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I just discovered my wife's secret credit debit
  • I declared bankruptcy for well over $25k in CC debt in my 20's. I don't like that I did, but I'm tens of years beyond that now and better for it.

    A bucks a buck, but I wouldn't ruin my marriage over $2500.

    Communication is key, for sure.

  • Denmark recalls South Korean Samyang noodles for being too spicy - CNA
  • I've found it on Amazon periodically, but to avoid that, they show up at a local Asian supermarket sometimes.

    They're hot as fuck to me though (I'm kinda a spicy wuss though), like, painful to finish...but tasty. My friend can eat them and barely break a sweat or get flush. YMMV.

  • You're Not Imagining It: Google Search Results Are Getting Worse, Study Finds
  • I was reluctant to jump on the Kagi bandwagon, but I'm now a week in and genuinely enjoying it.

    Before, I'd have to search things across Google/Bing/AskJeeves a few times to finally arrive at an answer - I've yet to leave Kagi this last week.

    The different AI engines you can also use and the customization for styling are pretty darn good, too. I'm now using it as my dedicated search on all my android phones, my laptop, and my desktop. Time will tell if things hold up, but so far so good.

    Only con so far is that it's sometimes slow to provide results. It isn't devastating, but it's like a 5 second delay which "feels" slow, but it's whatever.

  • Is pixel 8 worth buying?
  • It's definitely not ideal, but you are right on that point since I didn't necessarily pay for all of them.

    The only annoying part is know, I want to take a long lunch away from my desk/home...I technically have to carry 3 phones "just in case".

    On the flip side, if I carry 3 phones with me and nothing too crazy happens, I can technically be away from my desk most of the day and nobody really knows...

  • Is pixel 8 worth buying?
  • S23U is personal daily use.

    Surface Duo is actually not on a line, so it's mostly a desk paper weight.

    Moto Razr+ is a work phone. iPhone 13 is a phone used for work (testing iOS apps).

    P8P is a business phone (like, my small business).

  • Is pixel 8 worth buying?
  • As a former P7P owner and a current P8P owner (as well as a Motorola Razr+, Surface Duo, S23U, and iPhone 13) - I'd definitely recommend the 8 over the 7.

    Maybe it was just me, but my 7 had heat issues, cellular radio issues, and just felt kind of sluggish versus other phones from that particular year. The P8P right now is pretty great.

  • What do ridiculously rich people (like Bill Gates etc.) ask for/get for Christmas/birthdays/etc.?
  • I'm nowhere near Bill Gates money and never will be.

    I think amongst my circle of family and friends, I probably net 3-4x more than the highest earner I know. For the most part, I can buy myself whatever gadgets or books or food or things I typically want.

    But...I don't, well, I don't always.

    In fact, oftentimes I find myself putting off buying Book A or B because I just don't feel like it's a good use of money right now.

    Sometimes I won't even buy myself new socks until all of mine have been worn down to absolute tatters. I own two pairs of jeans and one pair of shoes and they're going to go until they completely fall apart.

    Other times, I want this new game and I don't buy it because I can't really justify it for how much time I might end up having for it.

    But if anyone I know gets me any of the above or similar, I'd honestly be super happy. It removes that mental battle for me and I get something I actually want / need.

  • Broadcom CEO tells VMWare workers to 'get butt back to office' after completing a $69 billion merger of the two companies
  • Hahaha.

    1. Fuck off

    2. A 50mi commute where I am is going to be ~2 hours each way due to traffic. That's 4hrs each day of lost life which, if I had to do, I'd demand to be compensated for. At even a low 225 days a year that's 900 hours of time at tech-level per hour pay.

    3. There are no collaboration benefits. My Product Manager friend and I disagree on this greatly - but I'm still confident from an engineering standpoint that there is no material value add to in-person meetings that cannot be realized remotely with simple concessions (if anything at all).

    4. There are a significant increase in distractions, long lunches, arriving late, leaving early (to name a few) = significant decrease in productivity / output.

    5. A lot of tech places where I am that are 40-50 miles away will require me to pay for parking. Screw that.

    RTO can die. Commercial landlords can burn for all I care. I do feel bad for neighboring small businesses that are negatively impacted by the loss of foot traffic - but if my area is at all indicative, many of them just left the city and went suburban or rural and are just as successful with lower rents.

  • Car dealers say they can’t sell EVs, tell Biden to slow their rollout
  • When GM killed the Bolt, I tried to buy one at two different dealerships near me. One wanted a $10k premium over MSRP and the other wanted $8k.

    They also both had a non-negotiable "security" etching added and wheel protection whatever that I had to pay for.

    It isn't that I didn't want one, it's that your dealerships fucked it up.

    Honestly, may have settled for MSRP, but they wouldn't budge. Fuck off.

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