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They work!
  • They work!
  • Then you're allowed

  • They work!
  • Says the guy with stoned in his name

  • What is a good hobby for a depressed person?
  • The details look great!

  • What is a good hobby for a depressed person?
  • It looks great! It has so many details

  • It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • And summit isn't open source either

  • It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.
  • To be fair they probably had most of the code ready, and just had to port it to Lemmy.

  • and jerboa have been sucking for me; is it server overload?
  • Make sure you check which instance you are on. Jerboa will show you by default (I think?) While other apps probably show by default . Make sure you set the instance to where you actually registered your account.

  • Which Lemmy android app is the most battery efficient?
  • Any reason why it's not FOSS?

  • how to configure lemmy to use extra volume ?
  • Pictrs supports object storage, you should look into that at your provider, it should be a lot cheaper than additional disk space

  • Jerboa v0.0.41-alpha Release
  • I don't disregard! As matter of fact I'm paying full attention to your comment! You don't tell me what to do

  • There's a new one everyday and I'm here for it.
  • I like the app a lot, but I have issues reading the font, which is the main reason I use Jerboa. Had the same issue with Voyager, but they implemented the ability to switch font styles from IOS to Android. Any chance to see a similar option in Thunder in the future?

  • My favorite plans
  • Agreed.

  • [Release][v0.1.44] Account settings & Colors
  • Comments color look great!

    If I could make one suggession, it would be to reduce the indent between comments (they get shifted to the right too far). Especially now that the colors help to discern them, it's not necessary to shift them that much.

    I love how the images get expanded when pushing on the thumbnail (I use compact view), however, I find it annoying to have to push on the thumbnail again to close them, (most of the time i have to scroll back up to reach the thumbnail). I'd rather be able to swipe them right to close them, or something easy (tapping on them?).

    Great work on the app, it's really smooth to use, thanks a lot!

  • Folder
  • ... Directory?

  • How do you deal with malicious requests to your servers?
  • Hi,

    Reading the thread I decided to give it a go, I went ahead and configured crowdsec. I have a few questions, if I may, here's the setup:

    • I have set up the basic collections/parsers (mainly nginx/linux/sshd/base-http-scenarios/http-cve)
    • I only have two services open on the firewall, https and ssh (no root login, ssh key only)
    • I have set up the firewall bouncer.

    If I understand correctly, any attack detected will result in the ip being banned via iptables rule (for a configured duration, by default 4 hours).

    • Is there any added value to run the nginx bouncer on top of that, or any other?
    • cscli hub update/upgrade will fetch new definitions for collections if I undestand correctly. Is there any need to run this regularly, scheduled with let's say a cron job, or does crowdsec do that automatically in the background?
  • How do you deal with malicious requests to your servers?
  • sometimes I grab popcorn and "tail -f /var/log/secure"

  • Android lemmians
  • Didn't have any crashes, the only small issue I have is that scrolling isn't always very smooth, although it's better with the latest release.

  • Android lemmians
  • I went to the playstore, and looked for boost. Although it's not yet released, it already lists the data that will be collected (quite a lot).

    Meanwhile jerboa states that it collects and shares no data. It has room for improvement, but it's fully functional and fits my needs for browsing Lemmy.

  • Please don't hate me I know I'm a mess
  • I counted the items, there are 10.

  • Alfi Alfi

    I'm a mouse and I do mouse things. I like cheese.

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