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Anarchy Easter Eggs
  • Ok, I guess this is a matter of opinion, but 'cops going around asking people about some purple rocks' just doesn't pass the sniff test for me

  • Anarchy Easter Eggs
  • Surely the point is that the OP couldn't possibly have known what the authority thought about their painted stones, unless:

    1. they had a personal contact, which is quite the omission


    1. the authorities were putting up posters around town, interviewing door-to-door etc
  • Jacobin - It's all Trots right?
  • Ime they're often profoundly ignorant on anything outside the US, but I hear there's now a Lat Am franchise that is much better

  • Locked
    TIL that at age 17, in 1980, Jodie Foster already had a decent handle on why some in the US are so thick about the situation in Palestine
  • The thing is when you're the global hegemon there's no such thing as 'far away'

  • How to quit VIM?
  • The thing is, it's fun

  • Why are Democrats doing *waves hands* this against us?
  • In the case of UK Labour, they got fewer votes in absolute terms this time than under Corbyn, and only marginally improved on his vote share in 2019's wipeout— what really got them into power was Conservative discipline collapsing as soon as Corbynism was dead and there was no longer any threat to the political consensus, combined with the quirks of a constituency-based fptp electoral system. Veering right is a 'vote winner' for a nominally left/centre party only in that it buys you the right to participate in the first place.

  • Why are Democrats doing *waves hands* this against us?
  • We've seen a similar phenomenon with UK Labour recently, and I think it's down to a complex of all of the above, multiplied by the fact that these people really are just incredibly right wing ghouls who believe that the silent majority are on their side 🤷

  • Protest Marshals block wreckers from getting people arrested
  • Even in genuinely revolutionary situations where violent overthrow is an immediate goal, discipline is absolutely key.

  • most British response to a description of a bahn mi
  • It's the overcompensation. No indigenous cuisine is ever as tortured as that.

  • most British response to a description of a bahn mi
  • The irony is that OPs sandwich is legit the whitest thing I have ever seen

  • The Lesser Evil
  • This whole debate is so warped tbh. No-one ever says that voting for a candidate/party who would have won anyway is "throwing your vote away" but it does exactly as much good as not voting at all. Similarly, if you wake up the day after the election, and the Bad Dude won, well, your vote wouldn't have changed anything anyway.

    You can register your dissent by voting third party. It's not much, but that's all you're allowed to do.

  • The Lesser Evil
  • This is a good argument for voting third party

  • Adding storage - Best options? (External USB drives, automatic decryption, media, etc.)
  • +1 for borg + hetzner storage box, though externals do give pretty good value for some uses. I have all my movies/tv on a 6tb external and it would have cost so much more to do it any other way

  • Seafood (lightly) boil(-ed only using water, not even salt)
  • I swear I saw someone do it with spaghetti bolognese too. As if Gladio wasn't bad enough smdh

  • Do right wingers buy more books?
  • I can't really furnish you with a link, though I saw some pretty convincing breakdowns back when I was on Twitter. Long story short, nobody is actually buying e.g. James Ball's books — they don't even print nearly enough to cover what the author is paid. It's similar to the columnist grift, which is definitely a thing in the US too

  • Do right wingers buy more books?
  • Yeah in the UK it's how they pay state assets lol

  • Andrzej Andrzej
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