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Supreme Court Overrules Chevron Doctrine, Imperiling an Array of Federal Rules
  • Does no one else see that Clarence Thomas (who has been accused [with proof] that he took millions in "gifts") is sitting on a court that just overturned a rule the would hold him accountable to receiving those gifts?

    What the actual fuck?

  • These Are the Rules of the CNN Presidential Debate
    1. there will be 2 commercial breaks.

    A) Is this is so the old folks can have a potty break? B) How capitalist have we become that we commercialize the presidential debate openly? I wonder if these will be SuperBowl-level ads.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • I am changing my diet, but I am not fully "there" yet.

    I have gotten a lot of traction by merely saying "today is not a meat day for me" when I order some things.

    It's way easier to eat at a veg-forward restaurant, but those aren't always available, and often the food is expensive.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • I have never heard of a beekeeper gassing a hive with cyanide instead of "spending money" overwintering them (as stated in the fastcompany article). There is no cost to overwintering bees. You just wrap the hive in what equates to a blanket during the coldest parts of the year. The bees do a great job of keeping themselves warm.

    Plus, why would a beek "gas" the hives when they could simply take the covers off and let the bees freeze to death? I presume cyanide is expensive. That entire argument is counter to itself.

    Once again, I am NOT a commercial beek, but that seems unnecessarily complicated.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • Edit: it looks like both articles really focus on commercial beekeeping. I don't know where I will land on this. The honey I get is not food for the bees during the winter. Bees overproduce honey if the conditions are right. I only harvest honey that contains no brood (baby bees) and is separated from the laying queen. The food for the hive stays near the brood core, which is where bees stay during the winter.

    I haven't lost a hive yet during the overwintering process. I also have not substituted with any sugar feed. The only thing that I have supplied the bees is a 100% pollen "patty" from local pollen and water during the hottest part of the year.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • I have been a beekeeper for years. I agree that the bees are NOT in their natural habitat. However, I keep a significantly better control of the environment than the bees do in this habitat. It is better for the surrounding area, and I have talked my neighbors out of pesticide use because my bees will help pollinate their gardens and trees.

    One extra note from the ko-fi article: I have never, ever heard of the practice of trimming queen wings. That is vicious, and I would never do that. Let the bees be bees. If they leave, I wasn't doing a good enough job of supporting them. I am not a commercial beekeeper, though. Merely someone who likes being around them all year.

  • GOG Summer Sale has arrived
  • On all non-steam games added to my library, I always do a quick internet search for "+ steam deck control" to help with the layout. It's not perfect, but I find a lot of useful info for starters.

    The cool thing about the Deck is that you can push the Steam key and update those controller settings on the fly.

  • GOG Summer Sale has arrived
  • I play all my GOG games on the Steam Deck. It takes only a very small amount of tweaking. Additionally, I add them as "non-steam games" in the library, update the artwork and icon, and have a very clean interface.

    I play Minecraft on the Deck the same way.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • I am currently working to make better decisions on what I eat and what products i consume. I've already switched over to chemicals and clothing that don't test on animals or contain animal products. I've made changes to the diet, and I have taken "Meatless Mondays" out to only having meat once per month. I still eat eggs (I raise my own chickens), and I still eat honey (beekeeper). I haven't had cows milk in years, but I really struggle with cheese. I'm getting there.

    You're right: it is a struggle. Your body gets used to what it knows. And if I can say it this way: I don't think most carnists consume animal products specifically for the suffering of other animals. They do so because the food tastes the way they expect, the clothes feel the way they expect, and the products work the way they expect. I just don't think that they think about it.

  • We can't even talk in this community dedicated to vegans without someone coming along and meatsplaining.
  • which means it often comes along with judgemental opinions about carnists

    I would disagree with this portion of your post if it said most or all vegans. I have found most vegans are making a personal decision without passing judgement on others.

    Even so, there absolutely are militant vegans who want to shame others, and those vocal minority give the rest a bad name.

    Source: Spouse is vegan. I am supportive, slowly changing my diet. Blood tests show really positive results. I still don't understand honey.

  • A new blacksmithing community Blacksmithing Community -

    This is the initial creation of the Blacksmithing community in the Lemmy environment.

    Please check out the Blacksmithing Community of you enjoy the function, skill, and artistry of blacksmithing.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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