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how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Thank you ❤️ it makes me sad though, because I know my friends act the way they do because they have trouble controlling their anxiety. Now that I've thought about it, I don't hold it against them because that's exactly what my disorder is.

    It just sucks because I don't want to let this shit control my relationships, and I doubt they do either. They're all really funny, creative, passionate people, and they deserve safe friendships as much as I do.

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Not the best. Have some kind of recurring fungal infection that I've just been slapping with OTC cream, but it keeps popping back up in random places. Had two yeast infections this month. I don't think I'm particularly unhygienic so I don't know what's going on, but I've racked up enough medical bills and my savings are gone due to moving expenses.

    Speaking of moving... no progress. My friend who owns a van forgot they were going to help me on my day off 🙁 I think I'm getting depressed being stuck in my current place surrounded by boxes.

    I'm also lonely. I lied and told my long-distance friends that I'm taking a screen break to focus on moving, but actually I needed time away from them. I have moral scrupulosity OCD and they know it but keep doing things that aggravate it, like reading these really intense moral stances into things I say and self-flagellating for not conforming to what they think my opinion is. One of them told me outright that he bases his morals on me. (I'm a mean, paranoid dropout with no background in ethics, social sciences, or philosophy, so this is a baffling choice.)

    I know my mental health is my responsibility and it's not their fault I have OCD, but my mind tortures me when I'm around them. I feel like a cult leader. Like I'm going to break them, or lead them into trouble. On top of that, they can't stand the rituals I developed before talking to them. So in this case I think taking responsibility for my mental health actually means fucking off. I'm focusing on befriending my coworkers and keeping it extremely casual. I never want anyone to be that invested in me again.

    I hope next week I can post about how I'm happy in a new place and my coworkers liked getting sushi.

  • Am I the only one preferring low quality media over high quality one?
  • I feel ya. I very rarely replace my devices and the internet speeds suck where I live anyway, so 720p is my go-to.

    In my brain 720 is standard and 1080 is fancy, until I watch something at a friend's house and sometimes it looks so good it's unsettling

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Yeah, that's something I've been thinking about myself. I think I have trouble holding it in because I really strongly believe in emotionally supporting the people I care about, but I get resentful if I keep letting people lean on me while feeling like I couldn't ask for the same thing.

    I'm trying to make more casual friendships to remove that inequality. People I can just hang out with, but without that emotional expectation that always seems to fall on one person.

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Thank you, this is really kind. Logically, I know it's true that demeaning and comparing other people's experiences is wrong, but I encounter it so much it's hard to really believe it.

    I think ranking the impact people have had in my life is probably a good idea, but it'd take me some time to figure out how to quantify that.

  • Deleted
    What you do when you have TOO MUCH free time?
  • I like hiking! I personally stick to easy/intermediate trails because I'm just there to enjoy the foliage and the animals, but it's a nice use of extra time and energy.

    Been trying to find a group to explore some of the riskier trails with because I know I'm missing some beautiful views, but yknow... scheduling

  • how's your week going, Beehaw
  • Tbh it's mainly one friend, it just took me way too long to realize that it wasn't normal to be talked to that way because everyone else treats it as normal. They used to swoop in to comfort him before I talked to them about it.

    It's just hard to pull back because we've been so enmeshed for almost a decade now 🙁

  • YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes
  • This sucks for so many. People use timestamps for content warnings or to help viewers avoid spoilers. Commenters use timestamps when talking about the content of the video. It's insane to change this once it's so ingrained in how people use the website.

  • Why do you choose to continue living?
  • My niece is starting to get old enough that, even if I leave a note asking them to tell her I was in an accident, I think she'd catch on. We're not super close but I'm not sure what it does to a kid's psych to learn people in their family can do that. I have VERY strong feelings about people who refuse to protect children, so unfortunately I'm here for a while.

  • If you were offered knowledge of exactly when and how you'll die, would you take it? Why or why not?
  • Yeah. I come from a family of hoarders, and I'm a little cluttery myself. I always worry that I'll die unexpectedly and they'll be unable to part with god knows what random shit they find in my apartment. If I knew when I was gonna die, I'd schedule someone to come help me trash my belongings the day before. I'd set aside the actually nice stuff for them, but no one needs to convince themselves that a broken USB drive I used to keep porn on or a torn up canvas is super sentimental and they need to hold onto it forever.

  • Any good sapphic communities on Lemmy?

    I've only found a couple and they're dead. Pro trans communities only.

    Noticed I've been looking at women differently lately and kinda wanna check out the wlw scene.

    Third party docks

    Hey all. I was looking for a dock online and noticed a decent amount of third party ones on ebay and Amazon. Anyone tried any, or know a good brand?

    I don't see myself playing on my TV much, just when I have friends over, so I can't justify the cost of the name brand.

    Is there a nice way to tell someone they need more friends?

    I have a relative who I don't want to cut off, but it's obvious they need me more than I need them and it's exhausting. They want me to drop everything and spend time with them at a moment's notice, usually eating out which is super expensive, and they constantly have mental health crises and text me that they "need" me.

    I can say no to them, that's not the problem, but they haven't gotten the hint and are just as clingy years after years of it. It's really unhealthy for me to be their only friend when I don't feel the same way. Is there any way to encourage them to expand their social life without sounding like a dick? I have no social grace and sound like a dick a lot.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

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