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I just cited myself.
  • In this context, yes, because of the cancellation on the fractions when you recover.

    1/3 x 3 = 1

    I would say without the context, there is an infinitesimal difference. The approximation solution above essentially ignores the problem which is more of a functional flaw in base 10 than a real number theory issue

  • Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • Ironically, in the hands of an experienced practitioner, the pullout method is very effective at preventing pregnancy.

    The problem comes when it’s a kid trying it for the first time having sex, or someone not in full control of their facilities towards the end of sex. Easy to get caught up and “forget” if you’re having a good time.

  • ‘Huge’ proportion of mental health conditions in Australia found to be caused by childhood maltreatment
  • While it certainly isn’t news to us today, every additional observation that supports a theory is valuable, especially for theories about deep-rooted and hard-to-prove causality.

    We can’t just go out traumatizing children “for science” to find out what the incident rate of mental health as it relates to different traumas.

  • After 10,000+ hours grinding, MapleStory's first level 300 player slams the brakes at 299.99 to rant about the MMO and then quit, all on a dev-promoted stream
  • As a rehabilitated Eve addict, I can tell you that it’s a lot of addiction. MMOs are about two things: people and gameplay.

    In Eve, the PvE gameplay is awful. But the PvP is amazing and the people are amazing. Even though I haven’t logged in in years, I still talk to these people regularly. Like once or twice a month.

    While they’re not my closest friends, I genuinely know them and feel I can share anything I need to get off my chest in a safe place that will hear and respond. Picking a good group of people in a game can make or break your experience.

    After that, 10,000 hours of online social time doesn’t seem so bad compared to the alternative of being alone and still playing games.

    Is it good for you? Absolutely not. But hopefully that puts some perspective on MMOs.

  • Researchers unlock fiber optic connection 1.2 million times faster than broadband
  • You’re taking about data rates here, measured in bits per second.

    Data caps have to do with the total amount of data you are allocated over a longer period of time. Usually per month. In the case of Comcast, it’s 1.5 TB/month.

    If the customer exceeds that allotment during the month, they will be charged an additional “overage fee” per arbitrary unit, usually by the gigabyte.

    It has nothing to do with the speed they advertise on a line, but rather a way to charge “heavy users” more.

  • New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now
  • In short, I don’t write formal documents often in my role as a software engineer.

    There are any number of ways that an opt-out message could be too ambiguous to be legally interpreted. For example, if you just send the message saying “no thanks, I don’t want to use arbitration”, but forget to identify yourself in a way that is meaningful to the other party, it may not hold up in any proceedings.

    For example, either your legal name or username may be required, or both, depending on whether you need to prove you are/were a user at the time of opt-out.

    Specifying the confirmation is helpful as well in a normal document that someone reads.

    Several other companies have made opt outs that you have to send paper mail for as a way to raise the barrier of rejection.

    People are lazy. I am lazy. I asked a resource to do it for me and shared the results to help others like me. This helps reduce the barrier to people who would like to opt out but can’t be bothered to figure out how to write that email.

  • New Discord TOS binds you to forced arbitration - Opt-Out Now
  • Relevant instructions:

    Opt-out. You can decline this agreement to arbitrate by emailing an opt-out notice to arbitration-opt-out<at> within 30 days of April 15, 2024 or when you first register your Discord account, whichever is later

    I had to ask bing copilot how to write the opt out email. Here’s a template for everyone to use.

    Subject: Opt-Out of Discord Arbitration Clause
    Dear Discord Legal Team,
    I am writing to formally opt out of the arbitration clause outlined in your Terms of Service. I do not wish to be bound by the arbitration provisions.
    Please confirm my opt-out status via email.
    Thank you for your attention to this matter.
    [Your Full Name]
    [Your Discord Username]
  • Signal: Introducing usernames and phone number privacy
  • I see this as both a win and a potential problem for the app’s reputation:

    As soon as you take away a hard link to a real-life identifier, the sketchy people come out of the woodwork and trade images/video of child exploitation.

    Signal has not had this problem like some platforms (e.g. Kik), and I suspect two reasons:

    1. Lack of searchable chat rooms
    2. Concrete link to a phone number that anyone who contacts you must know (and make it easy to identify you to authorities)

    Up until now signal has been an excellent secure replacement for text messaging between parties that know each other. I hope they don’t go the “chat groups” route, though I doubt they will. But I suspect this change will make it a preferred way for abusers to exchange images and videos nearly anonymously

  • Signal Finally Rolls Out Usernames, So You Can Keep Your Phone Number Private
  • I see this as both a win and a problem:

    As soon as you take away a hard link to a real-life identifier, the sketchy people come out of the woodwork and spread images of child exploitation.

    Signal has not had this problem like some platforms (e.g. Kik), and I suspect two reasons:

    1. Lack of searchable chat rooms
    2. Concrete link to a phone number that anyone who contacts you must know (and make it easy to identify you to authorities)

    Up until now signal has been an excellent secure replacement for text messaging between parties that know each other. I hope they don’t go the “chat groups” route, though I doubt they will. But I suspect this change will make it a preferred way for abusers to exchange images and videos nearly anonymously.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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