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America's largest LGBTQ rights group plans $15 million swing state blitz to re-elect Biden
  • So the people doing nothing are causing more harm than the people actively hunting and persecuting me?

    Iā€™d disagree. Thatā€™s like saying my neighbors who didnā€™t put out the fire in my house are just as bad as my other neighbor who started the fire in the first place.

    We have two choices.

    Democrats havenā€™t done a damn thingā€¦

  • Windows 10 EOL PSA
  • Not sure what you have, what your trying to do, and am pretty new to Linux myself, but Iā€™m running KDE neon with a 3070, and after a little work to get drivers updated Iā€™ve had minimal issues!

    Iā€™m not doing anything too crazy though, mostly web browsing and gaming is all.

  • Microsoft is one of the greatest promoters of the Linux desktop
  • Not the best job, but I guarantee itā€™s having an effect.

    I say this as someone who finally gave Linux another chance about a month ago (due to annoyances with Microsoft) and itā€™s going really well!

    Even a noob like me can just install KDE and learn a few ā€œlaunch through steamā€ tricks and Iā€™ve had very minimal issues!

    I think a lot of the casuals like me still think Linux is all terminals and command lines, but itā€™s clear it doesnā€™t have to be now. And Microsoftā€™s campaign is what pushed me to come look again!

  • America's largest LGBTQ rights group plans $15 million swing state blitz to re-elect Biden
  • I don't like it, but in reality I have 2 choices.

    1. Someone who is supporting awful things around the world, but will (at least temporarily) protect myself and my community. or
    2. Someone who will continue supporting awful things around the world, and will without a doubt persecute and hunt me and my community.

    It's a shit choice. But its an easy choice. One candidate is a very real threat to not just myself, but my friends, family, and community. The other is not.

    I'd love our magic 3rd option to show up and be viable, but they won't. We all know this.

  • Windows 10 reaches 70% market share as Windows 11 keeps declining
  • I just got a steam deck, and needed to install FF14 (non steam) so I was mucking around in desktop modeā€¦ yeah. Iā€™ll prob be getting a spare drive for my tower now to try out Linux. Iā€™d love nothing more then to cut ties to windows.

  • Biden is toast with people under 45 isn't he?
  • Oooh I finally understand what the whole hexbear thing is. Itā€™s a blockable echo chamber of a vocal minority.

    Every single hostile comment here when you click on the profile. Hexbear. Neat!

    Damn my Lemmy is about to get a lot more peaceful.

  • Police Are Tagging Fleeing Cars With GPS Darts to Avoid Dangerous Pursuits
  • Itā€™s not bad to be skeptical considering their record. Itā€™s responsible. Yes. Itā€™s good that they are doing something to make things more safe. But yes itā€™s also good to continue to call attention to the ways this new tech can (and almost certainly will) be abused.

    They dug their own hole of skepticism, not us.

    I donā€™t really care if someoneā€™s ā€œtired of hearing ACABā€ if people are still losing their lives unjustly to bad cops. Continuing to raise awareness in any little way is better then not being annoying.

  • Millennials are exhausted by working more for less.
  • Whoā€™s working ā€œmaybeā€ 3 hrs a dayā€¦ all the programmers I work with every day are on 10 hr days right nowā€¦..

    But Iā€™ve seen enough of your comments in this thread, so Iā€™m super sure you ā€œknow a guyā€ who will prove little ol me wrong.

  • Microsoft unbundles Office and Teams globally in new attempt to appease antitrust regulators
  • Why canā€™t I make a thread? Why can I only use one emote? Why can I sometimes see a message on my phone but not on the computer? Why is there an ā€œoldā€ and a ā€œnewā€ teams app? Why does each one constantly ask me to use the other one? Why are there god damn Mabalene video filters, but yet my god damn calendar wonā€™t sync properly with outlook. Why when I update my picture, does 1/3 of my team see the new one, 1/3 sees the old one, and 1/3 just sees my initials. Iā€™d continue but my thumbs are tired.

    Teams actively makes communicating with my team more difficult and I hope it dies so soon.

  • InitialsDiceBearā€žInitialsā€ ( by ā€žDiceBearā€, licensed under ā€žCC0 1.0ā€ (
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