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In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?
  • @bradenslen @ajsadauskas @degoogle looksmart! There's a blast from the past.

    As a very early internet user ( look it up, and who ran it) and a database guy, what I learnt very early is that any search engine needed users who knew how to write highly selective queries to get highly specific results.

    Google - despite everything - can still be used as a useful tool - if you are a skilled user.

    I am still surprised that you are not taught how to perform critical internet searching in primary school. It is as important as the three Rs

  • Australia is bigger than some people overseas imagine.
  • @ajsadauskas @australia Texans like to think that Houston is a big city. Population is around 2-3 million. Maybe 7-8 million if you include the metro area. Which goes on forever.

    Sydney is 5.3 million and Melbourne about 5.1 million.

    Big? Yes. But not so big.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars All except a Uni.

    Shopping Mall? Well, not really, but yes to local shopping strip (5 minutes), Fitzroy St, St Kilda and Clarendon St, South Melbourne (10 Minutes) both covering all shopping needs.

    Brisk 20 minutes would get me to the closest CBD campus of a Uni.

    And three minutes walk to two tram lines.

    Kids walked or public transported to school.

    I rode or public transported to work (or taxi and flew because it was in another state or country).

    One car family - have never been really able to give up a car, entirely, but never needed two.

  • BernardSheppard Bernard Sheppard

    They're not using fucking AI.

    Semi-retired renewable energy and M&A strategist, former software nerd based near Melbourne, AU.

    Former successful contrarian stock picking investor, now firmly contrarian ETF investor.

    My professional opinions are 80% at odds with the consensus (and with the benefit of hindsight, turn out to be prescient), and 20% are in alignment (and with the benefit of being able to spot the obvious, they also turn out to be correct). #ClimateChange #Energy

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