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Dreams come true
  • Do they not have to pay for the privilege? Or is this not referring to academic publishing? (It’s not super clear, but context indicates academic?)

  • Museum of Neoliberalism to be knocked down for luxury flats
  • A new apartment building is going up in the middle of my small town. It’s “luxury” apartments.

    Big black “stylish” (see also: identical to every other luxury apartment building in the last 5 years) building on top of a hill in the middle of a low-cost and simple rural community. It’s so ridiculous. It stands out horribly, and looks terrible. And it’s right next to a gas station.. so it looks even more ridiculous. I doubt they will get a lot of renters for it.

    About a decade back there was a push to build luxury apartments in the town over. They built them all (few hundred units) right next to the landfill. I’ve driven past said landfill in summer and nearly throw up. I can’t imagine living next to that, and calling my place luxury..

  • What is the hottest temperature humans can survive? These labs are redefining the limit
  • They lowered the safe temp limit, actually, so.. might want to try reading stuff instead of making assumptions based on the headline. :)

  • The Price of Coffee
  • I’d fill this out, but I think my results would be a weird outlier because I do get pretty good coffee, but it comes from a dent/bent/slightly out of date discount grocery sort of place so I pay $3-4/lb rather than the $10-15/lb it would normally be.

  • "It's easier with Kodel" - Jody of California prom-pretty dress ad - 1979
  • I find it really interesting that they don’t provide an actual price, but an approximate. Is that because stuff was still tailored back then, and you’d need to have some adjustments made?

  • Ouch! Yes, wasps sting, but they are as important to gardens as honeybees
  • I’m a big fan of trichogramma wasps, myself.

    I had a pantry moth infestation as a result of having birds (inherited from my mother - I’d never keep birds of my own choice, and I rehomed them after a few years)

    Anyway, because I had birds and cats, bug bombs were out of the question, but I found trichogramma wasps. They are stingless wasps about the size of a grain of sand, 1-2 mm tops, so you can barely see them, and they lay their egg inside moth eggs (and some 100 other species of mostly pest insects, but they prefer what they hatch from which is typically moth eggs) their daughter eats the moth larva, hatches, and can immediately lay fertile eggs in more moth eggs. No males in the species due to a gut bacteria, so all wasps hatch fertile.

    If anyone reading this needs this info, you can buy trichogramma wasps online, they aren’t expensive, you’ll want ~5k eggs for up to 2k sqft indoors (most sites I’ve seen this is the minimum order anyway, and back when I did it 8 years ago or so, cost me about $12/order, including shipping). They will escape through the window screens, and just die off if there aren’t enough target species’ eggs around, which is fine and not a problem. They can wipe out up to 95% of a targeted species when outdoors, but moths have a long life cycle so you need time to work through all the waves in your enclosed space. Just open the little cup inside, set it down somewhere near the kitchen or where you have the most moths, and that’s it. Repeat every 2-3 weeks until you don’t see moths anymore, which takes about 4-6 months. After that, for two more years, any time you see a moth inside, order another round and release them. This is a precautionary measure in case you still have a residual population hiding somewhere.

  • World-first lung cancer vaccine trials launched across seven countries
  • Unless this one works differently than the one I read about a month or so ago, which isn’t at all clear from this article, no, probably not something we can get as kids.

    The reason is that, at least at the moment, you need a sample of the cancer itself and protein markers for each individual, and each cancer type, so it’s a vaccine that you get only after you get the cancer. Plus it’s multiple doses over the course of several weeks.

    They also aren’t sure if the cancer will come back after being eradicated, so for now they have no idea how effective it will be, nor how long it’ll last.

    But this is a technology very much in its infancy. The first trial ever was earlier this year, so… who knows where it’ll go from there. Maybe they will be able to isolate enough common markers for enough cancers to have a childhood vax for prevention. Almost certainly a long ways off tho.

  • New Zealand rushes vaccination of endangered birds before deadly strain of H5N1 bird flu arrives
  • That’s giving me big Alice in wonderland flamingo croquet mallet vibes. I’m envisioning a house covered in little birds sticking in by their beak, feet all a wigglin.

  • What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far
  • Go home. You aren’t fooling anyone.

  • What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far
  • Yeah I just bet someone whining about not getting enough of a tax break runs a co-op.

    Bullshit. Go home. You aren’t fooling anyone.

  • What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far
  • I’m gunna wager you’re a lying sack of shit and aren’t a communist at all. See, only one of us can be right, and it isn’t you :)

    If you are a commie, prove it. Nothing you’ve said so far (and I’m not going to dig through your post history; I have standards.) leads a person to believe you.. so make me believe you.

  • What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far
  • Fucking lol, yeah right homie, I’m unconvinced and all my comrades will be similarly.

    I’m an actual anarcho-communist, and nothing you’ve said makes me think you have even the slightest idea what communism even is.

