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Random Screenshots of my Games #8 - Satisfactory
  • Holy crap, 3500 games‽ I thought I was bad with 1/10 of that and mostly low play hours. I wish I had your organization, because my factorio layout is so bad that I just gave up on trying to be small and well designed. Everything must have miles-long conveyors!

  • Horse archers ruin every game they are in.
  • Ah, yes, mount and blade. Where not becoming a solo warrior of death horse archer is harder than not becoming a stealth archer in skyrim. If it helps, I liked to have big armies of the super ground archers and put two groups of shield infantry on the left and right of them. It seemed to work okay against horse archers.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse texts pledging to ‘murder’ shoplifters disillusion his ex-spokesperson
  • I know of some individuals who have been sitting in jail, waiting for a trial, for longer than the maximum sentence they could have been given. If you are poor and/or live in a shitty area, your 'rights' don't always mean all that much.

  • Bigly Edumacated
  • It's been years, if someone doesn't have it by now, it likely won't happen.

    As to the slander... isn't one of the core components of the civil action that the spoken word (libel is written, eh?) is false?

  • Bigly Edumacated
  • I'm curious what Trump could sue them for. I know there is the privacy act that relates to school record (it makes it so parents can't get their kids college records, if I remember...), and maybe he could try for financial damages?

  • Satisfactory's developers had no idea how popular its 1.0 launch was going to be: 'We try not to focus too much on that stuff and just make it as big as we possibly can'
  • You can solve things? I had bought it and was waiting for release... and now I'm just building lots and lots of conveyors. I sort of have this fun idea to create a Mr. Bones ride with them... using clipping to push the character onto the next conveyor sliding along to the first.

  • Scientists grow ‘lost tree’ mentioned in Bible using mysterious ancient seed
  • doctor or nurse is swearing at me by now

    The people who interact with patients think you're great. Give people some info and make it easy to understand. It's the Ph.D. fella who did his thesis on cellular signaling focusing on nociceptor differences in distal/medial loci.



  • Study hack
  • Different places have different ways of doing things. One of the recent online courses I saw was step by step, and each step opened as soon as you finished the first.

    Once everything is online - the assignments, the test, the proctors watching you take the test, the grading for the test being automatic - it's no longer as important for those places to schedule everything exactly. It's also incredibly different in the experience, because the chance of an actual professor teaching is incredibly slim. They have you just reading the textbook and being referred to youtube videos.

  • Trump says he won’t run for president again in 2028 if he loses in November
  • Ha! I remember something about Biden being a one-term president as well. What do you bet donnie will try again, see the horrible ratings and poll numbers, and drop out? He wasn't able to be the first charismatic fascist dictator (even his idol wasn't, aye?), and he won't be able to help but follow the tracks laid out by his better.

  • A name should carry a reputation
  • I'm all for names with some weight on them, but give the kid a normal name and just tell people, "We call him Kicker." Let the kid make up the story for why. Everywhere has a little line for 'prefers to go by' now, and you can avoid the problems (and don't try to say there aren't any) associated with names that don't fit the average idea of normal.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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