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Streamyfin, a simple and user-friendly Jellyfin client for iOS and Android
  • Do you know about Findroid? Just in case if you were not aware there is already another app that's not a web wrapper. But having multiple with different approaches is great too, glad to see Streamyfin.

  • Just FYI, some drama around .xyz domains
  • Yeah, looks like. Still thought its worth mentioning in case this is the one used for this domain too.

    Edit: now I remember why I linked it, it was also this comment saying something that all xyz's go through the same registrar?

    Not registrar, registry, which seems to be

  • Just FYI, some drama around .xyz domains General Advice for shell scripts -

    What do you advice for shell usage? - Do you use bash? If not, which one do you use? zsh, fish? Why do you do it? - Do you write #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh? Do you write fish exclusive scripts? - Do you have two folders, one for proven commands and one for experimental? - Do you publish/ share those c...

    Should have maybe posted here first, sorry if main was not the correct community to start with.

    Just FYI, some drama around .xyz domains Never buy .xyz -

    I just wanted to post this here because I want to help you all and hurt as much as possible. I had a .xyz domain through [] which I used to host jellyfin, homeassistant, and other basic things for friends and family. My domain recently became inaccessible without any no...

    Not sure it applies to, but we have seen drama with the .ml domains last year, so just wanted to bring attention to it.

    Parents with bilingual children, how did you do it?
  • Same for me but exchange French with Russian.

    I think one thing I feel we should have done different is to tell the kid I don't understand you if you are not talking my language. All of us know a bit of the other languages, which was super helpful as my wife didn't have to translate when she talks to our baby about something.

    But the downside over time was that our child after being in daycare would start speaking Swedish to us, and seeing as a toddler doesn't pronounce words correctly we had a hell of time understanding that as non-native speakers. Lots of frustration in that one. So maybe it would have been better from the start to act as if we understand no Swedish at all.

    Counterpoint, being outside we of course have to understand what others say to us in Swedish, so that might have looked weird for the kid then.

    But what worked so far is that I speak my mother tongue, my wife hers, and our child mostly speaks Swedish since that's the main language surrounding her. She understands all we say but is not great at speaking either our languages right now.

  • We might need to add some more logic to the recommendation algorithm
  • It's a pretty decent movie. Towards the end it kind of goes off the path it started on but otherwise a good watch.

  • When Pokémon comes to Linux
  • Pokemon Docker.

    Docker! Docker!

  • BadlyDrawnUnicorn Badly Drawn Unicorn

    Just like, so bad.

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