to pull carbon dioxide from the air, despite public backlash
  • Let me preface this by saying I believe in science. But it’s worth remembering that scientists are people. And science like this, while it may sound cool and promising, obviously carries massive irreversible risks, and that’s before we take the people into account. I don’t care how closely they monitor the experiments. I count these types of trials in the same vein as releasing genetically modified mosquitos into the wild to breed an infertile generation. Sounds like it could maybe work, but the risks and potential unforeseeable knock-on effects are not worth it.

    There was public backlash for a reason. And while I’m not normally in favor of catering to a public that is mostly scientifically-illiterate, in some cases the gut reaction is the right one.

  • BertramDitore BertramDitore
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