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The worm is racist.
  • Isn't that the same feeling people get when looking at those confederate statues?

    Or are the confederate statues more of a reminder that "this guy led my great grandfather into a meaningless battle where he got killed"?

    Or "this guy strongly supported slavery and he is in the town square wtf"?

    As an outsider I probably won't get it fully, but I can try.

  • choose your champion
  • I was thinking it looks like one from MAD magazine, so it must be Sergio.

  • Spectrum rule
  • Find the local maximum by taking the derivative:

  • Non-binary
  • When I see that kind of argument, I think of tri-state logic gates.

    Those gates can be in 3 states High, Low, and Hi-Z.

    If we look at non-binary people from that angle they must be in the Hi-Z state.

  • Content Warnings Do Not Reduce Distress, Study Shows
  • Sounds like people that needs to avoid looking at food has a tough time being outside.

  • Hmmmm… I don’t remember that Beatles song
  • In this case I'm pretty sure it's some C level clown that pushed this through even if everyone told them "it's not ready" or "you need a larger model for this to work".

    The people on the floor rarely get heard, they only get the blame.

  • New addition, not sure on name yet...
  • Do an online poll or if you don't have time choose: Kitty McKittyface.

  • The food prices at the Hard Rock Beach Club at the Miami GP
  • I would be surprised if it's less than $100

  • Tesla’s in its flop era
  • Disney World France?

    Dallas Worth Fort?

  • Tesla’s in its flop era
  • It's the fault of those 9% he fired, so everything is fine now.


  • asdfas
  • Don't call me pal, comrade. 😁

  • Bumper stickers
  • Much better than the maga bunch!

  • "Splurge" = spend what money we have so we can fucking survive.
  • Imagine buying flour instead of growing your own wheat and vegetables. So wasteful.

  • Gay rule
  • If we follow that logic then you must be very straight, but in a reacharound kind of way.

  • Happy transgender day of visibility!
  • 🏳️‍⚧️🗓️🦺

  • Deleted
  • 🫡 We salute them!