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  • That is a bit of a selection bias. What you are effectively saying is "the biblical names that have survived to today have staying power".

    But even that isn't true here as almost all of the names you cite are significantly different now than their original forms. Looking at your list we have Yeshua, Shemuel, Mikael, Rivka, Yohanan, Miriam, and Paulus. Adam is mostly the same, as is David (with a bit of an accent difference), but the rest didn't exactly emerge as they were.

  • OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions
  • My understanding is that it is working much better now than a few months ago. I haven't actually put it to the test yet, but it is on my list of things to try once I have time to set up my index again.

  • Done and done.
  • Separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. The closest you will get is the first amendment, which prevents Congress from establishing a religion, or preventing the free practice of one.

    I'm with you that religion should not be forced in schools, but you can't use the Constitution to prevent this particular issue.

  • Done and done.
  • The point being that isn't in the Constitution

  • "Genocide is good if an Anti-Imperialist Country(tm) is doing it!"
  • It is if you are doing it in a discussion about whether or not Russia should be allowed to enact wars of aggression...

  • Linux May Be the Best Way to Avoid the AI Nightmare
  • There is no current game I want to play that doesn't run on Linux. Valve really has done an amazing job with proton and getting games to work as well or better on Linux.

    Now, that said, I am not big into competitive multiplayer, so take that into account. Anti cheat is still a problem since most of the current ones need permissions that are not normally given on Linux.

  • Felonies, gotta catch 'em all
  • Well it was about that time I realized this judge was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the plethazoic era.

  • Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them
  • This is a bit late for a response, but it has to do with what protections are afforded by what entity. The US has very explicit treaties signed with allied nations. Canada, for instance is a five eye partner and thus has far less to worry about from the US than it does from China.

    Additionally, China has an ongoing bad track record with how it treats other nations. Commercial entities within China are far more at the whim of the state government and are required to act in alignment with the CCP instructions.

    People treat China differently because China is different. They very much are a different beast when it comes to authoritarian control of its commercial and private entries.

  • Intelligence chief warns Canadians that China can use TikTok to spy on them
  • Whataboutism doesn't suddenly make the action ok. Two countries doing something wrong doesn't suddenly excuse the act.

  • Not happening, dude
  • Having been in the military, I find it hilarious and accept that it is not a place everyone should be. The recruiter likely has a very similar realistic understanding of where the military stands with people right now.

  • Not happening, dude
  • My power comes from the two sets of solar panels and batteries on my land. It is possible to do without fossil fuels. We're not there yet for everyone, but the problems you point out are solvable, and if solar/EVs had the same amount of backing from the government over the same timeframe that gas/ICE cars have had, we would be in a very different place right now.

  • Former Microsoft developer says Windows 11's performance is "comically bad," even with monster PC
  • I am trying to think of things that are difficult for using something like Linux mint vs my last Windows install. If we are taking about doing a full, clean install of both, I think my last Windows install was way worse.

    Mint installed and just detected everything I was using without a problem. I had to tweak some minor things to get it to display on the 4K TV I am using in my living room, and there are still some games that don't play nicely with Linux.

    The Windows install, on the other hand, required me to get drivers for the video card, WIFI, and a few other things to get all the hardware to work right. Then getting it how I like it took longer than I like and I had to visit multiple sites to get all my preferred software.

  • Fantasy rednecks
  • Alright, alright, alright.

  • Scrollbars are becoming a problem
  • That doesn't explain why already established products are ditching things like plainly visible scroll bars in products like Microsoft word and other content viewers.

  • What was the first language you got interested in and why?
  • אז למדת עברית? אדיין לומד את זה?

  • looks like 2023 is finally the year!
  • Fuck around. Find out.

  • Folder
  • Computer mouse or live mouse? Yes

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • It all falls under the same blanket concept of privacy rights, but yes monetizing user data is a more accurate sub category. It doesn't truly matter what we call it as long as the discussion is being had.

  • Made some alfredo tonight...

    This... this was a low-key life changer.

    I made the recipe as it was originally done and it was pretty much the simplest, quickest thing I have ever made.

    You need noodles (I used a simple pack of the "fresh" noodles from the supermarket, it took literally 2 minutes to cook), a block of decent Parmesan cheese that you will shred about a cup of (gotta go with a block that you shred yourself, the pre-shredded doesn't work), and four tablespoons of butter. That's it.

    You boil the noodles per the package (it was 2 minutes for the ones I used), then pull them from the water and put them wet in a large bowl with the butter. Add a small amount of the water you boiled the noodles in (like 1/3rd cup or so) and then slowly add in the cheese, mixing it as you go. That's it. You can add more pasta water if you want it saucier, but mix it until the cheese and butter melts into a sauce and you are good to go.

    With the fresh noodles, it maybe takes 5 or 6 minutes and was a very tasty and filling meal. Totally worth it.

    Alatain Alatain
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