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Do 9-5 jobs still exist in the U.S.?
  • My job is basically 9-5 (salaried), but no paid lunch. If I want to take lunch, it doesn't count towards the hours I work during the day.

  • Can Trump still run for president now that he's a convicted felon?
  • A felon also loses their 2nd amendment rights.

  • Locked
    Is lemmy now what reddit used to be 10+ years ago?
  • Rage comics aren't cringe. If anything, a lot of modern memes are just reskins of rage comics.

  • Lit
  • I fixed my comment.

  • Lit
  • Yep, it's true they wanted to have* slaves and for* whites to be the ruling class. But what I said about the second amendment being a (partial) result of the revolutionary war is also true. It's almost like two things can be true at the same time.

    I suspect you think that because I said something positive about the second amendment, I'm also in favor of slavery and whites being the ruling class? Maybe don't twist my words like you twist historical events.

  • Lit
  • I understand it's a meme, but I'm not sure I agree with twisting historical events, intentionally or not.

  • Lit
  • The people who wrote the Constitution had just fought a tyrannical government (the Brits) and wanted to ensure future citizens of the country could do that again, if needed. It wasn't a case of "lol let's give them guns and see what happens".

  • Massive explosion rocks SpaceX Texas facility, Starship engine in flames
  • Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't.

  • That has to be fake
  • I was gonna say, it looks like a peeled orange, but yellow.

  • Biden accuses Trump of 'coming for your health care' in new campaign ad
  • I'm... Losing you the election? Lmao what? Did you not read my comment above that says I'm voting against the anti-women, anti-trans rhetoric of the right? I'm sorry but it's a life or death situation for me. I'm not going to vote for my own hanging, thank you very much.

    I don't think you're getting it through your thick skull that while I don't necessarily like dems fully, they're the only realistic option. The election has two realistic outcomes: Trump wins, and I face grave danger, or Biden wins, and I at least get the chance to see another presidential election in 4 years. And if you can't see that or agree with that, fuck you right back.

  • Biden accuses Trump of 'coming for your health care' in new campaign ad
  • You're cheering "both sides are the same" which is objectively false.

  • Biden accuses Trump of 'coming for your health care' in new campaign ad
  • You do understand that you can cast your vote without being in complete agreement with a party, right?

    I'm voting dem because the other party is vehemently anti-women, anti-trans, anti-rights, and arguably fascist down to the very definition (not just a "hunch" like you seem to think dems are). I'm not voting R or third party because that would be agreeing to the death sentence of democracy outright.

    And if I'm a "cheerleader", that makes you one as well, lol.

  • Biden accuses Trump of 'coming for your health care' in new campaign ad
  • The 1800s called, they want their rebuttal back

  • Biden accuses Trump of 'coming for your health care' in new campaign ad
  • Keep it in your pants bozo, and just take the L.

  • Tonight, you will feast on manflesh!
  • You forgot to at least include a typo

  • Over 80,000 Illinois people banned from owning guns still keep them, report shows
  • We cool with police and government just barging into our homes and taking our property that we purchased legally with our own money now?

    EDIT: FWIW, I misunderstood the title. I thought it was banned guns, not people banned from having guns (due to felonies, etc.). This is a bit different.

  • Detroit just had it's first population growth in 66 years. Huzzah!
  • I've lived in Philly for a while... it's crazy how most of center city is safe, but walk into the wrong neighborhood...

  • Joe Biden's new protections for LGBTQ+ foster youth will save lives
  • It's almost like we should get out and vote.

  • BassaForte BassaForte

    Software Engineer, Music Producer, Game Dev Hobbyist, Car Enthusiast

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