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Ready to go get ourselves a piece of the action, Boss.
  • Anthill Mob from Wacky Races.

  • Beyond Good & Evil remaster arrives next week with "improved graphics", new in-game content, and more
  • Beyond Good and Evil 2 was announced in 2008 and now they're doing a "remaster" of the first one? Not having high confidence in what they're delivering tbh.

  • Know him? He was delicious!
  • Not this one. It's known that the owner of the rights of the original film is adamant about taking down the copies from the Internet

  • Know him? He was delicious!
  • The Final Sacrifice. Arguably one of the best produced by mst3k.

  • Know him? He was delicious!
  • Does anyone know where I can watch this one? It's impossible to find on the Internet today :(

  • If you see Remy, with an illegal smile...
  • It looks like they're just trying to have some fun. Well done!

  • Starship Troopers
  • Just another piece of evidence that David Bowie was way ahead of his time.

  • TIL that quadruple A batteries exist
  • Is this what Ubisoft is using to power their development??

  • What names are you all rocking?
  • Rocking the "Stallion of Audacity"

  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Props for using OG Ganon from the animated series

  • I think they'll be fine
  • I think there was a missed opportunity here to represent their fight with sticks as the blocking of ads.

  • Song of the Day: War Pigs / Luke's Wall by Black Sabbath
  • Found this album at a 3rd hand shop for $2. It was a wild find for me. So good!

  • I'm calling the police
  • I had no idea it was called Béchamel, lol. I always referred to it all as roux as you really just add more to the base sauce. The more you know...

  • Rule
  • I'm a little more distracted by how thick they drew her thighs in the 3rd frame 👀

  • Fossil is quitting smartwatches
  • Loved owning Fossil watches growing up and when I discovered that they came out with smartwatch, I decided that I should try the Carlyle the had. Unfortunately, the charging connection stopped working after a year and then the watch itself got kinda bugged. Turned me off from owning a smartwatch all together tbh.

  • This console generation seems skippable
  • My partner and I got a PS5 when they became available and only played a couple of games on it. It mostly collects dust now. I'd attribute a lot to PlayStation's games becoming more available on PC.

  • [Feature Request] External link validation

    As an option, when I select a link in the app, I would like a popup that will show the link address in full and to confirm my choice to visit the site.
