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"Don't worry, the Houthis are just trying to help!"
  • No.

    Semites is an outdated racialized grouping of all dwellers of the middle. It was introduced in the 1700s and is completely outdated, because WE DO NOT USE RACIAL THEORIES ANYMORE. This name is also only based on the idea, that all middle eastern people have a biblical ancestor, Sem.

    The only two modern uses are: The Family of Semitic languages which encompasses Arabic and Hebrew, but also Maltese, Amharic and Aramaic. And its these Semitic speaking peoples that are SOMETIMES, often in an archeological context, referred to as Semites.

    The term antisemitism was first coined in 1860, as catch-all term for hatred of semites (once again, the ridiculous racial category grouping all middle eastern people into one). Wanna know when that changed? 10 years later. It was used in 1871 in Germany as sciency sounding name for Judenhass "Hatred of Jews". We are not changing the meaning of antisemitism, the word has had this meaning for 150 years. And the only justification to reverse that is to pretend that either the racial categories of the old days exist, or that antisemitism somehow encompasses both the Maltese and Ethiopians.

  • Mannheim: Verletzte bei Messerangriff auf Marktplatz, Polizei schiesst Angreifer nieder
  • Natürlich ist es ein religiöser Extremist. Ist Pax Europea irgendwo an der Macht, haben die irgendeinen Einfluss? Du sprichst so, als ob Muslime in Deutschland tagtäglich vermöbelt oder getötet würden für ihre Religion. Das ist Schwachsinn.

    Darüber hinaus gibt dieser Idiot Islamfeinden nur noch mehr Futter. Wirklich, was ein zurückgebliebener Vollidiot. Ist aber auch überall gleich, egal ob Christen, Muslime oder Hindus, wenn du andere auf Grund deiner Religiösen Zugehörigkeit ermordest, dann bist du einfach nutzlos. Und solche Leute will ich hier nicht haben. Genauso wenig, wie irgendwelche Pax Europeaspacken, aber deshalb kill ich die doch nicht.

  • Trump told donors he will crush pro-Palestinian protests, deport demonstrators
  • Re: Committing the worst ethnic cleansing campaign:

    • During the Congolese Civil War, between October 2002 and Jan 2003 Congolese forces killed 40% of the Pygmy Population of Congo. Thats 70.000 people. I'd argue thats worse.

    • The Darfur Genocide is still ongoing and has killed 300.000 People.

    • The Rohingya Genocide killed 20.000 and led 1 million people to flee their homeland, that was in 2017.

    • The Yazidi Genocide displaced 71% of the global Yazidi population and killed 5.000, out of a population of 700.000. This ended only in 2016.

    • There are currently 19 million people suffering from starvation in Yemen, due to a war perpetrated by Saudi- and Iran-backed forces.

    • The Amhara are suffering a genocide for the last 30 years, which has resulted in 2 Million People being absent from any record. During the recent Ethiopean War another 2 million Amhara fled their homeland while being raped, enslaved and killed.

    Noone in this thread would deny the Palestinian Genocide, but to claim its the worst one in a whole generation is to ignore at least 3 or 4 genocides on this list.

  • An international institution doing something based for once
  • Right, the fact finding mission couldn't establish mass rapes (because no footage showed rape) or beheaded babies, but mass genital mutilation, injuries in the genital area consistent with rape and "attempted or complete beheadings of victims".

  • Tankies say: "Critical support for fascism!"
  • To counter you anecdotal evidence: my partner fled from Iran 4 years ago and still has a lot of friends and family there. All of them would love see this regime fall, so much so, that her friends went out to protest One of them was arrested, tried and found guilty of corruption on earth. He was to not leave the country for five years and was threatened with an even harsher punishment, if he took part in protests again. He took to the streets the day after his release.

    These people hate their government with a burning passion. Doesn't matter what Israel does, they would love to see this occupational regime fall.

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