  • What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far
  • I’d like to see people making 50k and under pay 0 in tax, but still get tax breaks in the form of refunds, and have those who make 400k+ and businesses make up the entirety of the lack. (Assuming we can’t do UBI for whatever conservative bullshit reason)

    It’s much easier to do that way than the way we are doing it now with taking from people who have next to nothing to spare..

  • What We Know About Kamala Harris’s $5 Trillion Tax Plan So Far
  • You, umm.. might wanna think about not talking while us vast-majority-of-the-working-class are discussing how we are going to eat the rich.. just a thought. I know people in your tax bracket, and they are all wildly out of touch with society, just like you appear to be. The most I can make in my area, degreed and with skills and all, is 40k, literally 10x lower than what you make. And you have the absolute audacity to complain.

    So.. like… Nobody cares about your “struggle”. At all. Literally nobody ever. You are part of the problem as far as most people are concerned. And you probably actually are part of the problem to be whining like this, anyway.

  • It's said an election is like picking a neighborhood to live in for 4-8 years
  • I’m too old to know what kids are doing most of the time, tbh, but the kids on my street spend most of their time outside, tons of kids walk to and from school, it’s just a pleasant, generally low-key area. It helps that half my local area is dead ends due to the train tracks a couple blocks away in any direction, so not a lot of street traffic, emboldening kids to play outside.

    The majority of people of whom I am aware on my street are really nice and neighborly, or at least leave me alone, but it’s a rural-ish area and there are people who think laws don’t apply to them and their dogs.. those people suck. The rest tho.. my neighbor mowed my lawn for a year for me when I was sort of not capable myself, because he saw I had a company coming out and wanted to save me money, so now we sort of share the part of our lots that meet; because he mows it and I don’t have to think about it, I let him use it to store shit outside of his fence, even tho it’s mostly my property that I’m not using anyway. The old dude who used to mow in his tightie-whities gave me half a garden bed of lettuce because it overgrew. Just came up to my door one day with a bowl of dirty salad and said “here, it’s butter crisp. If you want more I have more.” And left. The neighbor directly across the street (where the black fam is moving in) often got my mail and brought it back, and so on. We all just exist here, sure, but it’s a pleasant area. Not like the communities of old, but.. as good as ones likely to get these days.

    My new business neighbor is even taking my advice to be a better neighbor. It’s a warehouse nobody ever really used, and he doesn’t plan to use it that often either, so he’s going to change the building lights from omnidirectional eyesores into unidirectional, illuminating his property and the sidewalk around it but not my walls or the windows of houses across the street.

    But I grew up in an area where we didn’t lock doors, the postman, whomever it was, came into the house to deliver packages (technically a porch but not really… we also lived directly next to the post office so I’m sure my parents knew them well enough), I knew all the cops, and they lived in town (knew them due to my neighbor being a drug house, using said post office parking lot for house parties while on probation) and the mayor was my moms bff (best gay friend -he thought that acronym was stupendous!) I helped him with his campaign by printing t-shirts in my highschool photography lab back in like 2003 (which had a screen printer). So super small town vibe. This is close but not really the same.

  • Kamala Harris’ welcome housing boost is overdue
  • We also need smaller houses damnit! Or more duplexes of reasonable size. We need more 2-4 family properties.

    Not tiny houses, not 300sqft nonsense buildings that cost more to have as standalone units..

    We need more 1-2 bedroom starter options, and fewer of the 4-6 bedroom micromansions that everyone builds because it’s more worth the money from a development side. Nobody can afford those things as first time buyers.

    And while we are at it, we need more apartments that can be purchased like condos or houses. Rent is all well and good for short term, but people should have long term ownership options even in big cities if they will be there for a while. It’s absurd your choices are basically rent and be at the whim of your landlord, or buy a standalone.

  • How avoid microplasics?
  • There’s next to none in all water, when measured by volume.

    But things concentrate, so the 0.00005% adds up over time.

  • How avoid microplasics?
  • Considering it’s also in the water, probably not, no.

  • It's said an election is like picking a neighborhood to live in for 4-8 years
  • lol I would pay actual money to see trump live on my street for one year.

    For one thing, houses here were selling for 20-80k 10 years ago, so people without much money live here. (My neighbor bought his place for 25k in 2018, it needed a lot of work, sure, but all the same. Mine was 60 as a foreclosure in 2013 - 40k+ is a good yearly salary here..

    The renovated laundromat kiddie-corner to me is rented out by four black/hispanic families, and the kids are always playing in the street on bikes, boards, and scooters, the other end of the block is an unknown number of Hmong sharing a house (they have 6 vehicles between them, and I’m pretty sure they converted the garage to living space), there’s a 30-some-yo with downs that rides his trike around the block 6 times a day every day, talking to everyone very loudly, and the house across from me just sold to a big black family.

    That’s just what I know about; I keep to myself. There are 8 additional buildings with unknown entities. He’d hate it. I’d love it.

  • Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions | CNN

    French company Airseas has developed the Seawing, a kite to help propel cargo ships, which it says could cut their carbon emissions by an average of 20%.

    Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions | CNN

    I checked for posts about this and didn’t see any. Hopefully the cross post works properly.

    Archive links:

    'Maritime Travel' collage by Sarah Eisenlohr

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Since yesterdays Sarah Eisenlohr post was popular here's another.... > > > > I also found an article which is an interesting read > > > > '.....Since I’m very methodical before I paste everything together, some pieces can take take a year to complete, while others fall into place in a couple of minutes....' > > > > Her website and online shop for prints

    Show User Instance on Comments

    I went digging through settings (always do) and couldn’t find an option to show the instance of commenters.

    It’s very helpful to me to have that information. The app I was using, memmy, had it, and I really like the context it provides for users of niche instances, but memmy doesn’t support direct messages and doesn’t handle images well, so it was time for a change. (Of literally all available iOS apps and the couple PWAs I tested, Thunder seems to handle hexbear/other inline images best at the moment - well done!)

    Is there a way to enable that? If not, I’d like to request it 😁

    Contact management

    I am looking for a contact manager to replace a google account or iCloud account.

    I am currently on iOS (and actively dislike it after being on android since forever) and looking to increase my privacy by cutting ties with my google accounts.

    A Google account presently manages my contacts, and I do not want iOS to take over this job, I’d rather manage them myself.

    I tried searching for FOSS contact managers but all I found was client relation software which isn’t what I want at all…. I don’t think.. I just want my phone numbers and names saved for easy personal use.

    Is there anything good for managing a personal phone book?

    Consider Supporting Default Vote Breakdown

    I was using memmy because it used the default option for voting breakdown to show up and downvotes separately.

    I would like to see all apps add a toggle for those of us who want a granular breakdown on voting (the same suggestion has been made to memmy and will be made to any others I try which don’t have it, and I’m on android as well!), for our mental health or for whatever other reason (for me the total vote count up/down is a mental health feature, and why I’m drawn to the fediverse. I want to know my overall reach and how many agreed, disagreed, and, inadvertently, the vote to reply ratio (which tells you a lot about how strongly someone feels about their agreement or dissent). I don’t want that hidden behind an aggregate number when it exists there as data already that need to be suppressed.

    I have downloaded and installed your app and have found it does not have this, so I would like to request it. It can be a toggle for those who want to know aggregate data, but it is my opinion that the default splitting of votes into up and down counts should be preserved as the default for apps as well, largely for the reasons above but also to give Lemmy a different feel from Reddit/other SM. We want this place to be different, and our UX choices matter in how that ends up working. If we want to maintain a more collaborative environment, the detailed counts do matter.

    Consider Supporting Default Vote Breakdown

    I was using memmy because it used the default option for voting to show both up and downvotes separately.

    I would like to see all apps add a toggle for those of us who want a granular breakdown on voting (the same suggestion has been made to memmy and will be made to any others I try which don’t have it, and I’m on android as well!), for our mental health or for whatever other reason (for me the total vote count up/down is a mental health feature, and why I’m drawn to the fediverse. I want to know my overall reach and how many agreed, disagreed, and, inadvertently, the vote to reply ratio (which tells you a lot about how strongly someone feels about their agreement or dissent). I don’t want that hidden behind an aggregate number when it exists there as data already that need to be suppressed.

    I have downloaded and installed your app and have found it does not have this, so I would like to request it. It can be a toggle for those who want to know aggregate data, but it is my opinion that the default splitting of votes into up and down counts should be preserved as the default for apps as well, largely for the reasons above but also to give Lemmy a different feel from Reddit/other SM. We want this place to be different, and our UX choices matter in how that ends up working. If we want to maintain a more collaborative environment, the detailed counts do matter.

    Plug-in for requests

    I am looking for a plug-in for media requests from users.

    My users suck, and won’t tell me if I’m missing stuff they want, or my copies are bad (with a few very helpful exceptions) so I’m looking for some sort of integration that like tells me what they are looking for, or makes it easy for them to ping me a suggestion to add/fix. I don’t watch most of my library, so this is a big concern.

    Most of my users don’t know my number or email because they are my partner’s friends and I don’t use the email address my server is tied to, for security (nor are messages usually passed to me on the rare occasion they are sent to him). So “have them text you” isn’t really a good option, and it’s enough of a struggle to get them to use it in the first place that adding another standalone app isn’t going to do it either.

    Preferably I would like something my end users don’t have to do anything to access, maybe a few button presses in their search interface? Like “search returns no results, request this content” as a button maybe?

    Does anything like that exist?

    Meet Tiabeanie! Curiosity knocked out the kitten!

    She’s one of a pair, but easier to photograph 😻

    ApathyTree Apathy Tree

    I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

    Username does not check out.

    Posts 8
    Comments 1K