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A Look at Bluesky - An overly complicated social networking platform
  • I'm not seeing much at all of that currently. A week ago? Sure. Now it's been consolidated to a mega thread.

  • A Look at Bluesky - An overly complicated social networking platform
  • What if I told you we don't need to compete with them?

  • A Look at Bluesky - An overly complicated social networking platform
  • The biggest issue is normies are stupid. That’s basically the gist.

  • Reddit And Twitter: The New Giants Of Anti-Social Media
  • I won’t touch anything with Dorsey’s name attached. Yuck.

  • A Look at Bluesky - An overly complicated social networking platform
  • Before algorithms we all used hashtags. Hashtags were very important to Twitter in the before times. That’s how you find topics on mastodon. I have columns set with specific hashtag sets so I can quickly glance at toots about horror movies, birds, retrogaming, etc…

    You can also follow hashtags directly in your home feed just like Twitter topics.

    It’s really not a difficult thing at all, but people are so addicted to Twitter they always give a halfassed attempt at switching before throwing up their hands.

  • Twitter is down, users getting Rate limit exceeded errors
  • Just delete the account a make it on another instance? What’s the issue?

  • 🤦‍♀️ It's over, boys, the Twitanic has sunk
  • Everyone always saying “rip Twitter” but y’all never leave, so…

  • YouTube test threatens to block viewers if they continue using ad blockers | Engadget
  • Musk started it with the extreme monetizing of Twitter. Cutting off api access, charging premium subs for reach, selling verified… and he got away with it. All the brainless Twitter users are still there using his platform and bitching instead of leaving.

    Musk proved you can piss all over your userbase and they won’t leave. Now all tech companies are doing it. Meta is charging for verification. YouTube cutting adblock. Google looking to stop supporting adblock in chrome. Even Reddit CEO citing Musk as his inspiration going forward.

    LEAVE these platforms, people. The CEOs are literally laughing at your stupidity while cashing checks.

  • Wefwef for Lemmy feels exactly like Apollo.
  • Trying it now. Thunder is really good but it feels like it’s designed for Android not iOS. Very “material you” feeling.

  • Wefwef for Lemmy feels exactly like Apollo. wefwef for lemmy

    wefwef is a beautiful mobile web client for lemmy. Enjoy a seamless experience browsing the fediverse.

    I’m not sure if you’ve tried this PWA called Wefwef but it feels like a fully featured Apollo client for Lemmy already. You just go to the site and add it to your home screen. No beta to sign up for. No TestFlight link. Just add the PWA.

    It’s good. It’s really really good.

    YouTube confirms 3-strike policy for blocking ads
  • Eh. I used to be a YouTube junkie but honestly I’ve gone back to live TV, Hulu, Netflix, etc… I’m kinda over the whole YouTube thing.

  • [VERGE] Twitter has started blocking unregistered users
  • Mastodon is better anyway. I deleted Twitter ages ago when Musk took over. It's amazing how many people have stayed there despite how much he's shit all over the userbase. He makes Spez look like a saint.

  • YouTube confirms 3-strike policy for blocking ads
  • Screw YouTube and Google. They aren’t getting a dime from me.

  • Maximum PC Article from 2008
  • My mistake. The internet has programmed me to take any reply in context of lgbt to be with hostile intent. ❤️

  • Maximum PC Article from 2008
  • Sorry I’m confused at your comment there. Care to elaborate?

  • Nostalgia: The Very First Android Phone
  • It’s so beautiful 🤩

  • Maximum PC Article from 2008
  • It’s a mastodon instance. Calm down.

  • Nostalgia: The Very First Android Phone
  • Jesus H Christ do any of you read the comments? I've seen this reply like 6 times now. I edited the typo but federation and edits are like oil and water.

  • Nostalgia: The Very First Android Phone
  • Do they still function?

  • Maximum PC Article from 2008

    Nintendo Wii: Sold like gangbusters.

    64bit Processors: The computing standard.

    Battlestar Galactica: Considered one of the greatest sci-fi series of all time.

    Facebook: Continues to be the world’s leading social media platform by literally BILLIONS of users.

    High Definition: HD only got even more HD.

    iPhone: Set the standard for mobile smartphone form factor and function to this day 16 years later.

    Breaking: Supreme Court Shoots Down Affirmative Action. Supreme Court live updates: Justices restrict consideration of race in college admissions

    The decisions in cases involving Harvard and the University of North Carolina overturn 45 years of court precedent.

    Affirmative Action has now ended in the United States.

    Nostalgia: Banjo-Kazooie released 25 years ago today on Nintendo 64.

    Honestly I didn't quite believe it. I had to look it up on wikipedia to realize 1998 was that long ago. I getting old. Really old. Not even a meme old. Like real actual old.

    Nostalgia: The Very First Android Phone

    Sure, the very first iPhone released today, but does anyone remember the first Android smartphone?

    In October of 1998 HTC’s T-Mobile G1, or HTC Dream as it’s known outside the U.S would launch being the first phone with the Android OS. The G1 was priced at $179 — which was pretty affordable even in those days — and featured top-of-the-line specs including a Qualcomm MSM7201A processor, 192MB of RAM, and 256MB of internal storage (expandable up to 16GB). It also stocked a 3.15MP rear camera, and a 1,150mAh battery.

    On this day in 2007 the iPhone was released.

    For better or worse the iPhone hit the market today 16 years ago changing the world forever.

    Super Mario Quake

    boing boing

    Nostalgia: Bill Gates and DooM Windows 95

    The always wonderful Bill Gates DooM video promoting Windows 95 and DirectX.

    African_Grey African_Grey

    Your favorite nurse/citizen detective!

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