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Price will increase by $10 after the Steam Summer Sale
  • He explains that there are some guidelines on online stores like steam and EVs that they cannot just talk about that requires them to do it now, even though they feel the price point is better represented by the final release. So they wished they could do it then, but this is an issue.

    The team has had a split dev track the past 2 years, where one part developed the 1.0 stuff that will be added and was kept secret, while the second team did the early access part.

    After the last major release they found that they now needed to merge the 2 branches and stop EA updates to work towards final release.

    So there areany changes coming to what we saw in EA and there is also new content coming that we so far only saw parts of (like the summer sloop and mercer spheres).

    These guys are like the gold standard for keeping their fans in the loop and explaining their dev proces. The hate is unwarranted. They even put the game on sale at the old price point and gave everyone fair warning. I think 40 euros is a good and fair price for the final game if you want to wait.

  • Nederlands kabinet wil contante betalingen vanaf 3000 euro verbieden
  • Die snap ik niet. Zwart werk is per definitie cash toch? Dus het lijkt door de verlaagde limiet tov de 10K een poging om ook zwart werk en dergelijke aan te pakken.

    Ben benieuwd hoe ze meerdere transacties voor hetzelfde gaan oplossen. Anders krijg je straks een aanbetaling van 2k, een gereedmaak betaling van 2k, een ophaal betaling van 2k en een nabetaling van 2k bij de autodealers ofzo. Of automatten van 2k sold separately.

    En ja autodealers is een bewuste keus. Je gaat me niet vertellen dat al die grote huizen op de meest achterlijke plekken, met een hek eromheen en 20 (dure) autos voor de verkoop allemaal bestaansrecht hebben.

  • Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership
  • If anything everyone is now undeniably aware that any agreement with Russia is not even worth the paper it is written on.

  • Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership
  • Do you truly not see a difference between people arguing on the internet and an ideology that led to the wholesale slaughter of over 6 million civilians in extermination camps and another 9 to 14 million in Europe?

    Calling someone a Nazi like that just dilutes the meaning of the term and shows how little you actually understand of the world.

  • Spotify removes music by pro-war Russian singers
  • Oh... Yeah. It was appalling.

    Edit: I misread. Tx for the feedback

  • Spotify removes music by pro-war Russian singers
  • It is a pro Ukrainian Youtuber that translated the lyrics to show how vile the rap is. It is vatnik gangster rap, glorifying the SVO as they call it, rapping about shooting zombies and using grad systems.

    My link got deleted, I apologize to the mods if this breached etiquette. I watched it and wanted others to be aware of the nature of this kind of music and why it is good it was kicked from Spotify.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • That makes sense. Although a lot of navy power is smaller ships, frigates and such.

    But also the emergence of the drone boat in its current form was for sure hypothesized but now that they are here, the race is on to find a solution.

    And several types of ships simply have no alternatives. Carriers, helicopter carriers, amphibious transport ships, oilers.

  • Spotify removes music by pro-war Russian singers
  • Saw a YouTube video of a guy who showed the lyrics on some of these songs.. good that this gets yeeted off of Spotify.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • I have no clue what kind of penetration a phalanx has, but Magura is armored.. there I also don't know if this is just against small arms but I'd imagine a bit more. Also a drone boat is not shaped like a normal boat. It is flat with a sloped top so even chance of glancing blows.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • They are.. gun based ciws can easily be used against ribs and such. I just don't know if a drone boat ban be armored enough to withstand the onslaught.

  • Assange plea came after warning that U.S. would lose extradition fight
  • Because it was a bet either way. Indeed your stalemate. After this there might have been other legal avenues that the US would have attempted.. prolonging the whole ordeal.

    Especially the human aspect. Government employees just go home at the end of their day and sleep fine. Assange spent his time in an embassy/prison while this whole ordeal went through. Now it is over.

    The US did not have him in one of their actual prisons, but they did imprison him for over a decade.

  • Helldivers, what are your favorite loadouts?
  • Sickle + autocannon against automatons.
    Breaker + eat against bugs.
    Light scout armor.

    And usually eagle strike + whatever I feel like.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Sure pointing to Russian incompetence is easy. I would like to see how NATO ships fare in a training exercise against a pack of 10 Magura V's. I'll bet they will find it is much harder than they thought.

    These things are so low in the water they dissapears between the waves for radar and other tracking systems, they can move slow to get close and be within the outer defense layers before they are spotted. And now they even come with deployable mines, grad missiles or even anti air missiles.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • You are right, sorry. Unmanned Surface Vehicle.

  • Russia Loses Last Black Sea Missile Ship
  • Or just put era blocks on ships too.. lol

  • Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports

    Sea Baby maritime drones of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) planted more than 15 underwater mines near the waters of the Russian-occupied Crimea, as a result of which at least four Russian ships were damaged.

    Ukraine’s Security Service drones plant over 15 underwater mines near Crimea and damage 4 Russian ships, WSJ reports

    If we can't come in, you can't come out either

    US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia

    The US appears to have expanded its agreement with Ukraine to strike over the border inside Russian territory wherever Russian forces are engaging in cross-border attacks into Ukraine, not just in the Kharkiv region as was previously determined.

    US signals that it has expanded policy to allow Ukraine to counterstrike into Russia

    National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told PBS News on Monday that the agreement with Ukraine to fire into Russia extends wherever Russian forces are attempting to invade.

    Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn

    Topambtenaar Dick Schoof is de kandidaat-premier van de nieuwe coalitie.

    Dick Schoof wil 'premier van alle Nederlanders' zijn

    Nou, voormalig NCTV en AIVD. Kan me voorstellen dat we een hoop veiligheid krijgen in ruil voor onze privacy.

    En gelukkig heeft hij als hoofd van de IND het ook een toekomstbestendige organisatie gemaakt.

    Ik ben benieuwd. En jullie?

    Badeendje RubberDuck

    Quak, Quak, quuaakk

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