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What's your favorite terminal?
  • Wezterm is my favourite because it's really configurable and supports ligatures. Konsole is also quite nice. Generally I'm in favour of using whichever one comes with your DE, or Wezterm if you use a WM.

    Kitty is probably the most popular one, but I don't like it cause no ligature support no acceleration it claims it has good font management, but fonts never worked properly in my experience.

    Alacritty and Foot are also popular for their performance. Alacritty does have some stability issues though.

  • Trouble with fedora
  • What are the contents of /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts? Also don't forget to reboot after changing the hostname!

  • Alacritty, Konsole, or something else? Which terminal emulator do you recommend?
  • I've used GNOME's terminal, Konsole, kitty, st, cool-retro-term, Alacritty, foot, and Wezterm.

    The things I want from a terminal emulator are:

    • Ligatures
    • Customisability
    • Icon support / good font management
    • High-ish performance

    Wezterm is afaik the only one with all of those.

    Konsole is actually a pretty good terminal emulator, its big downside is that it looks horribly out-of-place in anything other than Plasma. So as long as you stay on Plasma, Konsole is a good choice. If you ever move to a WM or something, I recommend foot or Wezterm.

    Alacritty has some degree of customisability, Konsole has more, but either way it's nothing when compared to Wezterm. It is really fast though!

    The thing that skews the duel in favour of Konsole for me is the ligature support. I use neovim for programming and we all know code ligatures are a godsend, so ligature support in the terminal is very much a thing that I want.

  • If you can't deal with it, it ain't happening
  • weren't dildos originally made of glass?

  • advanced
  • [Ctrl-V]69jI// [Esc]

  • the "good" parts
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Average GNOME User :3

    been a while since we've seen some of those, great stuff!

  • Basic fonts
  • Sofia Sans, JetBrains Mono/Iosevka/Fira Code, noto-fonts-emoji if you want emoji to work, maybe Atkinson Hyperlegible if that's your thing

  • Removed
    The bizarre finances of Mozilla
  • Brendan Eich is a bit of a twat. Not that Mitchell Baker is much better.

  • D or d come on
  • sudo echo "set completion-ignore-case on" >> /etc/inputrc

  • Watch out guys.
  • Note to everyone (like me) who didn't immediately understand this was satire:

    This is satire.

  • Watch out guys.
  • Aperture Laboratories

  • Thank you Imagine app
  • bruh

  • It's the truth
  • this

  • Anon is a scientist
  • Congratulations, you now have AIDS!

  • [Hyprland] My first rice!
  • Gorgeous!

  • I am leaving Win10 for Garuda
  • Garuda is definitely the right choice for your use case.

  • [i3] (EndeavourOS) First rice!
  • Finally someone asked about that!

    That's an alias I made (with some help from the Arch Wiki) that lets me search the AUR for a package using fzf and then install it.

    alias get="paru -Slq | fzf --preview 'paru -Si {}' --layout=reverse --bind 'enter:execute(paru -S {})+accept'"

    (replace paru with your AUR helper of choice if different, requires fzf)

    Also, my neovim config is available in the link!

  • Unixporn Bankenstein
    [i3] (EndeavourOS) First rice!

    EndeavourOS default i3wm setup

    terminal: Alacritty

    compositor: Picom

    top bar: eww

    entire configuration here

    the best way to exit Vim (according to an Emacs user)

    thank you for showing us this brilliant piece of software

    Bankenstein Bankenstein
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