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What makes thumbnails show up in f.e. Jerboa?
  • I read some github issue how instances would store the full size images when creating the thumbnails, which kinda goes again the wish of to not upload images to the instance (and this would somehow be an issue for some third party apps like jerboa, i am not tech savvy enough to really understand).

    So i wonder why some thumbnails are apparently created and some are not.

  • What makes thumbnails show up in f.e. Jerboa?

    I was using imgur now to upload pictures, but for none of my posts it shows a thumbnail for me in jerboa. It does at least for some of those using, so i assume this may be something specific? Thumbnails seem to be shown for images hosted on or other instances. I just don't get what the difference is.

    What is it that would make thumbnails show up?

    European beer brands based on worldwide popularity (not local, as you can probably instantly guess by looking at your country)
  • I would have guessed tyskie, that sure must be the most popular polish beer in germany.

  • European beer brands based on worldwide popularity (not local, as you can probably instantly guess by looking at your country)
  • Gösser radler sales at least in germany must be huge. Probably counts towards beer. I like it too, gösser radler.

  • Street Gangs of Malaga
  • Yeah, when i saw that flamboyant hoopoe i was immediately thinking of you all, haha.

    I also really enjoy the birds i know in different setting, like the beach blackbird or hearing the mountain wood pigeon (no 'd') coo.

  • Street Gangs of Malaga
  • I should have known, i looked that up before. Somehow i just want to write it with a 'd'. Thank you, i think this will push me now to never do it again :)

  • Street Gangs of Malaga

    I am currently on holidays in spain and there were a lot of parakeets around, also tons of collared doves who i'd guess outnumber the feral pidgeons there. Pretty cool

    Today while cycling i saw a flamboyant hoopoe, which i recognized because i saw it on here. I was hyped. This is my first time somewhat far away from home since i started watching birds and it's amazing to see what's going on here. The birds are going off!

    View this morning (Spain)
  • I don't know if there will be much route overlap, but yeah, at least some general spain cycling stuff i guess. There's a ferry to bilbao from the uk, right? At least to santander i think. Such a great option to get there.

  • View this morning (Spain)
  • Haha, yeah i guess:

    cycling weather

    But in the night i had to wear leggings, socks and long sleeve to be comfortable. Wind is quite cold. Sun is a tad bit stronger than what came through the clouds in germany though.

  • View this morning (Spain)

    First night of camping in southern spain. Was a deserted camp site in the mountains. Cold wind, zero condensation.

    People who rarely get sick, what are your secrets?
  • Sleep enough and not eat shit food for days in a row. If i get sick i have usually disregarded some of this.

  • Seeking feedback on lemmy-ui-next! (Milestone 2 is nearing completion!)
  • Lightmode would be cool, also since i am using an ultra wide monitor, i would mouch prefer for it to not use the whole width, but more like the standard lemmy ui.

    But i think it is all in all very nice!

  • Feeder for small birds
  • Haha, yeah i love it too. It took a while until other birds than blue tits started using it, i think they were a bit confused by the diagonal sticks. But they came around in the end and it's awesome to see them hopping around on it.

    I also have made another feeder, also for small birds although there are some goofy bigger birds who acrobatic enough to get some snacks:


    Bit more of a readymade though.

  • Wuppertal, Germany in 1902

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but i really like how calm the street scenes are without cars. There's also a 1902 / now comparison video which is kind of depressing, i thought i'd rather post something nice :)

    Feeder for small birds
  • Oh wow, thank you, i did not know that song.

  • Feeder for small birds

    Made from sticks, wire and a plastic lid from a box of liquorice.

    EU institutions commit to boost cycling across Europe
  • I think people are more up in arms here (germany) about the necessary space to be taken away from cars than about money. No way around it though, since pretty much all urban space is occupied by cars.

    I would really like my city to drastically reduce street parking, i think it is really the way to push cars out of the city. Most of my neighbours would sooo hate it though, since it's 'not enough space' for parking as is, even though the streets are completely littered with cars.

    Btw, I am replying from my second account, somehow this whole post does not seem to have federated with (it did federate now)

  • AchtungDrempels AchtungDrempels
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