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What is your all time favourite movie?
  • I have to say, it took me a few mins to mentally get over the fact that these characters I’ve watched so many times before were now singing. Once I got over that, it was a blast for me.

  • What is your all time favourite movie?
  • It would have to be Back to the Future. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve rewatched those movies. I also just saw the broadway musical version of it as well. If I had to choose between the three, then it would have to be the second one. There is so much iconic imagery from those movies, and I loved getting to see parts of the first from from different POVs. It has a great mix of many things that people can enjoy.

  • /kbin Issues
  • My subscribed looks alright for the most part (even though I am getting stuff I did not subscribe to), but I also want to keep discovering new magazines/communities, so I go to “All” a lot. You may be describing what I see though in terms of how kbin sorts through content on All. It just makes Kbin look really empty to me compared to Lemmy. It’s rare that I will see something with hundreds of comments on my front All page.

  • /kbin Issues
  • Is it better for you now? I’m still in the same boat. My front page is full is mostly single digit comment stuff from Kbin. If I go to a lemmy app though, I will see more popular Kbin content on their front page than I am seeing while logged onto Kbin.

  • Okay, how do I block all this meme stuff?
  • While yes, you can block them like people have said (which I do) a new place pops up everyday. It’s like whack a mole. I would love to have some kind of filter that automatically blocks any magazine/community with the word “meme” in it. I would like to not always stay on subscribed so I can see more content and not create and echo chamber for myself.

  • I feel like we should federate with
  • I will chime in for the sake of adding more votes to side of this being a bad idea (for all the reasons already stated). If you want to talk to people on threads, you can just log onto threads. The fediverse does not need to connect to every platform in existence. It’s okay to have multiple accounts on different websites for different things. We also don’t need to have infinite content, it’s fine to put your phone down every now and again.

  • Is there a way to subscribe to all communities with the same name?
  • I would love a feature like this, but for the opposite, so I can block magazines/communities that have specific words

  • Can we settle this: how many holes does a straw have?
  • By the logic of most of the comments in here, does this mean most people are wrong when they say they are digging a hole???

  • Can we settle this: how many holes does a straw have?
  • By the logic of most of the comments in here, does this mean most people are wrong when they say they are digging a hole???

  • Deleted
    How to block a domain
  • Blocking the domain does nothing for me. I get daily new stuff from there on my feed. Blocking the individual magazines does help, but it’s now just become a part of my daily routine to block them.

  • Great Cyberpunk Games
  • Transistor is close to cyberpunk, if you’re into indie top down view games.

  • Can I block posts about Reddit?
  • It will die down soon, once the main migration finishes.

  • ApollosArrow ApollosArrow
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    Comments 12