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Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • I'm 19 if that works for you, just following wherever people go.

  • Why is so hard to human-ate?

    why is so hard to act human? why isn't obvious what you should say or do to be accepted?? :(

    Introductions! Introduce yourself, your OC, your pet, or whatever!
  • hello! first year engineering student from chile!

    on the spectrum and really love SciFi 🖖

  • Why do you personally prefer using an Android phone?
  • I dislike Apple alot, stupidly Expensive, more than they devices worth, very restrictive on what you can do with them (treat their customers as kids) and their monopoly.

    There is also a wide variety of Android phones with different price ranges, and features (like my beloved headphone jacks), wider customisation and a somewhat better repaiability sometimes.

    things I dislike about Apple + things I like about android = preference.

  • Why do you personally prefer using an Android phone?
  • I dislike Apple alot, stupidly Expensive, more than they devices worth, very restrictive on what you can do with them (treat their customers as kids) and their monopoly.

    There is also a wide variety of Android phones with different price ranges, and features (like my beloved headphone jacks), wider customisation and a somewhat better repaiability sometimes.

  • A_Chilean_Cyborg A Chilean Cyborg


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