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Julian Assange reunites with family as he arrives in Canberra
  • I have to correct you there. The full unredacted cables are still online on various sites. Including cryptome. They have been online this entire time. Yes, no-one was harmed, but not because they put the cat back in the bag (you can't). Once other sites had published it, WikiLeaks republished the full trove as a risk-mitigation measure so that the compromised names could quickly make themselves aware that their name was out there. WL also contacted the State Department to try and warn them of the risk. There is footage of this.

    The US spent tons of money trying to find anyone who'd been harmed by Manning's leaks but found no-one.

    WikiLeaks had been drip-feeding big stories based on the cables. The compromise of the encryption key to the full unredacted archive by Luke Harding and David Leigh of the Guardian put a stop to this unfortunately. They stupidly published the encryption key in their book. Once people found the encrypted file online it didn't take long to put 2 and 2 together.

  • Julian Assange flies out of UK after release from prison: WikiLeaks | ABC News
  • Wikipedia is not proof. The sources it links, CNN and Reuters, are not proof.

    Calling me names doesn't make you right.

    Ever heard of licensing?

    The WikiLeaks statement said RT, an English-language network launched by the Kremlin in 2010, obtained a license to broadcast the show but was not involved in the production process or the editorial decision-making, which was overseen by Assange.

    Quoted from:

  • ‘You can expect everything’: what next for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks?
  • Fact: there was only ever one rape allegation and it was brought by the cops. The alleged victim refused to sign the statement to police and never signed a version which was edited later. All names were then leaked illegally to the tabloid press before JA was questioned. Read Prof Nils Melzer's well-researched book.

  • Assange: guilty of journalism

    Distinguished journalist and publisher Julian Assange is free and finally home, but he spent 13 years in detention, of which over 5 years in a high security prison before being sentenced to time served. The empire's clutches reach far and wide. Australia and the United Kingdom accept the US' jurisdictional overreach. The precedent set by his decade and a half of persecution and torture will have lasting consequences for our right to speak and hear of US government crimes. Julian was coerced to plead guilty to the crime of journalism as criminalised by the Espionage Act (1917) even as he believes it is in contradiction with the First Amendment of the US constitution. Today we celebrate Julian's return home to us. Tomorrow we declare our independence.

    If you're seeing this, I'm in jail.
  • The abc is not biased at all in this, no. They're not the ones he leaked to.

    You make it sound like he accidentally leaked evidence of war crimes. He leaked evidence of war crimes comitted by generals as well as boots on the ground but somehow the abc's top 'investigative reporters' ie gov't stenographers are still missing that.

  • Our friend is going to jail.

    Video by Boy Boy, features David McBride, Afghanistan war crimes whistleblower.

    update: David was sentented and put in prison on Tue 14 May. 5 years and 8 months prison, of which a non-parole period until mid-August 2026.

    David McBride vs Goliath: chapter infinity minus 5000: sentencing. Come to Canberra Supreme Court May 14, 8am rally. #operation500
  • 100%, it's total BS! Kafka coulnot have come up with this farce.

    Remember how in November the court ruled on the definition of 'duty'? Michael West reports that if McBride gets a prison sentence on Tuesday, there will likely be an appeal:

    If there is a custodial sentence, sources told MWM the defence is likely to appeal on grounds that Justice Mossop’s decision to strike out of McBride’s public interest defence was too narrow, that army lawyers had a duty to the court and the public interest, not just to obey orders if they considered the orders were wrong.

  • David McBride vs Goliath: chapter infinity minus 5000: sentencing. Come to Canberra Supreme Court May 14, 8am rally. #operation500

    -> ALT: a Poster incl a picture of David with a x drawn over his mouth.








    David McBride vs Goliath in a nutshell
  • What I don't understand is how the case wasn't thrown out by the justice when he wasn't allowed to see the docs that were then put in the safe. THIS IS NOT A FAIR TRIAL. The defendent is prevented from presenting potentially exculpatory evidence, even to a closed court!

  • David McBride vs Goliath in a nutshell

    -> Alt text:

    David vs Goliath in a nutshell:

    Government: 'he stole [newspeak for copied] information but we can't tell you what it is, so we took it off his lawyers and put it in a safe. We'll all refer to it as the docs in the safe.'

    Judiciary: 'oh, ok, np!'

    Defence Department Whistleblower: 'Those docs showed what I believed to be leadership misconduct. I have no defence now; I plead guilty.'

    6 months later...

    Government: 'Please jail him with non-parole period'

    Judiciary: 'lemme think about this for another week 🤔'

    -> end alt-text


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