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How do y'all say GIF?
  • jee ayy eff

  • Whats the least fun fact you know?
  • There's tons of carbon frozen in Arctic permafrost. As the planet warms up, the ice melts, dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere and causing a runaway effect.

  • Combining two different internet debates
  • Yes, but the flow rate is only so much. It was only open for a short time before Glados closed it.

  • Combining two different internet debates
  • The train is not moving. The rest of the world is moving underneath it. Therefore, by the principle of "speedy thing go in, speedy thing come out", the people will be launched.

  • Can you post your political views in the form of a rhyming poem?
  • All I see is a major shitshow

    I can't keep up with all the garbage they throw

    None of our problems ever get fixed

    Because we can't even agree they exist!

    The future's in the hands of those who won't live to see it

    The house is burning down but they won't believe it

    Everything's fucked, it's all just a mess

    I suppose I'll just vote for who hates minorities less

  • Now that AI generated text is mostly indistinguishable from human text, AI may start influencing the evolution of our language.
  • I can see weird things starting to happen when AI-generated text becomes so prevalent that it starts feeding back into the language models themselves like some kind of ouroboros, then slowly starts drifting away from our current vernacular as errors accumulate and the bots get increasingly inbred.

  • We must all submit to the unseen orb.
  • the sun is a deadly laser

  • What are your fondest Minecraft memories?
  • When barrier blocks first came out I decided to build an invisible box full of Withers right in the middle of my village.

    It was then I learned that, despite being unbreakable to players in survival, Withers could still break barriers.

  • Youtube added shorts to the subscriptions page, pushing the subscriptions almost entirely off the page...
  • I just hate how much functionality the Shorts player loses compared to the regular Youtube player. They seriously made their product worse to imitate a competitor? Who asked for this?

  • Normal Tera Rillaboom
  • Corviknight can tank just about anything Rillaboom can learn, set up with Iron Defense, and clap back with Body Press. Mirror Armor will be good against Noble Roar and Screech too. Just be careful Roosting.

    Unless Rillaboom does something dickish like hit everyone with Taunt as its opening move. But they wouldn’t be that mean… would they?

  • Be honest, do you still use reddit?
  • I still hang out mostly on Reddit. As much as the site’s gone downhill, I’m mostly active on the fandom-specific subs, which don’t have nearly as much of a presence on Lemmy. The general meme communities have been flourishing, but the fandom communities are basically ghost towns, and even those that see a bare minimum of activity are far from enough to pop up in my feed. Right now, /r/yugioh has ten times as many online users as /c/yugioh has subscribers period - and that’s one of the more active niche communities I follow! I’ll still be keeping an eye on Lemmy and post to both sites when I can, but we’ve got a lot more growing to do before I’m ready to finally ditch Reddit.

    Also, Reddit has the hentai. The specific fandom subs at least have small barely-active communities here but their NSFW counterparts are totally nonexistent.

  • The Sphere
  • Wait a second...

  • Twitter users right now
  • That's pretty much why I've been reluctant to join either Mastodon or Threads, compared to Lemmy. On Reddit/Lemmy, it doesn't really matter who I talk with, as long as a community exists for the topics I'm interested in. But on Twitter, I pretty much exclusively follow content creators and don't care to interact with anyone else. Until those streamers/youtubers/artists jump ship, I'm pretty much stuck on Twitter with them. When they do, I can only hope they pick Mastodon over Threads, so I can actually filter my feed to those I choose to follow, but ultimately I gotta go where they are.

  • or the brown-throated sloth
  • holy shit Big Chungus is real

  • Worst social media communities in sites in order, in your opinion?
  • Doesn’t get much worse than 4chan.

  • What Reddit communities do you want most to see "migrate" to Lemmy?
  • A lot of fandom-specific subs! With the typical main sub/meme sub/nsfw sub trinity, I’ve seen the main subs show up here with minimal activity while the meme and nsfw subs are nowhere to be seen. A lot of the big default subs have come here, but the fandom-based subs just exist as tiny communities with several thousand times less subscribers and nowhere near enough content to regularly show up on my subscribed feed.

  • Xenomorphon baranowskii - A newly discovered species of beetle that completely lacks wings or elytra

    While some species of beetle are known to lack wings as adult females, Xenomorphon is the only known to lack wings as adult males.

    ArcheTelos ArcheTelos

    /u/dralcax on the old site, just using both while waiting for the exodus

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